
w3cschool 在线教程  时间:2021-01-31  阅读:()

【奥鹏】 [吉林大学]吉大18春学期《新发展英语综合教程二》在线作业二

试卷总分: 100 得分: 100

第1题,The girl found it difficult to______to new customs when she first came toShanghai.

A、 adapt

B、 adopt

C、 change

D、 shift

第2题,Lawyers _____ such high fees, but they never seem to be short of clients.

A、 provide

B、 supply

C、 accuse

D、 charge

第3题,There used to be a shop behind the factory,________________.

A、 didn' t there

B、 used there

C、 usedn' t it

D、 didn' t it

第4题,The river was so______with waste from the chemical plant that people cannot swim in it.

A、 contained

B、 terminated

C、 intimidated

D、 contaminated

第5题,Since he often travels on business, he can_______himself to sleeping in anyplace he can find.

A、 make

B、 accustom

C、 force

D、 let

第6题,Everyone is surprised at the news, _____________.

A、 is he

B、 are they

C、 aren' t they

D、 is not he

第7题,The new project is expected to start early next year; it has won the______of the board.

A、 approval

B、 approve

C、 disapprove

D、 prove

第8题,Soon, Americans hope, the rains will return and ease the hardship_______U.S.farmers.

A、 faced

B、 faces

C、 facing

D、 to face

第9题,_______ in a recent science competition, the three students were awardedscholarships totaling $21,000.

A、 Judged the best

B、 To be judged the best

C、 Judging the best

D、 Having judged the best

第10题,She was so angry at all ________ he was doing_________ she stayed up allnight.

A、 that; that

B、 that; which

C、 what; that

D、 what; as

第11题,_______ such a good chance, he planned to learn more.

A、 To be given

B、 Having given

C、 Having been given

D、 Giving

第12题,The government has devoted a larger slice of its national____to agriculturethan most other countries.

A、 resources

B、 potential

C、 budget

D、 economy

第13题,She invented a _____ that automatically closes windows when it rains.

A、 advice

B、 derive

C、 supervise

D、 device

第14题,_______inEnglan##AnneBradstreet bothadmired and imitated several Englishpoets.

A、 Having born and educated

B、 To be born and educated

C、 Since born and educated

D、 Born and educated

第15题,_____ her beauty, she is also intelligent and kind-hearted.

A、 Except

B、 Except for

C、 In addition

D、 Apart from

第16题,_____your letter, I am very pleased to inform you that your plans are quite

acceptable to us.

A、 Concerning

B、 Concern

C、 Regarded

D、 Regard

第17题,Ourcompanydecidedto______ the contract becausea numberof the conditionsin it had not been met.

A、 cancel

B、 resist

C、 assume

D、 destroy

第18题, I rang the hotel to ____ a double room for a week.

A、 reserve

B、 conserve

C、 preserve

D、 deserve

第19题,This is one of the best films _______.

A、 that have been shown this year

B、 that have shown

C、 that has been shown this year

D、 that you talked

第20题, I'm sure he must have been sleeping at the moment, __________.

A、 aren' t I

B、 mustn' t he

C、 wasn' t he

D、 hasn' t he

第21题,_____ I go out to play now, Mum?No, you_____. you should do your homeworkfirst.

A、 Mu s t ; mu s t n' t

B、 Must; wouldn' t

C、 May; needn' t

D、 May; had better not

第22题,She decided to devote herself _______ the problem of old age.

A、 to study

B、 studying

C、 to studying

D、 study

第23题,Robert wishes that he________business instead of history when he was inuniversity.

A、 studies

B、 studied

C、 has studied

D、 had studied

第24题,They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy.

A、 whom

B、 who

C、 which

D、 that

第25题,My parents used ________they had to get a new car for my brother.

A、 which

B、 all what

C、 what



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