
directspace  时间:2020-11-17  阅读:()


Recently, people e eager to return back to the nature, began to pay more attention to the pursuit and enjoyment of the green environment around them to bring fort and peace. We know the true meaning of ecological green space for people to actually create a natural and warm sense of space. The people and the environment of urban green space is the most direct space, is independent of the noise outside the city, to relax municate with people and places, so people can feel a sense of belonging, a sense of security fort, truly show urban work and life better carrier. The design pleted for the hospital for this particular public place to transform the surrounding landscape. Designed to position it outside the hospital environment requirements, both to meet specific functional requirements of the hospital environment, landscape, fully meet the patient needs of the surrounding environment of the hospital, allowed to give full play to the significance of the outdoor landscape with the human design, a fixed population of hospital and surrounding fort. Ourdesign concept is that people began to make full use of green landscape around the importance of public facilities, hospitals around the landscape of this massive transformation of the landscape to meet the anization, project settings on the full ount of the surrounding environment, and the hospital the existing functions, the project facilities to "dislocation development", plementary development"-oriented design.

Lead 是什么意思

Lead [li:d] n. 铅,领引,榜样 v. 引导,带领,以铅接合 词形变化: 动词过去式:led 过去分词:led 现在分词:leading 第三人称单数:leads 例句与用法: This misprint led to great confusion. 这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。 The police are investigating an important new lead. 警方正在调查一条重要的新线索。 Our scientists are leading the way in space research. 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位。 What led you to believe I was ill? 什么使你相信我病了? The guide led us to the river. 向导带领我们到河边。 英英解释: 名词 lead: a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey 同义词:Pb, atomic number 82 an advantage held by petitor in a race evidence pointing to a possible solution 同义词:track, trail a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead') the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile) the introductory section of a story 同义词:lead-in, lede (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning an actor who plays a principal role 同义词:star, principal (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base an indication of potential opportunity 同义词:tip, steer, confidential information, wind, hint a news story of major importance 同义词:lead story the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an bustion engine 同义词:spark advance restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal 同义词:leash, tether thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing 同义词:leading mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil 同义词:pencil lead a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire 同义词:jumper cable, jumper lead, booster cable the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge 动词 lead: take somebody somewhere 同义词:take, direct, conduct, guide have as a result or residue 同义词:leave, result tend to or result in travel in front of; go in advance of others 同义词:head cause to undertake a certain action stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point 同义词:run, go, pass, extend be in charge of 同义词:head be ahead of others; be the first 同义词 be conducive to 同义词:contribute, conduce lead, as in the performance of position 同义词:conduct, direct pass or spend lead, extend, or afford ess 同义词:go move ahead (of others) in time or space 同义词:precede cause something to pass or lead somewhere 同义词:run preside over 同义词:moderate, chair

directspace 2刀的VPS 有人转让吗?

便宜啊,而且好的时候,也能用。要求不高的话 还是挺爽的。而且当时抢的相当激烈~

playin 是什么意思...

