tomcat5.5配置-多域名绑定和虚拟目录Tomcat5.5 conf iguration
- multi domain bindings and virtual directoriesTomcat5.5 configuration - multi domain binding and virtualdirectory 2007-08-19 22:02Tomcat5. 5 configuration - multidomain binding and virtual directories
Tomcat uses the default installation, and if you want tamcatto bind directly to multiple domains, here we need to modifythe configuration f ile: C:\Program, Files\Apache, Software,Foundation\Tomcat, 5.5\conf\server.xml
The modification of server.xml is as follows:
(1) multi domain binding
1. , if you want to bind a web site, first you want to changeTomcat' s default access port 8080 to 80
<Connector port= "8080"maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads= "25" maxSpareThreads= "75"enableLookups= "false" redirectPort= "8443" acceptCount="100"connect ionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true"/ >
After modification:
<Connector port= "80" maxHttpHeaderSize= "8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads= "25" maxSpareThreads= "75"
enableLookups= "false" redirectPort= "8443" acceptCount="100"connect ionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true"/ >
In fact, here is the port:8080, modified to port:80 on it, andother parameters remain unchanged
2. , the next point is, ha ha. . .
<Engine name=, "Catalina", "defaultHost=", "localhost" ><Host name= "localhost" appBase= "webapps" unpackWARs= "true"autoDeploy= "true" xmlVal idation= "false" xmlNamespaceAware="false" / >
Of course, here I put all the code removed, the unsightlyAfter modification:
<Engine name=, "Catalina",>
<Host name=, " com", "appBase==", "abcapps", "true",,
<Host com appBase== "D:\cba" unpackWARs= "true"autoDeploy= "true" xmlVal idation= "false" xmlNamespaceAware=
"false" / >
<Host name= "localhost" appBase= "webapps" unpackWARs= "true"autoDeploy= "true" xmlVal idation= "false" xmlNamespaceAware="false" / >
Here' s an explanation of the configuration above
Engine dafaultHost: means access to the default Tomcat accesshost, note must not be localhost, or else through your IPaccess,it will default into the Tomcat management interface
The Host of name: represents the domain name that the host binds,and if you bind localhost, you can access the Host. by enteringlocalhost in the browser
The Host of appBase: represents the file storage path that thehost binds, and you can use relative paths or absolute pathsFollow the configuration above:
1. if I enter http://localhost in the browser, I' ll visit theweb site under C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundat ion\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\ROOT
2. if you enter, access the web site under
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
5.5\abc app s\ROOT
Note that there is a ROOT directory that needs to be created.We can just access the site to the appropriate ROOT directoryand then access it via the corresponding domain name
There are a lot of parameters, and I'm not very clear, but thiscan really achieve multi domainbinding ha ha, and the site pagechanges, as long as the direct coverage can be,
Tomcat can automatically update classes and pages, and, ofcourse, you need to restart Tomcat if you change web.xml or Lib(two) virtual directory
<Host name=, "localhost", "appBase=", "webapps""
UnpackWARs= "true", "autoDeploy=", "true""
XmlValidation= "false", "xmlNamespaceAware=", "false" ><Context path=, "/cqq", "docBase=", "f:\java\cqqapp","debug=", "", "reloadable=", "true", "crossContext=", "true" ></Ho st>
Among them, the Host tag is used to configure the virtual host,that is, you can point to a number of domain name tomcat, theformat as long as the reference to the default
All right。
<context> is the child element of the Host tag. It representsa virtual directory. It has two main attributes, and path isequivalent to the virtual directory name,
The docbase is the specific file location. Here, my virtual pathname is cqq, and in fact my program is HTML, jsp,
Servlet is under the f:\java\cqqapp directory.
So I can access myvirtual directory viahttp://127.0.0. 1/cqq/.Another way is:
Configure two sites
<Host name=, " com", "debug=", "0", "appBase=","D:\Tomcat5.5\portal", "true", "autoDeploy=", "true",unpa ckWARs=
<Context "path=" docBase= "D:/Tomcat5.5/portal" debug= "0"reloadable= "true" / >
</Ho st>
<Hos t name=, " com", "appBase=", "D:\Tomcat5.5\hxw""UnpackWARs= "true", "autoDeploy=", "true""
XmlValidation= "false", "xmlNamespaceAware=", "false" >
<Context "path=" docBase= "D:\Tomcat5.5\abc" debug= "0"reloadable= "true" / >
</Ho st>
After this setting, enter the domain name can be divided intotwo sites
But because you do not specify a default site, you cannot accessthe IP directly.
Then increase D:\Tomcat5. 5\conf\Catalina\localhost\ROOT.xmlContent such as
<Context path=, "/", "docBase=", "${catalina.home}/portal","debug=", "5", "reloadable=", "true", "crossContext=","true" >
So you can enter the domain name to a site, and enter IP defaultto D:/Tomcat5.5/portal this site
But, however, the problem arises
These two sites start consuming memory, and the TOMCAT memorysettings I've set to 1400M (no higher TOMCAT5 can't start) , soI can't start three applications at once.
Have you ever implemented an application that binds multipled oma i ns?.
As follows (so writing TOMCAT is certainly not started, justto express what I mean)
<Host name=, " com, 192. 168.0. 1", "appBase=",
UnpackWARs= "true", "autoDeploy=", "true""
XmlValidation= "false", "xmlNamespaceAware=", "false" ><Context "path=" docBase= "D:\Tomcat5.5\abc" debug= "0"reloadable= "true" / >
</Ho st>
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