Rucha Londhe,Ph.D.
Ruc ha.Lo nd he@umb.e d u
Office Hours:Wednesdays 7–9 pm,and by appointment
Class meets: Saturdays,8–4 on 3/16,3/23,3/30,4/6,4/13,4/20,4/27,5/4,and 5/11(seeweekly schedule for online/face to face weeks) and with weekly on-line workthroughout this period, for a total of45 class contact hours.
Note:The following link will assist you in forwarding your UMB email account to your personalaccount: tting_service s/e ma il/lo gging_o n_for_the_first_time/ - forward.Throughout the semester, I will communicate with you via your UMB email account.You mayhave e-mail redirected from your official UMass Boston address to another e-mail address atyour own risk.The University will not be responsible for the handling ofe-mail by outsidevendors or by departmental servers.
Course Title: Advanced Child Development and Early Learning(ECHD 702)
Prerequisites: Admittance to Post Master’s Certificate Program in Early Educ ation
Descriptio n: Through this advanced course in child development, students will examinetheories related to human development and contemporary research findings inareas o f childdevelopment and early learning.The course o ffersan opportunityto investigate selected topics in cognitive, social,emotional,and physicaldevelopment from conception through late childhood.Diverse persp ectives willbe used to understand development,both typical and atypical in these variousdomains of development.Emphasis will be given to understanding individualand cultural differences while interpreting child development and assessment.The coursewill meet face-to-face as well as online.The face-to-face meetingwill includes lectures,discussions,critiques of research,and individual andgroups activities.There will be a finalpaper and an individual presentation atthe end ofthe class.This course fulfills a requirement in the Post Master’sCertificate Program in Early Education Research,Policy,and Practice.Required
Text(s): Damon,W.,Lerner,R.,&Kuhn,D. (2008).Child and Ado lescent Development:An Advanced Course.Hoboken,NJ:Wiley Publications.
Basic text(s): Feldman,R.S. (2012).Child Development.Upper Saddle River,NJ:PearsonPub licatio n
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Doherty, J.,&Hughes,M. (2009).Child Development:Theory and Practice.Upper Saddle River,NJ:Pearson Publication
Supple me ntal
Katz,L. (1997)Child Deve lopment Knowledge and Teachers o f Young C hildren.Availab le online:http://ceep.crc.illino he r
Readings: Other readings and materials are listed for each week in the syllabus.To thegreatest extent possible,all these materials will be made available throughBlackboard or the Internet throughout the semester.
Requirements: This course is required in the Post Master’s Certificate Program in EarlyEducation Research,Policy,and Practice.The course uses a blended format ofonline class sessions and periodic face-to-face sessions.Regular and reliableaccess to computer and Internet is required.Use of a computer for wordprocessing,PDF Reader,QuickTime or Windows Media Player,Flash Player,high-speedInternet connection for Blackboard and other web activities,webcam,and headphones.
Many of the course activities and resources will be on BlackBoard Learn:For directions and information go to: lackbo ard_le arn_9_student_supportYou are advised to retain a copy of this syllabus in your personal files for use when applying forfuture degrees,certific ation, lic ensure,or trans fer o f credit.
Course related websites:
American Academy of Pediatrics:
American Psychological Association:
Center on the Develop ing C hild,Harvard online at:http://develop for Disease Control and Prevention: Deve lop ment Center:
Child Development Institute:
Child Development Journal page:
Child Development Media:
Child Development Project(Developmental S tudies Center): lop ment-project
Child Development Research online at:
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Child Development Resource s:
Child Development Support Corporation:
Child Development Training Consortium:http://www.childdeve lop rint/htdo cs/ho me.htm
Children’s Defense Fund:
Children Now:http://www.c hildrenno hp/
Continuing Development Inc. :
Early Development Services:http s:// itePages/de fault.aspxEarly Human Deve lop ment Jo urnal Web s ite: urnals.e m/e arly-human-deve lop ment/
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development: me.html
Foundation for child development:
Gifted Development Center: m/
MA Advoc ates for C hildren:http://www.mass advocate
MA Department of Early Education and Care: ss.go v/edu/go vernment/departments-and-boards/departme nt-o f-early-educatio n-and-c are/
National Association for Child Development:
National Black C hild Development Institute:http://nb
PBS Parent’s page on Child Development:http://www.pb arents/child-development/Society for Re search in Child Development:
The ABC's O f Child Development:
World Health Organization: ic s/child_development/en/
Zero to Three
CEHD Mission:The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD)generatesknowledge, fosters engaged learning,promotes social justice,and empowers students,educators,other pro fessionals,and community memb ers through teaching,research, evaluation,and publicservice. The urban setting of the University of Massachusetts Boston informs–and is informedby–CEHD efforts to fulfill the academic and civic purposes of education in a diversedemocracy.
This mission statement and associated core values serve as a philosophical and operational guidefor all activities of the College of Education and Human Development. Core values include:
Academic excellence
Socialjustice and inclusion
Community e ngage me nt
Professional Competenciesand Standards:
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Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Professional Core Competencies( 1/pro f_devel/core_comp_packet.pdf):
1. Understanding the growth and development of children and youth
2. Guiding and interacting with children and youth
3. Partnering with familie s and communitie s
4. Health, safety,and nutrition
5. Learning environments and curriculum
6. Observation,assessment,and documentation
7. Program p lanning and development
8. Professionalism and leadership
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Quality Rating and Improve mentStanda rds
(http://www.mas s.go v/edu/b irth-grade-12/early-educatio n-and-care/qris/mas sac husetts-qris-sta nd ard ml)
1. Curriculum and Learning
2. Safe,Healthy, Indoor and Outdoor Environments
3.Workforce Qualifications and Pro fessional Development
4. Family and Community Engagement
5. Leaders hip,Manage ment,and Admin istratio n
National Association fo r the Education of Young Children(NAEYC)Advanced Standards(AS)within NAEYC’s Six Professional Preparation Standards
(http://www.nae ate/files/ncate/file/fac ulty/S tandard s/NAEYC%20Initia l%20 and%20Advanced%20Standards%203_2012.pdf):
1. Promoting child development and learning
2. Building family and community relationship s
3. Observing,documenting,and assessing to support young children and families
4. Using developmentally e ffective approaches
5. Using content knowledge to build meaningful curriculum
6. Becoming a professional
Division of Early Childhood Advanced Personnel Preparation Standards ( ut_DEC/Po s itio n_State me nts_and_C o ncep t_Paper s/Per so nne l_Standards):
1. Leadership and Policy
2. Program Development and Organization
3. Research and Inquiry
4. Individual and Program Evaluation
5. Professional Development and Ethical Practice
6. Collaboratio n
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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Professional EducatorStanda rds (http://www.doe.mas gs/603 c mr7.html?sec tio n=08):a. Plans curriculum and instructionb. Delivers effective instructionc. Manages classroom climate and operationd. Promotes equitye. Meets professional responsibilities
Course Objectives: This table lists the course objectives and their alignment to the keystandards and competencies referenced above (the MA Department of Early Education andCare Core Competencies; the professional preparation standards ofthe National Associationfor the Education of Young Children, the Division of Early Childhood of the Council forExceptional Children,and the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education).Through full participation in this course, students will be able to:
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Required Assignments:
1.Participate in face-to-face classes
2.Participation in weekly on-line activities
3.Preliminary literature pape r
4.Final pape r
5.Fina l pre s e ntatio n
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Grading Rubrics:
1.Participation in face-to-face classes:
2.Participation in on-line weekly activities:
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