瘦身xp瘦身(XP slimming)

xp瘦身  时间:2021-01-24  阅读:()

xp瘦身XP slimming

Downsizing: the first step in improving the speed of the XPsystem

Whether the new system, or the older the more you use, you candelete the system disk some redundant files, in order to savethe system disk space, improve the speed of the system.Step 1: backup system backup files

Install and update all drivers, and then backup to backup theentire C:\windows\system32\dllcache folder to another harddisk partition. Note: This is a hidden file. You need to openthe hidden properties of the system file. Backup this file isto solve later add new hardware device can not install thedriver problem!

The second step: run four commands, delete some of the lesscommonly used files or programs

1, delete XP own Messenger program. Start, open the run dialogbox, enter RunDll32, advpack.dll,

LaunchINFSect ion,%windir%\INF\msmsgs. inf, BLC.Remove, andthen click OK, OK.

2, reduce the boot disk scan waiting time. In run, type thechkntfs /t:0 command and enter the carriage.

3. Delete the system backup file and type "sfc. exe/purgecache"in the "run" command to enter.

4, disable the compressed folder, and type "Regsvr32 /uzipfldr.dll" in the "run" command and enter the carriage.5, let Windows XP Professional online speed up 20% gpedit.mscThe third step: change the default installation path for commonsoftware

1, in other large space partition, build a folder dedicated tothe installation of software, for example, in the D disk tobuild a new folder, such as: D:\ProgramFiles.

2, execute the start /run command, enter regedit, and open theregistry.

3, start the registry branch to the following

[HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersi on] , found on the right side of the window is called the string"ProgramFilesDir", double-click the "C:\Program Files"numerical modification for"D:\ProgramFiles", to determine theexit, you can change the installation path of the commonly usedsoftware.

After this change, when you install the new software, you willsee that the default path given by the system has become

D:\ProgramFiles, and the direct point "next" will be enough.The fourth step: streamlining system files

1, delete custom desktop pictures

In the C:\WINDOWS file, delete all the ugly pictures called.BMP.Then go to C:\WINDOWS\WEB\WALLPAPER and delete the unnecessarydesktop pictures.

Then open the "my computer", "tools" menu to open the folderoptions "in the" view "to" Hide protected operating systemfiles and displays all the files and folders option beforeremoving the hook, and then click "OK" to exit.

2, delete user temporary files

Delete all files under the C:\Documents and Settings\user name(index \Cookies\)

Delete all files (user temporary files) under the C:\Documentsand Settings\ user name \Local Settings\Temp\

Delete all files (page files) under the C:\Documents andSettings\ user name \LocalSettings\TemporaryInternet Files\Delete all files (history records) under the C:\Documents andSettings\ user name \Local Settings\History\

3, delete the system is not common documents and temporary filesDelete the hidden file at $u. . Beginning with C:\windows\.Delete all files (temporary files) under the C:\WINDOWS\Temp\folder.

If the system is new, temporary file transfer, the above

documents can not be deleted.

Delete all files under the C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles folder(upgrade backup files after SP1 or SP2) . If the XP SP3 isinstalled directly, the file cannot be found.

Delete the compressed file under the C:\WINDOWS\DriverCache\i386 folder (the driver' s backup file. Remember: beforedeleting, must insert the mobile hard disk, U disk, let thesystem automatically install, drive and then delete.

Delete all files under C:\WINDOWS\ Prefetch.

Delete all files under

C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribut ion\download (system patches,temporary files) .

Delete all files under the C:\windows\system32\dllcache folder.Second steps were taken just now,

This step can be saved

4, delete the commonly used input method

Restart the computer, enter the safe mode, the C:WINDOWS\imefolder under the Chtime, imjp8_1 and imkr6_1 three documentsdirectly deleted (they correspond to traditional Chinese,Japanese, Han Wen) can be.

The fifth step: prevent new system junk files from beinggenerated again

1, transfer virtual memory

In the desktop right click on my computer to view the properties,select the Advanced tab, click the "properties" column of the"Settings" button, select the Advanced tab, click the "virtualmemory" column of the "change" button to enter the "virtualmemory"window. Select the system drive in the drive list (thetwo if you do not know the numerical change how appropriate,then write down the system drive) , then check the "no pagingfile" option, and then click "Settings" button; then clickother partition, select "custom size options" setting initialsize "and" maximum "(we put the two values just downrespectively, input) and then click" Settings "button, thenclick the OK button to exit and restart the computer to takeeffect at last!

