中国上海 华艺博
化今天在这会场中云聚了世界各地的风水老师他们在风水学上的造旨如日月中天 由此可见中国的风水文化博大精深、渊远流长,风水建筑文化思想己遍布世界各地,今天我能与各位老师一起来探讨风水命理是我的荣幸。
Dear Distinguish Guests,Masters and Friends
I am Hua Yi Bo from Shanghai and I am honoured to behere today for this year’ s Feng Shui convention inSingapore.?
During my presentation, I will be sharing with all of youthe techniques of Chinese Physiognomy or face reading tounderstand a person’ s current living condition in his houseand also his external environment through face reading.?The Chinese have been reading faces for many thousandyears.?Our facial features also determine a person’ s health,fortune,characteristics,fate and happiness in life.
希望更多的人来研究面相与风水这门学说并将此发扬光大。 面相是一个人所具有的独特气质和他内心所想而表现于人脸上的各种信息相法师就是根据这个人脸上所呈现的形与色来论断其吉凶的。人长期生活在某一个环境之中那么这种环境必然会在这个人的脸上形成一种信息这种信息隐藏了人生活的基本空间环境的情况。
人脸上的器官很多每一个器官都代表了一种信息其中最主要的宫位是“五官”与“十二宫位”等。 “五官”为“耳、眉、眼、鼻、 口” “十二宫”为“命宫、财帛宫、兄弟宫、夫妻宫、子女宫、疾厄宫、迁移宫、奴仆宫、官禄宫、 田宅宫、福德宫、父母宫”。
The 5 features on our face are the ears, eye brow, eyes,nose and our mouth. I will use them to illustrate how weread a person’ s face in relation to the fengshui of his houseand the external environment.
An outline of the 12 Palaces on the face that governs the 12aspects of a person’ s life are as follows:
∙Life Palace, Wealth Palace, Sibling Palace, MarriagePalace, Children Palace, Health Palace, TravellingPalace, Assistant Palace, Career Palace, PropertyPalace, Fortune and Virtue Palace Parents Palace.
风水上它主宅主目前所居住的整个大气候的环境 印堂自然发亮宅主所居住的环境较佳 印堂发黑宅主居住的环境很差印堂有痘或发黑宅地周围有动土之象 印堂有疤痕居所不定常搬家容易因住屋而与人而发生纠纷。
1.?Life Palace
The Life Palace which is found between the eyebrows.? Ifrepresents a person’ s luck and his current home interiorand environmental fengshui.? If the life palace area isglowing it means that his current living environment is good.?
If the life palace area is dark it means that he is living inan untidy environment and if this area is dull and with
blemishes or pimples, it means that the surrounding outsidehis house is having renovations or constructions.?
When the life palace area has a scar, this indicates that theperson has the habit of moving house and he is quitequarrelsome.?
2.Wealth Palace
The nose represents the wealth palace and you can tellwhether that person is doing financially well or not bylooking at his nose.
The nose tip also represents a person’ s kitchen.? If thenose tip has some defects or scar, it means that his kitchen ismessy.?If this area has some blemishes or freckles,there willbe signs of crack lines on his kitchen wall.
If the person’s nostril is big and visible from the front view,it suggests he likes to have an open concept kitchen.? If thenose wings has moles or scars, the person is likely to design
his kitchen where it is located near to the main entrance ofthe house.
3.Sibling Palace
The eye brow represents the person’ s corridor, thewindows and his neighbours.
If there is a chip on the eyebrow it denotes that the personlives near a T-junction and he does not have a harmoniousrelationship with his neighbours.
If the eyebrows grow in a confusing direction, it denotesthat his corridor is messy.
If the eyebrows are neat and tidy, he has a harmoniousrelationship with his neighbours.? The doorway andwindows of his house are kept spick and span.?
4.Marriage Palace
The Marriage Palace is located at the tip of the eye orsome call it the “fish tails area” and it represent therelationship with your spouse.
If there is a mole, freckles or blemishes in that area, themaster bedroom fengshui will be messy,untidy and dirty.?If the marriage palace area is dull, it indicate that there is asewerage beneath the master bedroom or there will be a lotof clusters underneath the bed.?Alternatively it also showsthat the toilet door is facing the couple’ s bed directly or theheadboard of the bed is located next to the toilet.
If the marriage palace is bright and flawless, the masterbedroom fengshui will be good and the bedroom is neat andtidy.?Forthe man, it means he has a virtue wife.
5.Children Palace
The Children Palace is located directly under the eyes, inthe eyebags and it represent the toilets in your house.?If theeyebags area is clear and vibrant then your toilets will bebright and clean.?
If this area is sunken or bulging, then your toilet is likelyuntidy, cramp and it is also used as a storage area.Toiletsare usually considered a dirty part of the house with badenergy.? If the eyebags has wrinkles and a mole, then thehouse fengshui are usually affected by the bad energy fromthe toilet affecting the kitchen and the main entrance. If thisPalace is dull and dark, the toilet will not have any windowsfor ventilation and thus affecting the good energy in thehouse.??
If one has fine criss-cross lines at the eye bags, it means
that the toilet will be located in the middle of the house. Italso means that the altar is either located near the toilet orbeneath the toilet.
6.?Assistant Palace
The Assistant Palace shows the relationship between yourfriends and your subordinates.? It is located at lower side ofthe cheeks.
In fengshui perspective, same analysis apply for theAssistant Palace and Children Palace.
疾厄宫喜高隆丰满主根基巩固家庭和睦能得祖上之福而青云直上。疾厄宫之位又是祖上风水之位不能倾陷、尖削、有伤痕、有痣、有破纹疾厄宫有疤痕表示祖坟被破坏或祖坟被迁移过 目前位置不好疾厄宫低陷有水进入鼻梁为祖坟的来龙。
7.?Health Palace
The Health Palace is located at the centre of the bridge ofthe nose and it represents the personal health of the person.
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