playin=playing playing: n. 比赛(演奏) v. 玩(运动) 例句与用法: 1. The boys were playing with balls. 男孩子们正在玩球。 2. He hurt his knee during the football match, but this mishap didn't him from playing. 足球比赛时他伤了膝盖,可他并没有因此中途退出。 3. The town band led off by playing the national anthem. 市乐队以国歌开始他们的演奏。 4. You should loosen up (your muscles) before playing any sport. 运动之前应先放松(肌肉). 5. My little son is fond of playing practical jokes on me. 我的小儿子喜欢对我玩恶作剧。 6. I get excited whenever I hear the playing of our national anthem. 每当我听到我们国歌的演奏都很激动。 7. England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。 8. The playing area is demarcated by a white line. 运动场地以白线为界. 英英解释: 名词playing: 1. the act of playing a musical instrument 2. the action of taking part in a game or sport or other recreation 3. the performance of a part or role in a drama 同义词:acting, playacting, performing 动词play: 1. participate in games or sport 同义词:play 2. act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or e 同义词:play 3. play on an instrument 同义词:play 4. play a role or part 同义词:act, play, represent 5. be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children 同义词:play 6. replay (as a melody) 同义词:play, spiel 7. perform music on (a musical instrument) 同义词:play 8. pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind 同义词:act, play, act as 9. move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly 同义词:play 10. bet or wager (money) 同义词:play 11. engage in recreational activities rather than work; upy oneself in a diversion 同义词:play, recreate 12. pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity 同义词:play 13. emit recorded sound 同义词:play 14. perform on a certain location 同义词:play 15. put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game 同义词:play 16. engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously 同义词:play, toy 17. behave in a certain way 同义词:play 18. cause to emit recorded sounds 同义词:play, run 19. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination 同义词:toy, fiddle, diddle, play 20. use to one's advantage 同义词:play 21. consider not very seriously 同义词:dally, trifle, play 22. be received or epted or interpreted in a specific way 同义词:play 23. behave carelessly or indifferently 同义词:dally, toy, play, flirt 24. cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space 同义词:play 25. perform on a stage or theater 同义词:act, play, roleplay, playact 26. be performed 同义词:play 27. cause to happen or to ur as a consequence 同义词:bring, work, play, wreak, make for 28. discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream 同义词:play 29. make bets 同义词:play 30. stake on the e of an issue 同义词:bet, wager, play 31. shoot or hit in a particular manner 同义词:play 32. use or move 同义词:play 33. employ in a game or in a specific position 同义词:play 34. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle 同义词:meet, encounter, play, take on 35. exhaust by allowing to pull on the line 同义词:play


linux开机自动启动vncserver服务,需要先保证VNC安装无问题以及各种配置以及防火墙正常,下面是vncserver服务安装、配置以及设置自启动的步骤: 首先需要检查一下服务器是否已经安装了VNC服务,检查服务器的是否安装VNC的命令如下: rpm -qa grep vnc 使用了上面的命令我这边返回的信息是下面的(如果没有任何显示,则说明系统没有安装vnc包) tigervnc-1.1.0-5.el6.i686 tigervnc-server-1.1.0-5.el6.i686 如果没有安装vnc可以使用下面命令进行安装: yum install tigervnc tigervnc-server 接下来就是安装之后的配置问题了。 使用下面的命令编辑配置文件: vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers 使用上面命令的时候,可能您服务器上面已经存在这个配置文件,也可能您服务器上面不存在这个配置文件,将下面的内容添加到配置文件内: VNCSERVERS="1:root" VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600" 下面这段是上面所讲配置文件注解,做参考之用: #这个是配置远程桌面登录的用户名,如果两个用户,则使用VNCSERVERS="1:user1 2:user2" ,, 依次类推,默认情况下,1:user1对应5901,2:user2对应5902(VNC的默认监听端口是5900,监听端口规则为590+usernumber),如下 VNCSERVERS="usernumber:myusername" #下面这项配置为登录桌面配置,其中的“1”为用户序号,800x600为分辨率,-nolisten tcp为阻止tcp包,-localhost代表只监听本地, VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600 -nolisten tcp -localhost" 如果想阻止http包,可以使用如下配置 VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600 -nolisten tcp -nohttpd -localhost" 使用下面的命令为vnc设置密码(需要使用su 切换到要设置vnc密码的用户上,比如:su user1,其中user1就是在上面配置文件内写的帐号) vncpasswd 设置好密码之后,就是启动VNC服务了,启动VNC服务的时候也需要用su user1(user1就是在上面配置文件内写的帐号)切换到要启动服务的帐号上(很多朋友在使用DirectSpace默认的桌面VNC的时候,遇到无法连接“10061错误”,即可在ssh下输入下面命令解决!) vncserver 其他命令,比如重启VNC服务就用下面的命令: service vncserver restart 设置VNC服务开机启动用下面的命令: chkconfig vncserver on 在一些minimal系统里,即使英文也会出现方框乱码,请使用本处命令修正:yum -y install e 其它说明: 设置完毕后使用servers vncserver start(如果不能启动,检查软件是否安装正常,检查/etc/rc.d/init.d目录是否存在vncserver控制脚本), 启动完毕后使stat -nat查看监听端口(默认为5901,5902,5903等),如果开启了防火墙,则需要配置规则允许对应端口tcp包通过。 参考配置:iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 5901 -j ACCEPT(其中-I INPUT 1代表插入一条规则,这条规则的位置是1,详情请查阅iptables相关配置)

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