For values, you can also set the minimum value to 1.5 times asmuch as the physical memory (that is, the size of your memory) ,and the maximum is set to 2. 5 times the physical memory! As formemory over 1G, none will be faster!

2, transfer Windows temporary file

Windows in the implementation of some trivial operations (suchas decompression files) , the document is placed in a temporarydirectory, and then delete the temporary file after thecompletion of the task. The default is placed in the districtwhere the operating system under the temp directory, if we canfind a way to improve the temporary file read and write speed,can achieve the optimization of the system effect, so to think

of a way to temporary file transfer. The physical cause of harddisk, including the area to read and write speed will be fasterthan the outer zone, in Windows is usually divided in front ofthe partition closer to the inner zone (such as C) , divided atthe back of the partition is closer to the region. In Windows,should minimize the operating system where the division ofreading and writing operations, combined with the aboveconsiderations, we will temporary directory built in the D diskbetter. Here are some specific methods:

The first site in the D to create anew temp directory, and thenright-click"my computer"and select "properties" in the pop-upmenu, "senior" and "environment variables" button in the"drop-down list of system variables in dragging the box on theright to the end, you can see the variable TEMP and TMP, in thedialog box in the temp and TMP values can be changed to D:\temp.After the restart, this change will take effect.

3, transfer IE temporary folder

To create a temporary file storage IE in the non systempartitions in the folder, for example, stored in the D disk inthe temp directory, and then in the IE main window, click"tools", "Internet options", the "general" tab, open the"Internet temporary files" interface settings, click the movefolder button and in the "browse for folder" select the folder"D:\temp" dialog box, then click "ok". The system will promptto restart the machine". After the restart, the systemautomatically transfers the storage area to the specifieddirectory under the D disk.

4, transfer favorites

Windows 2000/XP, C:\Documents and Settings\ favorites aresaved by default user name \ favorites, please refer to yourWindows username, then create a Favorites folder in the D disk,and then open the registry editor,

HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Mi crosoft\

Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\UserShell Folders, thestring value Favorites of the key to D:\Favorites, and thenrestart the computer.

5, transfer history

The history record defaults to storage under

C:\Windows\History, and we can move it to other partitions,such as the D disk History folder. After you create a Historyfolder after the D disk, open the registry to modify and expandthe

HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Mi crosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\UserShell Folders, double-click the Historystring value, its value will be changed from

C:\Windows\Favorites D:\History to exit.

6, transfer Cookies

Cookies is the text, file, or memory data that our browsing sitesends to the user' s computer' s hard disk. Its location in thehard disk is closelyrelatedto the operating systemandbrowserused.

The location of the Cookies file is C:\Documents, and,

Settings\, username, \Cookies.

Transfer method and transfer method of Cookies record the same,also want to modify the registry, and to expand the registrylocation is the same, just want to modify the "Cookies" is thestring value, then say no more.

7, transfer my documents

The default location for my document is C:\Documents andSettings\ username \My Documents. We can transfer the MyDocuments folder to the other partition, the specific methodis: modify the attribute my documents, right-click the desktop"My Documents" of the "properties" in the "properties" dialog"folder" to fill in the "D:\MyDoc" can be. This method alsoenables multiple operating systems to share a single "mydocument"".

8, transfer the Outlook Express mail to store the file locationStart Outlook Express, and click Tools > options". On themaintenance tab, select the storage folder, select change inthe storage location tab, and specify a new location (such as

D:\Outlook) . If you use other mailbox software (such as Foxmail,etc. ) , you can also follow this.

9, transfer download file location

Install the download software (such as thunder) to the D diskand re - specify the storage folder of the downloaded file inthe D disk.

The sixth step: turn off the system sleep function

System sleep function occupies a certain space in the hard disk,and rarely uses this function, so you can turn off this feature,save disk space.

The method is: open the control panel in the control panel,double-click the "Power Options" icon, open the "Power Options"dialog box, then cancel the "dormant" tab in the "enablehibernation" option before the hook, "OK" to exit. You can alsoright-click on the desktop to view the display properties,enter the power management item under the screen saver, select"hibernate", cancel the "hibernate" option before the "tick",

The seventh step: turn off the system restore functionIf the above steps are correct, restart can enter the normalsystem, you can boldly turn off system restore function; if notnormal to enter the system, to enter the complete model, restorethe system, re above steps.

Close the system restore method: right-click on the desktop"mycomputer" to see the system properties, under the "systemrestore" option, tick"drive on all drives, restore the system",to determine the withdrawal can be.

The eighth step: hard disk defragmentation

Restart your computer, press F8 to enter safe mode, use the XP


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