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主题 关于“资格或认证考试”中“银行从业资格”的参考范文。

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1.You trafer al l of the user accounts  and fi les from a NetWareserver toWindows NT Servercomputer.You wantal l computethat previouslywere able to access the NetWare server to beableto access theWindows NTServercomputer。

What mustyou do?

A. Ital l a Microsoft redirectoron each cl ientcomputer。

B. Ital l Cl ientServerfor NetWare oneach cl ientcomputer。

C. Ital l FTP server software on the Windows NT Servercomputer。

D. Ital l Gateway(and cl ient)Services for NetWare on the WindowsNTServer computer。

2.you TCP/IP network has two subnets.You ital l a Windows NTServercomputerthat wi l l function as a routerconnecting the twowant DHCPcl ientcomputeon onesuubnet to beableto accessaDHCPserverontheothersubnet。

Which additional service mustyou ital l on the Windows NTServercomputer?


B.DHCP RelayAgent

C.RIP for inte rnet Protocol

D.RIP for NWLinkIPXPX Compatible Trapoort

3.Yourorganization providesWorld Wide Web Services for 10differentcompanies. Eachcompanyhas a registered domain name.You want to creata seperate Web siteforeach companyon a singleWindows NT Servercomputerthat has Microsoft internetinformation Server ital led。

What shouldyoudotoaccompl ish this ?(Choose two.

A.Assign multipleIP addresses to the Windows NT Serveercomputers networkadapter。

B.AssignthesameIPaddress toeachcompanys domain nameona Dserver。

C.Assign a separate IP address to each companys WWWfol der。

D.UseWI toAssignanIP address to a NetBOIS computer name.Mapthe computername to eachcompanys WWWfolder。



You company has a Windows NT Server network.The broke atyour firm each have laptopcompute with Windows NTWorkstation are developing a solutionto improve networksec u ri ty。

Required results:

Al lowthe broke at yourfirm remote access to thenetworkfrom any location。

Prevent al l user accounts other than the broke user accountsfrom remotely accessing the network。

Optional desired results:

Implement a method to protect passwordswhi le they aretramitted。

Implementa method to protect thedatawhi le it s beingtramitted。

Proposed solution:

Require passwords with a minimum lengthof eightcharacteforal l use  and force passwords to be changed every40 days。

Ital l RAS on one of the Windows NT Servercompute on thenetwork。

Configure RAS security to al low only the broke to dai l remotelyand to al lowany authentication method。

Ital l a hardware-based security host between the RAS server andthe modems。

Which results does the proposed solution produce?

A. the proposed solution produces the required results andproduces both of optional desired results。

B. the proposed solution produces the required results andproduces onlyone of optional desired results。

C. the&proposed solution produces the required results butdoes notproduceeitherof optional desired results。

D. the proposed solution does not produce the required results。


You company has a Windows NT Server network.The broke atyour firm each have laptopcompute with Windows NTWorkstation are developing a solution to improve networksecurity。Required results:

Al lowthe broke atyourfirm remote access to the networkfromany location。

Prevent al l user accounts other than the broke user accountsfrom remotely accessing the network。

Optional desired results:

Implement a method to protect passwordswhi le they aretramitted。

Implementa method to protect thedatewhi le its beingtramitted。

Proposed solution:

Require passwords with a minimum lengthof eightcharacteforal l use and force passwords to be changed every40days。

Ital l RAS on one of the Windows NT Servercompute on thenetwork。

Configure RAS security to al low&n onlythe broke to dai lremotely to require Microsoft encrypted authentication  andto requiredata encryption。

Configure RAS cal lback securityto use a user-definedtelephone number。

Which results does the proposed solution produce?

A. the proposed solution produces the required results andproduces both of optional desired results。

B. the proposed solution produces the required results andproduces onlyone of optional desired results。

C. the proposed solution produces the required results butdoesnot produce eitherof optional desired results。

D. the proposed solution does not produce the required results。


you receive reports from use of cl ientcompute in London thatlogon attempts and boot times are everyslow and that browsingthe networkis unacceptablyslow.Use of cl ientcompute in MexicoCity do not report any problems with network performance。

Required result:

Increase the network performance in London to the same levelsas in MexicoCity。

Optional desired results:

Reduce WI traffic over the 56-Kbps l ink。

Reduce DHCP traffic over the 56-Kbps l ink。

Maintain the same level of name resolutionserviceswhi leminimizing repl ication traffic overthe 56-Kbps l ink。

Reduce logonval idationtraffic over the 56-Kbps l ink。

Proposed solution:

Reital l the Windows NTServer in London as a BDC。

AddWI and DHCPto theWindows NTServercomputer inLondon。

Configure al l cl ientcompute in London to usethe London WIserver。

Configure the repl icationGovernor registry entryon the BDC to25 percent。

Configure the two WI serve as pul l partne only。

Which ultsdoes the proposed solution produce?

A. the proposed solution produces the required results andproduces al l of the optional desired results。

B. the proposed solution produces the required results andproduces two of the optional desired results。

C. the proposed solution produces the required results butdoesnot produce anyof the optional desired results。

D. the proposed solution does not produce the required results。

7.Use reportslowrepoe times from one of the serve onyourWindows NT Server network.This serveracts as a fi le-and-printserver.You suspectvery high uti l ization on one of the diskdrives。

Which action provide the most information fordeterminingwhich diskpartition has the highest uti l ization?

Performance Monitor viewthe LogicalDiskobject。

Performance Monitor viewthe Paging Fi le object。

Performance Monitor viewthe Servercounterfor the Threadobject。the Diskperf uti l ityto analyze the activity occurring on a per-fi lebasis。

8.You receive a report thatone subnetonyou Windows NTServer networkis experiencing a large amountof broadcast toolshould you useto determine which compute are generating themost traffic?

P ro b e


NT Diagnostics

NT ServerNetworkMonitor

9.You Windows NT Server network uses the single masterdomain masterdomaincontai seven domaincontrol leand 2 000user accounts.Using Performance Monitor you determine that thePDC is being overloaded with synchronization to the BDCs。

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