
神经算法  时间:2021-07-02  阅读:()





这个目标函数的主要特点有: 1.固定隐层输出,该目标函数对连接权值来说是凸的;固定连接权值,对隐层输出来说是凸的。

这样在对连接权值和隐层输出进行交替优化时,它们所面对的目标函数都是凸函数,不存在局部最小的问题,算法对于初始权值的敏感性降低; 2.由于惩罚因子是逐渐增大的,使得权值的搜索空间变得比较大,从而对于大规模的网络也能够训练,在一定程度上降低了训练过程陷入局部最小的可能性。












关键词:前馈神经网络,凸优化理论,训练算法,矿体预测,应用 Feed forward Neural Networks Training Algorithm Based on Convex Optimization and Its Application in Deposit Forcasting JIA Wen-chen (Computer Application) Directed by YE Shi-wei Abstract The paper studies primarily the application of convex optimization theory and algorithm for feed forward works’ training and convergence performance. It reviews the history of feed forward works, points out that the training of feed forward works is essentially a non-linear problem and introduces BP algorithm, its advantages as well as disadvantages and previous improvements for it. One of the big disadvantages of BP algorithm and its improvement algorithms is: because its error target function is non-convex in the weight values between neurons in different layers and exists local minimum point, thus, if the weight values enter local minimum point in weight values space work is trained, it is difficult to skip local minimum point and reach the global minimum point (i.e. the most optimal point).If this happening, the training works will be essful. To e these essential disadvantages, the paper constructs a new error target function including restriction item ording to convex function, Fenchel inequality in the conjugate of convex function and punishment function method in restriction optimization theory. When feed forward works based on the new target function is being trained, hidden layers’ outputs are seen as optimization variables. The main characteristics of the new target function are as follows: 1.With fixed hidden layers’ outputs, the new target function is convex in connecting weight variables; with fixed connecting weight values, the new target function is convex in hidden layers’ outputs. Thus, when connecting weight values and hidden layers’ outputs are optimized alternately, the new target function is convex in them, doesn’t exist local minimum point, and the algorithm’s sensitiveness is reduced for original weight values . 2.Because the punishment factor is increased gradually, weight values ’ searching space gets much bigger, so works can be trained and the possibility of entering local minimum point can be reduced to a certain extent work training process. Using these characteristics can e efficiently in the former feed forward works’ training algorithms the big disadvantage works training enters local minimum point easily. This creats a new idea for feed forward works’ learning algorithms by using convex optimization theory works training, connecting weight variables and hidden layer outputs can be optimized alternately. The new algorithm is much better than traditional algorithms for feed forward works. The numerical experiments show that the new algorithm is essful. paring the new algorithm with the traditional ones, a primary conclusion of their relationship is reached. It is proved theoretically that when the punishment factor nears infinity, the new algorithm is BP algorithm yet. The meaning and function of the punishment factor are also explained by numerical experiments. For three-layer feed forward works, when the punishment factor is smaller, hidden layer outputs’ variable range is bigger and this is in favor to updating of the connecting weights values, when the punishment factor is bigger, hidden layer outputs’ variable range is smaller and this is not in favor to updating of the connecting weights values but it can improve precision works. This explains the reason that the punishment factor should be increased gradually works training process. It also explains feasibility of the new algorithm and BP algorithm’s disadvantage that connecting weigh values can not be updated sometimes. Deposit forecasting is very important in deposit geology. The previous algorithms’ effect is not good in deposit forecasting because of much more input samples. The paper applies the new algorithm to deposit forecasting and expectant result is reached. The paper points out the new algorithm’s strongpoint as well as to-be-improved places in the end. Keywords: feed forward works, convex optimization theory, training algorithm, deposit forecasting, application 传统的BP算法及其改进算法的一个很大缺点是:由于其误差目标函数对于待学习的连接权值来说非凸的,存在局部最小点,对网络进行训练时,这些算法的权值一旦落入权值空间的局部最小点就很难跳出,因而无法达到全局最小点(即最优点)而使得网络训练失败。



这个目标函数的主要特点有: 1.固定隐层输出,该目标函数对连接权值来说是凸的;固定连接权值,对隐层输出来说是凸的。

这样在对连接权值和隐层输出进行交替优化时,它们所面对的目标函数都是凸函数,不存在局部最小的问题,算法对于初始权值的敏感性降低; 2.由于惩罚因子是逐渐增大的,使得权值的搜索空间变得比较大,从而对于大规模的网络也能够训练,在一定程度上降低了训练过程陷入局部最小的可能性。












