铁通全国各地电信及网通,铁通,联通dns服务器地址(Telecom and CNC, CTT, Unicom DNS server address)

电信dns地址  时间:2021-02-27  阅读:()

全国各地电信及网通,铁通,联通dns服务器地址Telecom and CNC,

CTT, Unicom DNS server address

The country Telecom and Netcom, Railcom, China Unicom DNSserver address in 2007 03 on Thursday 08 June 11 :45 reminder:if you to the DNS server is not satisfied, then you can pressbelow to find out where the recommended DNS.

Methods are as follows:

1. Right "online lead", choose "attribute"". Double click thelocal connection and click the property button. Double clickthe "Internet Protocol" (TCP/IP) , the settings changed to:"automatically get the IP address" and "automatically get theDNS server address. ""

2. Open the"start"menu, select "run", enter the command"CMD",click "OK" button, enter the DOS black and white window. Underthe DOS window, enter the following command: ipconf ig /all.In this information, IP address is your local IP address. DNSSevers: this line will have two IP addresses, which is thecurrent DNS server recommended by your site. Write down, andthen you can set your IP address and DNS server address in thefirst step.

National DNS server address list:

Beijing 035 202. 106. 196. 115

Tianjin 035

Guangxi 035 202. 103.224.68

202. 103.225.68

Nanning 035 202. 103.224.68

The 035 main 202. 103.224.68 in Wuzhou

Preparing 202. 103.229.40

Yulin 035 202. 103.224.68

Liuzhou 035 202. 103.225.68 (main use)

202. 103.224.68 (spare)

835 202. 102. 14. 141 HRH, Jiangsu, Suzhou

Wuxi, Jiangsu, 0100 DNS:202. 102.2. 141 (dns.wx. js.cn)

835 202. 102.3. 141202. 102. 3. 144202. 102. 15. 162, Jiangsu,Changzhou

The 035 main 202. 103.44.5 in Xiangfan

Auxiliary 202. 103.0. 117 xfhaoym

Yunnan 035 61. 166. 150. 101

Puer 035 61. 166. 150. 101

61. 166. 15. 170

Lanzhou 032

Xi'an 835

Changchun 835

Jilin 0



202.98. 5.68 WWWXin

Harbin 835

Wuhan 032 202. 103.24.68

032 61. 128.99. 133, Xinjiang, Urumqi

61. 128.99. 134

Shunde 8



202.96. 128.68

202.96. 128.68

Guangzhou 8


32 main 202.96. 128.68

Auxiliary 202.96. 128. 110

Huadu, Conghua 835 main 202.96. 128.68 202.96. 128. 110Baiyun District and Haizhuqu District 035 61. 144.56. 101

202.96. 128.68

Zhongshan 835 202.96. 128.68

Shenzhen 835 202.96. 134. 133

202.96. 128.68


835 61. 144.56. 100

Gaoming District, Foshan, 0100 202.96. 128.68

Yanbu, Nanhai City, suppressing 0100 main 202.96. 128.68.

202.96. 134. 133

Heyuan 881 202.96. 128. 143

202.96. 128.43

Huidong 0100

Dongguan 8



100202. 96. 128. Sixty-eight

Conghua 835 202.96. 128.68

Zhanjiang 0

E i gh t




100 202.96. 128.68

202.96. 128. 143

202.96. 128.68


835 202.96. 128.68

202.96. 135. 133

South China Sea 0100 202.96. 128.68

202.96. 134. 133

Jiangmen 0100 202.96. 128.68

Shanwei 035

Zhuhai 835

Doumen 0100

881 DNS1:202.96. 128. 143 in Shantou areaDMS2:202.96. 128.68

Shantou 035

Dongguan 0100


835 202. 103. 176. 22

Huizhou 0100 202.96. 128. 143Zhao Qing

881 master DNS:61. 140. 7.67Auxiliary DNS:202.96. 134. 133Master DNS:202.96. 128.68Auxiliary DNS:202.96. 128. 143Foshan 835 202.96. 128.68Huizhou 0100 wy. chen

Fuqing 0200 wy.chen

Jieyang 881 wy.chen

Qingyuan 881202.

Master DNS:202.96. 128.68Auxiliary DNS:202.96. 128. 143Foshan 835 202.96. 128.68

Huizhou 0100

Fuqing 0200

Jieyang 881

Qinhuangdao 035 masters: 202.99. 160.68

Preparation: 202.99. 166.4

881 masters of Zhejiang, Quzhou: 202. 101. 172. 37Preparation: 202.96. 104. 18

Hangzhou 835 202. 101. 172. 35

202.96. 104. 18

Liaoning 035

Fushun Tietong 832 210.52. 149.2

211.98. 2.4

Gateway: 10.0. 1. 254 (f ixed IP)

881 202. 102.224.68, Henan, Anyang

202. 102.227.68

Puyang 035 202. 102. 224.68

202. 102.227.68

Zhumadian 035 202. 102.224.68

Henan Tietong 035 211.98. 192.3

202. 102.224.68

Zaozhuang 881, Shandong, China

Chongqing 035

Hunan 035

Loudi 881 202. 103.88.3

202. 103. 100. 100

035 202.98. 198. 168, Guizhou, LiupanshuiFujian 0200 202. 101.98.55

202. 101.98.54

Nanping 035 202. 101. 115.55

Xiamen 835

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