ratioGerman to English - Systran experimental - 1975

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German to English

Experimental system(Systran), in about 1976

Trial performed for Commission of the European Communities


Sprachen und mehrsprachige Terminologiedatenbanken. (München:Vlg.

Dokumentation Saur, 1978),298-299

A.Original German text

Concorde vor dem Erstflug

Während das Datum des Erstflugs der Concorde immer näher rückt,nehmen dieDiskus sionenüber die Möglichkeit und Aus sichten desÜberschallverkehrs,derWechsel von Argumenten und Gegenargumenten,an Intensität zu.Die Antworten aufeinige der zahllosen Fragen wird die Concorde nach Beginn der Flugerprobung baldselbst geben. In dieses Projekt wurden so grosse Mittel investiert, und es ist so engmit dem Prestige der Luftfahrtindustrie von zwei Nationen verknüpft,dass das Mottoder Arbeiten zwangsläufig“Eile mit Weile”heiss en muss.

Das vielleicht bedeutendste Problembetrifft die Geschwindigkeit, für die dieConcorde ausgelegt ist.Eng damit verbunden ist die Wahl der aerodynamischenFormgebung und der Werksto ffe.Die grundlegenden Unterschiede zwischen derConcorde und anderen Verkehrsflugzeugen sind in vielfacher Hinsicht nur gering.Der Kern des Problems ist vielmehr,ob dieses Flugzeug hinsichtlich Geschwindigkeit,Konstruktionsmethoden und Gewinnpotential einen logischen Schritt in der

Entwicklung darste llt.Obwohl die Entwurfsmannschaften zu wiederho lten Malen umausführliche Angabenüber Nutzlastkapazität,Reichweite und andere

Leistungsmerkmale ersucht wurden,haben sie sich bisher nur zu recht allgemeinenAuskünfte n vers te he n könne n.

B.Unedited o utput fro m pre-ope ratio nal Systran,1976

Concorde before the first flight.

While the date of the first flight of the Concorde approaches, the discussions of thepossibilities and prospects of the supersonic air-traffic, the exchanges of argumentsand counter-arguments, intens ify.The Co ncorde will give after start o f the test flightsoon itself the answers to some ofthe numerous questions. In the project such largefunds were invested,and it is linked so closely to the prestige of the aviation industryof two nations, that the motto ofthe work necessarily has to be more haste less speed.

The perhaps most important problem concerns the speed,for which theConcorde is designed.The choice ofthe airframe structure and of the materials isclosely connected with that.The basic differences between the Concorde and othercommercial planes are only small in many respects.The heart ofthe problem is rather,if this airplane represents with regard to speed,design methods and profit potential alogical step in the development.Although the design teams were asked for explicit

information on payload capacity,range and other performance features repeatedly,they were able to agree up to now only to quite general information.

C(a).Unedited output fro m Babelfish,2003

Concorde before the first flight

While the date of the first flight of the Concorde moves ever closer, thediscussions over the possibility and prospects of supersonic traffic, the change ofarguments and counterarguments,at intens ity increa se.The answers to so me thecountless questions the Concorde will give after beginning to flight testing soon. Intothis project so large means were invested,and it is so closely linked with the prestigeof the aircraft industry oftwo nations that the slogan ofthe work must be called"more haste, less speed inevitable".

The problem perhaps most meaning concerns the speed, for which theConcorde is appropriate.Connected with it the choice of the aerodynamic shaping andthe materials is close.The fundamental differences between the Concorde and otherairliners are only small in multiple regard.The core of the problem is rather whetherthis airplane represents a logical step in the development regarding speed, structuraldesign methods and profit potential.Although the draft crews were asked to repeatedmarks for detailed data concerning payload capacity, range and other capabilitycharacteristics, them so far only rightfully general information to understand to havebeen able itself.

C(b).Unedited o utput fro m Lycos,2003

Concorde before the first flight

While the date of the first flight of the Concorde moves ever closer, the discussionsover the possibility and prospects of supersonic traffic, the change of arguments andcounterarguments,at intens ity incre ase.The answers to some the countles s questionsthe Concorde will give after beginning to flight testing soon. Into this proj ect so largemeans were invested,and it is so closely linked with the prestige of the aircraftindustry of two nations that the slogan of the work must be called"more haste, lessspeed inevitab le".

The problemperhaps most meaning concerns the speed, for which theConcorde is appropriate.Connected with it the choice of the aerodynamic shaping andthe materials is close.The fundamental differences between the Concorde and otherairliners are only small in multiple regard.The core of the problem is rather whetherthis airplane represents a logical step in the development regarding speed, structuraldesign methods and profit potential.Although the draft crews were asked to repeatedmarks for detailed data concerning payload capacity, range and other capabilitycharacteristics, them so far only rightfully general information to understand to havebeen able itself.

C(c).Unedited output from Systran Personal 4.0,2002

Concorde before the first flight

While the date of the first flight of the Concorde moves ever closer, the discussionsover the possibility and prospects of supersonic traffic, the change of arguments and

counterarguments,at intens ity incre ase.The answers to some the countles s questionsthe Concorde will give after beginning to flight testing soon. Into this proj ect so largemeans were invested,and it is so closely linked with the prestige of the aircraftindustry of two nations that the slogan of the work must be called"more haste, lessspeed inevitab le".

