
description  时间:2021-09-02  阅读:()


1 外貌Appearance He is handsome/ good-looking/ athletic/ muscular/ fat (Negative)/ overweight (Negative). He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features. She’s pretty/ beautiful/ good-looking/ attractive/ plain/ slim/ plump/ thin (Negative)/ skinny (Negative). S/he’s in her / his mid-40s. / S/he is somewhere between 25 and 30 years old. / S/he’s at least 30 years old. / S/he’s 40 at the most. S/he’s tall / short / of medium height/ of average height/ about 5 feet tall. She has short hair/ medium length hair/ long hair/ long wavy dark hair/ long and straight hair/ short and curly hair. He has got a baby face/ chubby face/ round face/ an intelligent face. She has a slim/ plump/ sensitive face, His forehead is high/ broad/ rounded/ low/ flat/ narrow/ perfect. Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ intelligent. He has a snub/ sharp/ straight/ hooked nose and a square chin. 2 服装 S/he’s very well-dressed. / S/he likes to wear designer clothes. He is dressed in a light brown suit and a red tie. He looks very professional in a dark blue suit. She looks very smart in a pale gray dress. S/he always wears casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt. 3 性格 Positive confident, modest, brave, cheerful, kind, friendly, generous, honest, independent, reliable, patient, outgoing, sensitive, decisive, ambitious, punctual, sociable, easygoing, gentle, thoughtful, understanding, optimistic, frank, straightforward Negative Big-headed, bad-tempered, boring, bossy, dull, dishonest, envious, fussy, impatient, jealous, lazy, rude, mean, selfish, shy, timid, stubborn, careless, clumsy , greedy , conceited , pessimistic , aggressive , cruel


description 为名词。

描写,形容;种类,性质 的意思。

它的常用用法和词组有: beyond description 难以描述 难以形容 例:The West Lake was beautiful beyond description. 西湖美得难以描述。

vivid description 逼真的描述 lively description 生动的描写 information description 情报著录 give a description of 描述 例如:give a description of the battle 描述下战况


description 英 [d??skr?p?n] 美 [d??skr?p??n] n. 描述; 形容; 种类; 类型 网络 网站抄描述; 功能描述; 简介 复数: descriptions 形近词: discription adscription superscription proscription circumscription 双语例句zd Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty. 警方已经发布了那名年龄在50到60岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。



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