
telemedicine  时间:2021-09-16  阅读:()







internet and i60字英语作文初一水平

stocks can stay at home at home, shopping, entertainment and leisure, the must be reasonable, correct use of this high-tech product, you can also see the day'Computer bring more convenience, online ess to information, published an article, watch movies, online remote virtual learning and other functions, to bring a lot of benefits. It also can keep abreast of the day', you will not know how municate and reality urs listlessness and physical fort and other symptoms, abandoned their studies and work. So, when we puters, enjoy the telemedicine and tele-education. Incorrect use puters, will affect the physical and mental health. Teen long indulge in the online world;s newspaper;s latest weather information. News events and tourist information


Cotton package rolled up 5 gr. 棉包卷 (5 克) Sterile lint with envelope 5 units 20 x 20 cm. 带封套的无菌皮棉 (5 个,20 x 20厘米) Box with active strips 0.5 m x 6 cm. 0.5 米 x 6厘米)活性带盒 Adhesive skin closure strips box 10 units. 粘性皮肤缝合带一盒 (10 个) Surgical tape hypoallergenic 5 m x 1.25 cm. 低过敏性外科胶带(5 米 x 1.25 厘米) Surgery scissors stainless steel 18 micron and 11 cm. 不锈钢手术剪刀(18 微米 and 11 cm长) Stainless steel tweezers 18 micron and 11 cm. 不锈钢镊子(18 微米 and 11厘米长) Elastic crepe bandage 4 m x 5 cm. 4米x 5厘米弹性绉纹绷带 Dressing sterile 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm. 7.5厘米x 7.5厘米消毒敷料 Latex gloves 1.乳胶手套 2.橡胶手套 3.手套 4.医用手套 Medicine 1.药柜 2.医药箱 3.药品箱 4.药柜、药箱 First aid kit (kid 拼错了) 急救药箱





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