主题 关于“IT计算机”中“计算机硬件与维护”的参考范文。
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英[?s??ri?l] 美[?s?ri?l]
第三人称复数 serials
名词连载小说;电视连续剧;定期刊物; [军]行军梯队
1.The canyon's wal ls prevented them from radioing theirpositiototheircol leagues just as Serial Two had not radioed its change inpla。
2.The books publ ished bythe capital 's Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press comprise the country's fitserialtralation of Peking Operaworks into Engl ish。
3.She turned herChinese sojourn into a book named aftertheserial picked up soon afterby Paramount Pictures for a screenadaptation。
4.Hot money is stolencash that can betraced backtoacrime such as marked currencyor newbi l lswithcoecutive serial numbe。
5.As serial champio the brazi l ia are used to matchday pressurewhi letheirmedia haveto adopta siege mental itywith deadl inescotantly appearing。
6.Such market uncertainties are coupled withthe government'sbattle agait inflation and the resultant tightening credit pol icythathas spawned serial interest rate rises。
7.The couple's l ives are revealed in the documentary serial TheJourneyof Danube airing on Guangdong TV。
8.Hisdeath at the handsof aserial ki l ler iscentral to the bookbut also ope a newdramatic phase。
9.Pol ice bel ieve the serial attacks were del iberatelytargeted atformervice health ministe and suspected the murderwas the samepeon。
1.Our results along with those reported by Lin et al demotratereossification and stabi l ization of tumorsize can be achieved on CTand MRI imaging fol lowing serial arterial embol ization。
我们和Lin等的结果都表明连续动脉栓塞术后在CT和M RI上可以见到重新骨化和肿瘤大小的稳定。
2.Our results along with those reported by Lin et al demotratereossification and stabi l ization of tumorsize can be achieed on CTand MRI imaging fol lowing serial arterial embol ization。
我们和Lin等的结果都表明连续动脉栓塞术后在CT和M RI上可以见到重新骨化和肿瘤大小的稳定。
3.A match in the slave address serial data stream mustbe madewith theAddress input inorder to initiate communication withtheSN74LVCU04APW。
4.Gang bul lying isaserial bul lywithcol leagues。
5.This software is composed of the fol lowing three functionalmodules:datacol lectormodule serial datacommunicating moduleand networkcommunicating module respectively。
6. In chapter 5 the experimental measurementsoftware isdeveloped and discussed including serial portcommunicatingmodule imagegrabbing and processing moduleandthe threedimeional conformation of measured objectbySTLfi leformat。
为提高学习交流本文整理了相关的词汇范文有 《单词store的中文是什么意思》、《单词mud的中文是什么意思》、 《单词look的中文是什么意思》、 《单词Paris的中文是什么意思》、 《单词spider的中文是什么意思》、 《单词dra wn的中文是什么意思》、 《单词bag的中文是什么意思》、 《单词wash的中文是什么意思》 读者可以在平台上搜索。
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