五年级英语上册点读 时间:2021-11-16 阅读:(
young [j??]年轻的 funny[/f?ni]滑稽的,有趣的
tall [t?:l]高的 strong[str??]强壮的
class [klɑ:s]班级 smile [smail]微笑
kind [kaind]亲切的,和蔼的 old [?uld]年老的
panied[?/k?mp?ni]陪伴 short[??:t]短的
The kind old man is panied all the time.
这位和蔼的老人一直有人陪伴着 . spring [spri?]春天
should [?ud,??d]应该 shirt[??:t]衬衫
summer [/s?m?] 夏天,夏季 write[rait]写
She should wear a thinner shirt in summer.
thin [θin] 瘦的,薄的 from[fr?m]从…,自…
Canada[/k?n?d?]加拿大 like[laik]喜欢,喜爱
principal[/prins?p?l]校长 know[n?u]知道,懂得
university [/ju:ni/v?:siti]大学 heart [hɑ:t]心脏
strict [strikt]严格的,严厉的 smart[smɑ:t]聪明的
lady [/leidi]女士,小姐 fun[f?n]乐趣,逗笑
active [/?ktiv]活泼的,积极的 very[/veri]很,非常
quiet [/kwai?t]轻声的,安静的 learn [l?:n]学习
but[b?t]但是,然而 stay[stei]停留;停止
peach[pi:t?]桃 hear [hi?]听到, 听见
meat[mi:t]肉 beach[bi:t?]海滩
eager[/i:ɡ?] 渴望的 cheese[t?i:z]奶酪
choose[t?u:z]选择 eed[s?k/si:d]成功
bright[brait]光亮的,发光的 bridge[brid?]桥
掌握重点单词: young funny tall strong kind old short thin Mr like strict smart active quiet very but
次重点:from canada principal Miss university student know lady fun
who is your (art+….)teacher?Mr/Miss
What is he like? He is short and thin.
Who is your principal? Miss lin
Is she young? No,she’s old.she’s very kind.
第二课 My Days of the week
Monday [/m?ndi] 星期一 day [dei]天, 日子
Tuesday [/tju:zdi] 星期二 wait [weit]等候,等待
Wednesday [/wenzdi]星期三 have [h?v]有
Thursday [/θ?:zdi] 星期四 tomorrow [t?/m?r?u]明天
Friday [/fraidi] 星期五 often [/?f?n]经常;时常
Saturday [/s?t?di] 星期六 love [l?v] 爱; 热爱
Sunday [/s?ndi] 星期天 yeah [j??]是,行
My birthday is on a Sunday this year.
Chinese [/t?ai/ni:z]中国人,中国话,汉语
Read books 读书 Watch Tv 看电视
do homework 做作业 What about…..?怎么样
play [plei]玩,打,踢球,演奏 They often play football.
piano [pi/?n?u]钢琴 paint[peint]油漆,涂料;绘画
Mary often plays the piano.玛丽经常弹琴。
puter games 玩电脑游戏 need [ni:d]需要
do housework 做家务 oops [u:ps]哦
pencil [/pens?l]铅笔, 彩色铅笔 money [/m?ni]金钱
matter [/m?t?]事情,问题 enough [i/n?f]足够地
calculator [/k?lkjuleit?]计算 back[b?k]背, 背部
crayon [/krei?n]蜡笔或粉笔 put [put]放; 置
weekend [/wi:k/end]周末 china [/t?ain?]中国,瓷器
Moral[/m?:r?l] 道德 Education[/edju:/kei??n]教育;培养 Moral Education 思想品德课
Social[/s?u??l]社会的 Studies [/st?di]学习;研究
Social Studies 社会课 sweet[swi:t]甜味的;糖果;甜食
Monday [/m?ndi] 星期一
Tuesday [/tju:zdi] 星期二 wait [weit]等候, 等待
Wednesday [/wenzdi]星期三 have [h?v]有
Thursday [/θ?:zdi] 星期四 tomorrow [t?/m?r?u]明天
Friday [/fraidi] 星期五 often [/?f?n]经常; 时常
Saturday [/s?t?di] 星期六 love [l?v] 爱; 热爱
Sunday [/s?ndi] 星期天 day [dei] 天, 日子
句子:what day is it today ? It’s +星期一到日。
What +助动词+主语+have+on+Mondays?
What do you have on+…..? I have…..
Have有关的词组: have a match 比赛
have a lesson上课 have a look看一看 have a rest 休息一下
have a swim 游泳 have a talk 谈话 have a walk散步
1、向对方提出建议或请求,相当于would you like….?
What about swimming?=Would you like swim?
What about the like?
What about the weather in your city?
What’s your Favourite Food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?
bean [bi:n]豆, 豆科植物 green beans 青豆
onion [/?nj?n]洋葱 rainy [/reini]下雨的, 多雨的
cabbage [/k?bid?]洋白菜,卷心菜 pork [p?:k]猪肉
mutton [/m?tn] 羊肉 eggplant[/eɡplɑ:nt]茄子
fish [fi?]鱼 potato [p?/teit?u]马铃薯, 土豆
tomato [t?/mɑ:t?u]番茄, 西红柿 I would like
for [f?:]为,给 lunch [l?nt?]午餐 we [wi]我们
menu [/menju:]菜单 sound [saund]声音; 响声
mew [mju:] 猫 healthy [/helθi]健康的,健壮的
tasty [/teisti]美味的,可口的 sweet [swi:t]甜(味)的
sour [/sau?] 酸的 fresh [fre?]新鲜的,鲜嫩的
salty [/s?:lti]含盐的, 咸的 fruit [fru:t]水果
favourite [/feiv?rit]特别受喜爱的 now [nau]现在
grape [ɡreip] 葡萄 eat [i:t]吃, 喝; 吃饭
carrot[/k?r?t]胡萝卜 juice[d?u:s]汁, 液
yummy [/j?mi] 美味 vegetable[/ved?it?bl]蔬菜
What+助动词(do/does)+主语+have+for lunch+时间状语?
