主题 关于“外语学习”中“英语口语”的参考范文。
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1.What"s your name?
2.Doesyour name have anyspecial meaning?
3.Where were you come from?
4.What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
5.What is the maincrop inyourhometown?
6.What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?
7.What are the main places of interest inyour hometown?
8.What is thecl imate l ike inyourhometown?
9.What is thecharacterof the people l ike inthe regionwhereyou l ive?
10.What are the differences in accent betweenthe people ofyourhometown and Beijing?
11.What is people"s favorite food inyour region?
12.Howdoyoumakedumpl ings?
13.Whatdo you do during the Spring Festival?
14.Whyis the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?
15.Canyou describe one of the mainfestivals celebrated in yourcountry?
16.Tel l me something about the Lantern Festival。
17.Tel l me something about theQing Ming Festival。
18.Tel l me something about the customsof yourcountry。
19.Howlong haveyou l ived in Beijing?
20.What is theweather l ikein Beijing?
21.Howdoyoucomparethecl imateinBeijingwiththat inyourhometown?
22.Whatplacein Beijing doyou l ike best?Why?
23.Which is the wot placeyou"ve been to China?
24.Which is the best placeyou"ve been to China?
25.Whatplaces in Beijing should aforeignervisit?Why?
26.Whatare the majorsocial problems in Beijing?Howcantheybe solved?
27.What is the biggestproblem Chinafaces?
28.Whatplaces in Beijing should aforeignervisit?Why?
29.Could youtel l me something aboutyourfami ly?
30.Haveyou anychi ldren?
31.What isyourchi ld"s name?Does hisname have ameaning?
32.Whatdoesyourwife/husband do?
33.When didyou getmarried?
34.Describe your wedding。
35.How have weddings changed in recentyea?
36.Are there any special customs aboutwedding inyour region?
37.Describe a traditional wedding ceremony。
38.Where did you go foryour honeymoon?
39.Did you have to askfor permission from your parents beforeyougotmarried?
40. Is it acceptable forcouples to l ive togetherwithout marrying?
41.Where doyouthinka newlycouple should l ive? Livingwiththeirparentsoron theirown?
42.What respoibi l ities should acoupletake?
43.Howdo Chinese usual lycelebrate birthdays?
44.Are there any traditio concerning the birth of a baby?
45.What kind of parentdoyou intend to be?
46.Whatdoyouthinkof One-Chi ld Pol icyinChina?
47.Whydo people inChinatraditional lywant to haveason?
48.WhatdifficultiesdoChinesefarme have concerning theiroldage?
49.Whatdo you think needs to be done inorder to rel ievethefarmer"s worries?
50.What hope orfea do you haveforyourchi ldren?
51.Whatsortof culturedoyou hopeyourchi ld wi l l growupin?
52.Are you going to bring up yourchi ld differentlyfrom the wayyou were brought up?How?
53.Doyou enjoy shopping?
54.Whodoes mostof theshopping inyourfami ly?
55.What are you good atcooking?What isyourfavorite dish?
56.Whodoes mostof cooking inyourfami ly?
57. Istherediscrimination in China?
58.Howdoyousum upwomen"sconditioinChina?
59.What are the causesof discrimination?
60.Should government pay certain salaries tothose housewives?Whyorwhy not?
61.Would you want your wife to continue with hercareerorto stayat home taking care
of the household afteryou get married?
62.Have you everwished to be one of the opposite?Why(whynot)
63.Whatwould you do if your next-door neighbourwere noisynearlyal l thetime?
64.Doyou have a lotof friend?
65.Whatdoes friendship mean toyou?Whatkind of people doyou make friend with?
66.What is your major?
67.Howdoyoul ikeyourmajor?
68.When and where did you graduate?Whatqual ificatio haveyou obtained?
69.Doyou sti l l rememberyour school days?
70.What impressed you most when you were at univeity?
71.Which is the best univeityinyourcountry?
72.Couldyousum upyourownstudyhabits in afewpoints?
73.Whatdo you thinkof the practice of setting up keyschools inprimaryand secondaryschool educationin China?
74.Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevantto present-day society?Why?
75.Whatdoyouthinkeducationshould be?Should itbe aprocess of learning what is useful foryourfuture l ife orshould itbesimply learning for enjoyment?Why?
76.Whatdoyou dofora l iving?
77.Whatdo you do in the office everyday?
78.Sinceyourjob seems too professional to me could youexplainit indetai l?
79.What are yourjob prospects?
80. If you had the opportunity to changeyourjob what wouldyou do with it?
81.Doyou have any ambitious?
82.Wi l l any possible future changes affectyourjob in anyway?
83.What are your spare time interests?
84.Howdoyou spend yourweekends?
85.What isyour favorite sport?What are the rules?
86.What is the mostpopularsport inyourcountry?
87.What are the sporting faci l ities l ike inyour univeity/Beijing?
88.Whatdo you knowaboutQigong?Doyou bel ieve inQigong?
89.Whatdoyou doinyoursparetime?
90.Do you often read newspape?If not why ones do you read?
91.Whatdoyouthinkof computer?
92.Doyouthinkcomputerhaschangedour l ifesomuch?
93.Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?
94.What kind of fi lmsdoyou l ike best?
95.Do you often watch TV?What is your favorite program?
96.Doyouthinkwatching TVtoo much isa waste of time?
97.What kind of musicdoyouenjoy?
98.Who is your favorite fi lm star?Wi l l you describe him/her tome?
99.Do you enjoy travel l ing?
100.Where have you been travel l ing to?Which place interestedyou most?
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