E-mail is a trafer way of electronic informationamong letter
电子邮件是介于书信、电话和传真之间的电子信息传送方式它也是互联网上最基本的功能之1。随着互联网的进1步发展 电子邮件已经成为人们联系沟通的重要手段。技术的革新使得电子邮件系统已经演变成1个相当复杂且功能更为丰富的系统可以传送声音、 图片、图象、文档等多媒体信息 以至于数据库或帐目报告等更加专业化的文件都可以以电子邮件的形式在网上分发。随着信息技术的发展以及电子邮件系统功能的日益强大其应用领域已得到较大的拓展。基于Web的电子邮件系统应用是这些年发展起来的 网络的普及使得它得以广泛的应用。采用开放的Web邮件服务不仅为用户省去了维护与升级客户端软件的麻烦而且也能够充分发挥系统软硬件资源的作用。 Web
邮件服务器主要实现邮件的发送和接收以及对邮件和用户的管理。该系统的功能分为3个模块 1通信模块用来实现邮件在网络中的发送和接收 2用户模块用于后台管理邮件服务器中的邮件和邮箱可以删除、添加邮件和删除、添加邮箱 3系统模块用来记录邮件服务器运行时的状态。
关键字 电子邮件 B C#.NET邮件服务器
E-mail is a trafer way of electronic information amongletter telephone and fax. It is also one of the most basicfunctio on Internet. With the further development of
Internet the e-mail has become the important mea ofpeople’ s connection and communication. The evolution of e-mail system has become very complicated and abundant by theinnovation of technology can convey multimediainformation such as sound image picture file etc. More specialized files such as the data base or the accountreports etc. can all be distributed on the net in the formof E-mail. The e-mail system function is strong day by daywith the development of information technology; its
application has already got greater expaion. This paper issubject to how to build up email system on base browser toserve of application pattern and study the relevanttechnology. The application pattern on the Web has developedthese yea. Popularization of Internet makes it apply broadly.Adopting open Web mail service user not only have savedtrouble of italling software but also can fully give playto the role of resource of the software and hardware ofsystem. Another advantage of Web mail service is to allowuse even hold use of mobile devices can visit system andtrafer information everywhere any time.
The main functio of the Mail Server are the realization ofmail sending and receiving and the management of mail and use.The functio of the system can be divided into 3 modules: (1)The connection module which is used to realize the sendingand receiving of mail in network. (2) The user module whichcan be used to delete add mail or mailbox then realizethe management of mail and mailbox in the backstage of mailserver. (3) The system module which is used to record thecondition of the mail server when it is running。
Keywords: electronic-mail ; B; C#.NET; Mail Server