系统系统精简瘦身——提高XP系统运行速度(Streamline the system to slim down - improve the running speed of XP system)

xp瘦身  时间:2021-01-24  阅读:()

系统精简瘦身——提高XP系统运行速度Streamline the system toslim down - improve the running speed of XP systemDownsizing: the first step to improving the speed of your XPsystem

Is it easy to find someone in 100, or is it easy to find someonein 1000? The answer is no, it must be easier. This is theprinciple of streamlining the Windows XP files to improve thespeed of operation.

Whether it is the new installation system or the older systemwith greater use, it can eliminate some spare files in thesystem, thus saving the system disk space and improving theoperating speed of the system.

Step 1: backup system backup files

Install and update all drivers, back up the entire folder of

C: \ Windows \ system 32 \ dllcache to another hard diskpartition. Note: this is a hidden file that needs to open thehidden properties of the system file. Backup this file to solvethe problem of not installing driver after adding new hardwaredevice!

Step 2: run the four commands and delete any files or programsthat are not commonly used

1. Delete the Messenger program from XP. PM, open the "run"dialog box, enter "RunDll32 advpack. DLL, LaunchINFSection %windir% \ INF \ MSMSGS INF, BLC. Remove" (copy only the part

of purple) , and then click sure will be OK.

2. Reduce the waiting time of the boot disk scan. Type"CHKNTFS/t: 0" in "run" to enter the car.

3. Delete the system backup file, type "SFC. Exe/purgecache"in "run" to return the car.

4. Disable compression folder, type "regsvr32 / u zipfl.dll"in "run" to enter the car. [size = + 0]

Step 3: change the default installation path of common software

1. Create a new folder in the larger partitions of the spaceto install the software, such as creating a new folder in theD tray, such as: D: ProgramFiles.

Execute "start/run" command, enter "regedit" and open theregistry.

3, open the registry to the following branch

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREM icrosoftWindowsCurrentVers ion],found in the right side of the window, called"ProgramFilesDir"string, double-click the numerical "C: \Program Files" changedto "D: ProgramFiles", determine the exit, can change theinstallation path the commonly used software.

With this change, you' ll see that the default path given by thesystem when you install the new software has become D:ProgramFiles, and the "next step" is all right.

Step 4: simplify your system files

1. Delete custom desktop image in C: WINDOWS files, delete allsuffixes named. BMP ugly images. Then go to C:

WINDOWSWEBWALLPAPER, remove unwanted desktop images.

Then open the "my computer", under the "tools"menu to open the"folder options", in the "view" to "hide the protectedoperating systemfiles"and"show all files and folders" optionbox, then click "ok" to exit.

2 temporary Files, delete users delete C: Documents andSettings all Files under the username Cookies (retention indexFiles) to delete C: Documents and Settings user name LocalSettingsTemp all the Files under the temporary Files (user) todelete C: Documents and Settings username

LocalSettingsTemporaryInternet Files of all Documents (pagefile) delete C: Documents and Settings user name LocalSettingsHistory under all the Files (historical records)

3. Delete the systemnot commonly used files and temporary filesdelete C: under Windows under$u. . . The beginning of the hiddenfile. Delete all files under the Windows stemp folder(temporary files) .

If it is a newly installed system, temporary files aretransferred, the above files can be deleted. Delete C:WINDOWSServicePackFiles folder all the files (upgrade aftersp1 and sp2 backup files. If XP SP3 installed directly, can'tfind this file) . Delete C: WINDOWSDriver Cachei386 compressedf ile folder (driver backup f ile. Remember that before deleting,

must be inserted into the mobile hard disk, U disk, let thesystem automatically delete) again after installed driver.Delete all files under WINDOWS Prefetch. Delete C:

WINDOWSSoftwareDistributiondownload under all of the files toa temporary file systems () . Delete C: windowssystem32dllcacheall files folder. (the second step was done, and the step wouldbe saved. )

4, delete, not commonly used input method Restart the computer,enter the safe mode, the C: WINDOWSime folder chtime, imjp8_1and imkr6_1 three files directly deleted (respectivelycorresponding to traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean) .Step 5: prevent new system spam

1, the transfer of virtual memory In desktop right-click on mycomputer to check the properties, select "advanced"TAB, clickon the column of "performance" "set"button, select "advanced"TAB, click on the "virtual memory" column of "change" buttonto enter the virtual memory window. Select the system disk indrive list, (if you don't know how much to the right, then writedown the drive system is the two number) , then check"no pagingfile" option, then click"Settings"button; Then click on otherpartitions, choose "custom size" option, in the "initial size"and "maximum" set numerical (we will write down just the twonumerical input) respectively, and then click "Settings"button, finally click "ok" button to exit, finally restartcomputer Settings to take effect! With respect to values, youcan also set theminimum to 1. 5 times the physical memory (i.e. ,the size of yourmemory stick) , withamaximumvalue of 2.5 timesphysical memory. For more than 1 gb of ram, it' s faster!