What do you have for lunch? I have eggplant.
What would+主语+like+for lunch+时间状语?
What would you like for lunch?
I’d like potatoes and green beans.
What is your(her/his/their) favourite food?
I like ….. They are….
empty[/empti]空的 trash[tr??]垃圾;废物
empty the trash 倒垃圾 usually [/ju:?u?l]经常的
cook[kuk]烹调, 煮 meal[mi:l]餐, 饭
cook the meals 做饭 floor[fl?:]地面, 地板
flower[/flau?]花, 花朵 water the flower 浇水
sweep[swi:p]扫, 打扫 sweep the floor 扫地
clean[kli:n] 清洁的,干净的 ill[il]有病的
helpful[/helpful] 给予帮助的, 有益的
do housework 做家务 make the bed 铺床
set [set]放, 搁置 set the table 摆饭桌
put away the clothes收拾衣服 hide[haid]隐藏
wash the clothes洗衣服 clothes[kl?u?z]衣服,衣物
do the dishes (饭后)洗餐具 have a try 试一试
robot [/r?ub?t]机器人 chess [t?es]棋
use a puter 使用计算机 season[/si:z?n]季(节)
bamboo[b?m/bu:]竹, 竹竿 with [wi?] 和…在一起
tasty[/teisti]美味的 food [fu:d]食物
wait[weit] 等待 lake[leik]湖 dance[dɑ:ns]跳舞
throw[θr?u]投;掷 into[/intu]进入…中
silly[/sili]蠢的,傻的 run away逃跑,逃脱
第五课 My New Room
conditioner [k?n/di??n?]状况 air-conditioner空调
curtain[/k?:tn]窗帘 trash[tr??]垃圾
garbage[/ɡɑ:bid?]垃圾,废物 empty[/empti]空的
terrific[t?/rifik]极大的 mirror[/mir?]镜子
closet [/kl?zit]壁橱 full [ful]装满的
bin[bin]大储藏箱 trash bin垃圾箱
end table 床头柜 look at 看一看
own[?un]属于自己的 flat[fl?t]公寓套房
third [θ?:d]第三 bedroom[/bedru:m]卧室
kitchen [/kit?in]厨房 bathroom[/bɑ:θrum]浴室
living room 客厅,起居室 very[/veri] 很
much [m?t?]非常, 很 in在….里面 on 在….外面
under[/?nd?]在…下面 near[ni?] 在附近
behind[bi/haind]在…的后面 over[/?uv?]在…的上面
lamp [l?mp]灯 small [sm?:l]小的 spring [spri?]春天
There is a lamp over the table. 桌子正上方有一盏灯。
front [fr?nt]前面; 正面 in front of 在…..前面
clothes[kl?u?z]衣服 work[w?:k]工作 tell[tel] 告诉
Your clothes are very beautiful.
recycle[/ri:/saikl]回收 kick [kik]踢 busy [/bizi]忙的
beer[bi?]啤酒 blow [bl?u]吹;刮风 turtle[/t?:tl]海龟
surprise [s?/praiz]使惊奇, 使诧异 push [pu?]推动
shelf [?elf]架,棚
第六课 In a Nature park
sky [skai]天(空) cloud [klaud]云
mountain [/mauntin]山,山岳 river [/riv?]河,江
countryside[/k?ntrisaid]乡下,农村 flower [/flau?]花朵
waterfall [/w?:t?f?:l]瀑布 jungle [/d???ɡl]丛林,密林
island [/ail?nd]岛, 岛屿 cinema [/sin?m?]电影院
anybody [/eni/b?di]任何人,无论谁 lake [leik]湖
hospital [/h?spit?l]医院 grass [ɡrɑ:s]草
forest [/f?rist]森林,丛林 path [pɑ:θ]小路,小径
nature[/neit??]大自然,自然界 farm[fɑ:m]农场;饲养场
holiday [/h?l?di]假期 picture[/pikt??]图画,照片
village [/vilid?]村庄 city[/siti]城市
house [haus]住宅, 房子 bridge[brid?]桥;桥梁
tree [tri:]树 road [r?ud]道路,公路
building [/bildi?]建筑物,楼房 field [fi:ld]田地,牧场
clean [kli:n]清洁的,干净的 air [??]天空
run [r?n]跑 any [/eni]任何一个
flow [fl?u] 流动; 循环 take [teik]取,抓
beautiful [/bju:t?ful]美丽的 film [film]影片,电影
camera[/k?m?r?]照相机 born [b?:n]出生的,诞生
introduce [/?ntr?/dju:s]介绍 dream [dri:m]梦
himself [him/self]他自己 myself[mai/self]我自己
I hurt myself.我伤了自己。
great [ɡreit]大的 take away把…带走
That great tree takes away all the light.
In china,people believe that,at the beginning,the tiger and the cat were friends,and the cat was much smarter than the tiger .The cat learned the physical skills quickly,and the tiger was always behind.Gradually,the tiger had to learn from the cat,and the cat was patient to teach the tiger.Day after day,month after month,finally,the tiger could also run,jump,roll,grasp,tear,and strike as well as the cat.
One summer afternoon,the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby.Looking at the cat,the tiger suddenly thought,why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat?The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack.The tiger stood up and approached the cat viciously.Just as this moment,the cat woke up.Opening up her eyes,the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to branch.
Crossing the Bar
By Alfred Tennyson
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When That which drew form out the boundless deep
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For though from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.
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