
云用英语怎么说  时间:2022-03-02  阅读:()

云英文 怎么说

n. v. cloud / kla?d ; klaud / 英 / kla?d / 1 IN THE SKY 在天空中 [C,U] a white or grey mass in the sky that forms from very small drops of water 云 heavy/thick/dense etc clouds Dark clouds floated across the moon. 乌云飘过月亮。 Heavy clouds had gathered over the summit of Mont Blanc. 勃朗峰上浓云密布。 low/high cloud Visibility was bad due to low cloud. 因为低空有云,能见度很差。 → storm cloud , thundercloud 2 IN THE AIR 在空中 [C] a mass of dust, smoke etc in the air, or a large number of insects flying together 〔一团灰尘、烟雾或大批飞行的昆虫等的〕云状物 cloud of dust/smoke/gas etc A cloud of steam rose into the air. 一团水蒸气升到空中。 clouds of mosquitoes buzzing around us 成群成群围着我们嗡嗡叫的蚊子 3 PROBLEM 问题 [C] something that makes you feel afraid, worried, unhappy etc 阴影,阴云〔指令人恐惧、担忧、不快等的事物〕 Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event (= spoilt the happy situation ) . 对恐怖分子再次发动袭击的担心给这次活动蒙上了一层阴影。 He returned to New York under a cloud of gloom and despair. 他心灰意冷地回到了纽约。 [+ of ] the cloud of economic recession 经济衰退的阴云 cloud on the horizon (= something that might spoil a happy situation) 令人担忧的事 The only cloud on the horizon was her mother’s illness. 唯一的忧虑是她母亲患病。 4 under a cloud (of suspicion) if someone is under a cloud, people have a bad opinion of them because they think they have done something wrong informal 遭嫌弃,受怀疑 【非正式】 He left pany under a cloud of suspicion. 他遭到怀疑,离开了公司。 5 be on cloud nine to be very happy about something informal 非常兴奋,非常高兴 【非正式】 6 every cloud has a silver lining used to say that there is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult 黑暗中总有一线光明 7 be/live in cloud-cuckoo-land to think that a situation is much better than it really is, in a way that is slightly stupid BrE 生活在幻想世界 【英】 → have your head in the clouds at 见 head


cloud 英[kla?d] 美[kla?d] n. 云; 云状物; 一团; 阴影; vi. 布满云; 显得阴沉; 看起来忧愁); vt. 使难以理解; 使…朦胧不清; 使减少乐趣; 混淆; [例句]The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud. 天空几乎完全被云所遮蔽。 [其他] 第三人称单数:clouds 复数:clouds 现在分词:clouding 过去式:clouded过去分词:clouded


云用英语是cloud。 解释: cloud 英[kla?d] 美[kla?d] n. 云; 云状物; 一团; 阴影; vi. 布满云; 显得阴沉; 看起来忧愁); vt. 使难以理解; 使…朦胧不清; 使减少乐趣; 混淆; [例句]The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud. 天空几乎完全被云所遮蔽。 A cloud is a condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere. 云是由大气中的水蒸气凝结成的。 A white cloud floated in the sky. 天空中飘浮着一朵白云。 They saw first a cloud of dust and then the car that was stirring it up. 他们先看到了扬起的一团尘土,然后才看到了汽车。 As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from thedecisions taken. 正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一线光明,我们已从所作的决定中汲取了教训。 The white cloud of smoke floated away. 白色的烟雾飘远了。


云:cloud 英 [kla?d]美 [kla?d] 详细释义 [动] sayv.说;讲;告诉;念;朗诵;背诵;表达,表述(见解) [名] cloudn.云;云朵;云状物(如尘雾、烟雾、一群飞行的昆虫);阴影;忧郁;焦虑;令人忧虑的事 short for Yunnan Province云 例句 1. 云已经消散。 The clouds have been dissipated. 2. 毛毛雨现在已经停了,太阳正破云而出。 The drizzle had now ped and the sun was breaking through. 3. 云是由大气中的水蒸气凝结成的。 A cloud is a condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere.

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