
w3cschool 在线教程  时间:2021-01-31  阅读:()

一、单选题共25道试题共100分。 


1 I rang the hotel to____a double room foraweek

满分 4分

2 The World Trade Center was destroyed on September 1 1,2001,when______took overtwo large airplanes and drove them into the bui ldings

满分 4分

3 I only bought these shoes last week,and they’re fal l ing______already

满分 4分

4 The doctorshould be here soon ______the meantime, try to relax

满分 4分

5 Ourcompany decided to______the contract because a numberof the conditions in it hadnot been met

满分 4分

6 The house was very quiet,_______as it was on the side of a mountain

满分 4分

7 A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standardsand should____new operating procedures

满分 4分

8 Bicycl ing is a good exercise;______, it doesn’t pol lute the air

满分 4分

9 He showed______in deal ing with a defeated enemy

满分 4分

10 At first______,Manhattan seems to be a city of high-rises, bl inding l ights and a crazypace

满分 4分

1 1 The editortold them that if they could cut the story_____more than one third, he wouldtake it

满分 4分

12 To be financial ly wel l______,you need to work hard and spare no efforts to develop yourcareerwhen young

满分 4分

13 _____your letter, I am very pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable tous

满分 4分

14 Lawyers_____such high fees, but they neverseem to be short of cl ients

满分 4分

15 Charles is fond______driving, so I’m happyjust to be a passenger

满分 4分

16 The girl found it difficult to______to newcustoms when she first cameto Shanghai

满分 4分

17 Hewas______of having asked such a si l ly question

满分 4分

18 I’m______yourendless complaining

满分 4分

19 Recent events wi l l make a significant impact______government pol icy

满分 4分

20 She cal led herparents just to tel l them that she had become______to l ife at theuniversity

满分 4分

21 The riverwas so______with waste from the chemical plant that people can not swim in it

满分 4分

22 He ran______twice from his boarding school because he couldn’t put up with beingl imited in an institution

满分 4分

23 His training______him as ateacherof Engl ish

满分 4分

24 He was a cruel and______person; that was why al l of them were afraid of him

满分 4分

25 _______such a good chance, he planned to learn more

满分 4分


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