关键词:前馈神经网络,凸优化理论,训练算法,矿体预测,应用 Feed forward Neural Networks Training Algorithm Based on Convex Optimization and Its Application in Deposit Forcasting JIA Wen-chen (Computer Application) Directed by YE Shi-wei Abstract The paper studies primarily the application of convex optimization theory and algorithm for feed forward works’ training and convergence performance. It reviews the history of feed forward works, points out that the training of feed forward works is essentially a non-linear problem and introduces BP algorithm, its advantages as well as disadvantages and previous improvements for it. One of the big disadvantages of BP algorithm and its improvement algorithms is: because its error target function is non-convex in the weight values between neurons in different layers and exists local minimum point, thus, if the weight values enter local minimum point in weight values space work is trained, it is difficult to skip local minimum point and reach the global minimum point (i.e. the most optimal point).If this happening, the training works will be essful. To e these essential disadvantages, the paper constructs a new error target function including restriction item ording to convex function, Fenchel inequality in the conjugate of convex function and punishment function method in restriction optimization theory. When feed forward works based on the new target function is being trained, hidden layers’ outputs are seen as optimization variables. The main characteristics of the new target function are as follows: 1.With fixed hidden layers’ outputs, the new target function is convex in connecting weight variables; with fixed connecting weight values, the new target function is convex in hidden layers’ outputs. Thus, when connecting weight values and hidden layers’ outputs are optimized alternately, the new target function is convex in them, doesn’t exist local minimum point, and the algorithm’s sensitiveness is reduced for original weight values . 2.Because the punishment factor is increased gradually, weight values ’ searching space gets much bigger, so works can be trained and the possibility of entering local minimum point can be reduced to a certain extent work training process. Using these characteristics can e efficiently in the former feed forward works’ training algorithms the big disadvantage works training enters local minimum point easily. This creats a new idea for feed forward works’ learning algorithms by using convex optimization theory works training, connecting weight variables and hidden layer outputs can be optimized alternately. The new algorithm is much better than traditional algorithms for feed forward works. The numerical experiments show that the new algorithm is essful. paring the new algorithm with the traditional ones, a primary conclusion of their relationship is reached. It is proved theoretically that when the punishment factor nears infinity, the new algorithm is BP algorithm yet. The meaning and function of the punishment factor are also explained by numerical experiments. For three-layer feed forward works, when the punishment factor is smaller, hidden layer outputs’ variable range is bigger and this is in favor to updating of the connecting weights values, when the punishment factor is bigger, hidden layer outputs’ variable range is smaller and this is not in favor to updating of the connecting weights values but it can improve precision works. This explains the reason that the punishment factor should be increased gradually works training process. It also explains feasibility of the new algorithm and BP algorithm’s disadvantage that connecting weigh values can not be updated sometimes. Deposit forecasting is very important in deposit geology. The previous algorithms’ effect is not good in deposit forecasting because of much more input samples. The paper applies the new algorithm to deposit forecasting and expectant result is reached. The paper points out the new algorithm’s strongpoint as well as to-be-improved places in the end. Keywords: feed forward works, convex optimization theory, training algorithm, deposit forecasting, application BP算法及其改进 2.1 BP算法步骤 1°随机抽取初始权值ω0; 2°输入学习样本对(Xp,Yp),学习速率η,误差水平ε; 3°依次计算各层结点输出opi,opj,opk; 4°修正权值ωk+1=ωk+ηpk,其中pk=,ωk为第k次迭代权变量; 5°若误差E<ε停止,否则转3°。

2.2 最优步长ηk的确定 在上面的算法中,学习速率η实质上是一个沿负梯度方向的步长因子,在每一次迭代中如何确定一个最优步长ηk,使其误差值下降最快,则是典型的一维搜索问题,即E(ωk+ηkpk)=(ωk+ηpk)。



确定ηk的算法步骤如下 1°给定η0=0,h=0.01,ε0=0.00001; 2°计算Φ′(η0),若Φ′(η0)=0,则令ηk=η0,停止计算; 3°令h=2h, η1=η0+h; 4°计算Φ′(η1),若Φ′(η1)=0,则令ηk=η1,停止计算; 若Φ′(η1)>0,则令a=η0,b=η1;若Φ′(η1)<0,则令η0=η1,转3°; 5°计算Φ′(a),若Φ′(a)=0,则ηk=a,停止计算; 6°计算Φ′(b),若Φ′(b)=0,则ηk=b,停止计算; 7°计算Φ′(a+b/2),若Φ′(a+b/2)=0,则ηk=a+b/2,停止计算; 若Φ′(a+b/2)<0,则令a=a+b/2;若Φ′(a+b/2)>0,则令b=a+b/2 8°若|a-b|<ε0,则令,ηk=a+b/2,停止计算,否则转7°。

2.3 改进BP算法的特点分析 在上述改进的BP算法中,对学习速率η的选取不再由用户自己确定,而是在每次迭代过程中让计算机自动寻找最优步长ηk。





学习神经网络算法,看什么书比较好, 求推荐~

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