The problemperhaps most meaning concerns the speed, for which theConcorde is appropriate.Connected with it the choice of the aerodynamic shaping andthe materials is close.The fundamental differences between the Concorde and otherairliners are only small in multiple regard.The core of the problem is rather whetherthis airplane represents a logical step in the development regarding speed, structuraldesign methods and profit potential.Although the draft crews were asked to repeatedmarks for detailed data concerning payload capacity, range and other capabilitycharacteristics, them so far only rightfully general information to understand to havebeen able itself.

C(d).Unedited output fro m FreeTranslation,2003

Concorde before the first flight

While the date of the first flight of the Concorde always more closely moves, thediscussions increase over the possibility and outlooks of the ultrasound traffic, thechange of arguments and counterargument,at intensity. The Concorde will give theanswers on some of the numberless questions after start ofthe flight trial soon even.Into this project, so large means became invests,and it is connected so closely withthe prestige of the air travel industry of two nations,haste must that the motto ofthework automatically“makes waste”hot. [or(April 2003) . . .automatically"haste mustthat the motto of the work makes waste"of hot]

The perhaps most important problem concerns the speed for which theConcorde is displayed. Closely therewith connected the choice of the aerodynamicFormgebung and the materials. The basic differences between the Concorde andother wrong airplane s are only slight in multiple regard. The kernel o f the problem israther,whether this airplane with re spect to speed,construction methods and profitpotential a logical step under development represents.Although the design teamswere requested to repeated paintes around detailed details about payload capacity,range and other service features, they were able to understand itself previously only toquite gene ral informatio n.

C(e).Unedited output from Reverso Online,2003

To Concord before the first flight

While the date of the first flight Concord moves much nearer, the discussions aboutthe possibility and views of the ultrasound traffic, the changes of arguments andcounterarguments increase, in intensity.Concord will give the answers to some o f theinnumerable questions after the beginning of the flight test soon themselves.So bigmeans was invested in this project,and it is tied together so closely with the prestigeof the aviation industry by two nations that the motto of the works must callcompulsively"hurry with while ".

The perhaps most important problem concerns the speed for which Concord islaid out. Is closely connected with it the choice(election)of the aerodynamic design

and the materials.The fundamental differences between Concord and other airlinersare only low in multiple respect.The core ofthe problem is rather whether thisaeroplane represents a logical step in the development with regard to speed,construction methods and profit potential.Although the draft teams were askedrepeatedly of detailed information about pay load capacity,range and otherperformance characteristic features,up to now they could get on only according tolaw to general information.

C(f).Unedited output from Language Force,1999

from arguments and Gegenargumenten, Intensität too. That answer up several theinnumerable Check with b ecomes the Concorde after beginning the flight te sting soonself gave. In this project became so big means investiert,and it is so intimate with theprestige the aviation industry from two nations knots,dass the motto the repairsinevitable "Hurry with while "heissen muss.

The maybe most significant problem betrifft the velocity, for that Concordeausgelegt is. Intimate so that is joined the election the aerodynamic shaping and thematerials. The fundamental difference s between the Concorde and other airliners arein more multiple Hinsicht only small. The Kern the Problems is rather, if thisaeroplane concerning velocity,Konstruktionsmethoden and profit potential a logicalstep in the growth darstellt.Although the draft teams to repeated turn about detaileddetails over Nutzlastkapazität, reach and other output characterstics ersucht became,was she so far only to law universe commoners informations understand can.C(g).Unedited output from InterTran,2003

Concorde before the Erstflugduring the date of the Erstflugs the Concorde always sewer hitches , take thediscussions over the possibility and views of theÜberschallverkehrs , the change ofarguments and Gegenargumenten,at intenseness to. the answers on some thecountless questions becomes the Concorde after beginning the Flugerprobung soonself give. in this project became so big means invests ,and there is so narrow withthose prestige the Luftfahrtindustrie of two nations associated, the same the motto thejobs inevitable "haste at while "ring up muslin.

The perhaps important problem concerns the speed,at the the Concorde trained am.narrow with it connected am the electoral the aerodynamic Formgebung and thematerial. the fundamental differences among the Concorde and the other airliners arein multip le with regard to only slight. the p ip o f the prob lem am rather, if thisaeroplane with regard to speed Konstruktionsmethoden and Gewinnpotential a logicalstep clo se by developmental describable.although the Entwurfsmannschaften toiterated paint about detailed particulars over Nutzlastkapazität , range and otherLeistungsmerkmale beseeches became,do you have himself till now only to rightgeneral information understand ab ility.

C(h).Unedited o utput fro m Globalink Power Translator,1994

@@Concorde before the@@Erstflug

the exchange o f arguments and counter-arguments, in intens ity. The answers onsome of the countless questions will give the@@Concorde after beginning the@@Flugerprobung soon personally. In this project so large means wereinvested,and it is tied so narrowly with the prestige the

@@Luftfahrtindustrie by two nations, that the motto ofthe works mustare called inevitab le "urgency with while" .

The perhaps most important problem affects the speed, for which the@@Concordeis explained.Narrowly with itjoined is the choice ofthe aerodynamic designand the raw materials. The fundamental differences between the@@Concorde andother commercial machines are only slight in multiple regard. The kernel o fthe problem is rather,whether this airplane presents with regard to speed,

@@Konstruktionsmethoden and@@Gewinnpotential a logical step in thedevelopment.Although the@@Entwurfsmannschaften were reque sted repeatedlyfor comprehensive statements about@@Nutzlastkapazität, range and otherfeatures, they have been able to understand themselves up to now only to quitegeneral information.

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