
哈利波特中文版  时间:2022-02-03  阅读:()


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy — until he is rescued by a beetle eyed giant of a man, enrols at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. All because Harry Potter is a wizard! Follow the adventures of Harry Potter as he discovers the magical, the dangerous, the unpredictable world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. ---------------------------以下是书名及作者的简介---------------------------------- In Britain the book is called Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone but when the book was published in the U.S. it was called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (although the book itself is the same) This is why the film of the book is referred to by two different names. J.K. Rowling Read these books packed with fantastic wizarding facts and amaze your friends with your knowledge of Harry Potter's magical world……




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