Through the actual incident investigations, front collision patterns from the collision can contact form, collision speed from two aspects, divided into positive condition declivitous contact form, left, right, left bias tilt tilt right bias, left, right, right inclined offset tilt left bias in 23; etc. Collision speed mainly divided into 10m/h, 15m/h, 22m/h, 25m/h, 30 / h, 35m/h, 40 MB/h seven levels. Currently the collision can realize makers ounted for only the actual incident form of 2%. C6t automotive design
Frontal crash of several typical parameters, such as energy, displacement, velocity and eleration of the relationship between time and etc, and the relationship between them, constitute a frontal impact dynamics model of various. In order to analyze need, still need to add energy density, energy equivalent stiffness, strength, speed, etc. In the stage of conceptual design and project definition, use these parameters for different equivalence collision speed and the collision model with the same intensity) to establish the collision and strength of the damage index corresponding relation, the design parameters of the body structure of control.累死我了````
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