2, transfer Windows temporary files in performing somecomplicated operations (e.g. , unzip the files) , is first putfile in a temporary directory, delete temporary files againafter task execution. Is under the operating system partitionby default temp directory, if we can think of some way to improvethe temporary file to read and write speed, can achieve theresult of optimization system, so want to findaway to transferthe temporary file. Due to hard disk physical form, area,speaking, reading and writing speed is quicker than the outsidearea, in Windows is usually points closer to the area in frontof the partition (such as disk C) , points on the back of thepartition is more close to the outer zone. Under Windows, youshould minimize the read-write operation of the operatingsystem' s partition, and consider that we will build a temporarydirectory on the D disk. Below is the specific methods: firstof all a directory under the newly established in D set temp,and then right-click "my computer", choose the popup menu of"attributes", "advanced" and "environment variables" button,and drag in the "system variables" to the right of the drop-downlist box in the end, you can see the temp and TMP variable, inthe pop-up dialog box will be temp and TMP values were changedto D: temp. After the restart, the change takes effect.3, IE temporary folder First in the system partition to createa store temporary files folder, IE say save in D set tempdirectory, and then in the main window, IE, in turn, click onthe "tools", "Internet options", "normal" label, open the"temporary Internet files" interface, click the "move thefolder" button,

Select the folder"D: temp" in the browse folder dialog box andclick ok. The system will prompt "restart the machine". Afterrestart, the system automatically converts the storage area tothe specified directory under the d-disk.

4 and transfer Favorites Windows 2000 / XP, Favorites defaultstored in C: the Documents and Settings user name Favorites,please login with your user name of Windows, and then createa new Favorites folder in D disk, and then open the registryeditor, to HKEY_USERS.

DefaultSof twareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVers ionExplorerUserShell Folders, change the string value Favorites key to D:Favorites, and then restart the computer.

5. The History record of transfer History is stored in C:Windows shistory. We can transfer it to other partitions, suchas the D disk History folder. In D set to create the Historyfolder, open the registry editor, expand the HKEY_USERS.DefaultSof twareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVers ionExplorerUserShell Folders, double-click the string value History, its keyvalue by C: WindowsFavorites to D: History, exit.

The transfer of Cookies and Cookies is the data that we browseto a text file or memory in a user' s computer' s hard drive. Itslocation in the hard disk is closely related to the operatingsystem and browser used. The location of the Cookies file is

C: Documents and Settings user name Cookies. Transfer Cookiesmethod and transfer history in the same way, also want to modifythe registry, but also on the position of the registry of thesame, only is to modify the string value "Cookies", in thissmall said.

7. Transfer My document "My document"by default is C: Documentsand Settings user name My Documents. We can transfer the "mydocuments" folder to other partition, the specific method is:modify the attribute of "my documents", right click on the "mydocuments" desktop "properties", in the properties dialog boxin the target folder to fill in the "D: MyDoc". This method alsoallows multiple operating systems to share a "my document".

8. Transfer Outlook Express mail file location to start OutlookExpress, click "tools", "options". In the maintenance TAB,select the storage folder, select "change" in the "storagelocation"TAB, and specify a new location (such as D: Outlook) .If you use other mailbox software (such as Foxmail, etc. ) , youcan also do this.

9. Transfer the download file location to install the software(such as xunlei) to the D disk, and re-specify the storagefolder of the download file in D tray.

Step 6: shutdown system hibernation function to occupy acertain amount of space on the hard disk, and rarely use thisfunction, so you can turn off the energy saving disk space.Method is: open the control panel, double-click the "poweroptions" icon in your control panel, open the "power options"dialog box, and then cancel the "dormant" TAB in the "enablehibernation" option in front of the hook, "ok" to exit. Can alsobe used in desktop right-click the view display attributes,under the screen saver, into the power management items, chooseto "sleep", cancel "enable hibernation" option in front of the

hook, "ok" to exit.

Step 7: turn off the system restore function. If the above stepsare correct, restart can enter the normal system, can be boldto close the system restore function; If you can't get into thesystem normally, you're going to go into full mode, restore thesystem, and redo the steps above.

The turn off system restore method: right-click on the desktop"my computer" to check the system properties, under the "systemrestore" option is checked "on all drives the turn off systemrestore, determine the exit.

Step 8: make the hard disk defragment to restart the computer,press F8 to enter the security mode, and use the diskdefragmenter of XP to arrange the disk defragmenter. Afterfinishing, restart the computer, then use a key GHOST to makea system backup. I won't write this step. Interested friendscan refer to "system backup super weapon: a key GHOST v11.5".

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