设置vim config(vim配置)

vim配置  时间:2021-01-11  阅读:()

vim config vim配置

Take the code copy to the user directory, and the new file i s.Vimrc

Saving can take effect. If youwant all users to go into effect,please modify /etc/vimrc (first CP one)



"DesCRiption: vimrc files for your own use, for, Linux/Windows,GUI/Console


"Last Change: , 2010, 08, 02, 15:13. "


"Version: 1.80. "





Set nocompatible "close VI compatibility mode"

Syntax on "automatic syntax highlighting"

"Colorscheme Molokai" sets the color scheme

"Set number" displays line numbers

"Set cursorline" highlights the current row

"Set ruler" opens the status bar ruler

"Set shiftwidth=4" sets the "and" command to move at a width of 4

"Set softtabstop=4" makes it possible to delete 4 spaces at a time by pressing the backspace key

"Set tabstop=4" sets the tab length to 4

"Set nobackup" does not backup when overwriting files "Set autochdir" automatically switches the current directory to the directory in which the current file is located "Filetype plugin indent on" opens the plug-in

"Set backupcopy=yes" sets the behavior when it is backed up for coverage

"Set ignorecase smartcase" ignores case when searching, but remains case sensitive with one or more uppercase letters "Set nowrapscan" prohibits searching at the end of the search to both ends of the file

"Set incsearch" displays the search results when entering the search content

"Set hlsearch", highlighting the text to be found when searching

"Set noerrorbells". Close the error message ring

"Set novisualbell" closes, using visual rings instead of calls "Set t_vb=" the terminal code for the null error ringtone When set showmatch inserts parentheses, briefly jump to the corresponding parentheses in the match

"Set matchtime=2" briefly jumps to the time it takes to match parentheses

Set magic "sets the magic. "

"Set hidden" allows you to switch buffers when unsaved changes are made, and the changes are saved by VIM at this time Set guioptions-=T "hide Toolbar"

Set guioptions-=m "hide the menu bar"

Set smartindent "smart automatic indentation"when opening new lines

Set, backspace=indent, EOL, start

"Not set in insert state, cannot use backspace key and Delete key to delete carriage return

"Set cmdheight=1". The number of rows to set the command line is 1

"Set laststatus=2" displays the status bar (the default value is 1, unable to display the status bar)

Set, statusline=\,%<%F[%1*%M%*%n%R%H]%=\,%y\,%0

(%{&fileformat}\,%{&encoding}\,%c:%l/%L%) \

"Sets the information displayed on the status line

"Set foldenable" begins folding

"Set foldmethod=syntax" sets syntax folding

"Set foldcolumn=0" sets the width of the collapsed area "SETLOCAL foldlevel=1" sets the number of fold layers to “foldclose = “设置为自动关闭折叠

“nnoremap <空格> @ = f oldclo sed 线' ' 0  ” ZC“咗”  <cr>


“返回操作系统如Windows Mac或Linux  et. st. 。

功能 mysys()

如果有 “运行”  | |有Win32 | |有 “win64”  | |有 “win95” 返回“窗口”

“有 “UN I X” 

返回“Linux”endif endfunction


如果mysys() = = “窗口”

让vimfiles美元=美元/ vimfiles的活力。

“mysys() = = “Linux”

让vimfiles美元= $家。 /活力” 。endif


让helptags = vimfiles美元/医生。



集guifont = inconsolata H12全国endif


如果有 “multi_byte” 



集termencoding = UTF-8

集formatopt ions + =毫米

集fencs = UTF-8 GBK

如果v =郎= ^ \ Z H \ \ | \ JA \ \ | \ K O \ ”集amb iwi dth =双endif


源vimruntime美元/ delmenu.vim

源vimruntime美元/ menu.vim


其他的echoerr “对不起这个版本G Vim不是+ multi_byte”编译endif

“缓冲区操作快捷方式nnoremap < c-return > bnext <cr>nnoremap < c-s-return > bprevious <cr>

操作快捷方式”选项卡nnoremap < c-tab > tabnext <cr>nnoremap < c-s-t ab > tabprev <cr>


“地图TN tabnext <cr>

“地图TP tabprevious <cr>

“地图TD t abnew。 <cr>

图注 tabedit

“地图TC tabclose <cr>


“光标到上方窗口需要< > < > K C-W节约非常麻烦现在重映射为< C-K >切换的

“时候会变得非常方便。nnoremap < > < > H C-W C-H nnoremap < > < > J GJ C-W nnoremap < > < > K C-K节约nnoremap < > < > L C-L C-W

“一些不错的映射转换语法如果在一个文件中混合了不同语言时有用nnor emap <领导者> 1设置文件类型= XHTML <cr>nnoremap <领导者> 2设置文件类型= CSS <cr>nnoremap <领导者> 3设置文件类型= JavaScript <cr>

nnoremap <领导者> 4设置文件类型为PHP <cr>

“设置文件格式为UNIX、 DOS、 Mac

“Nmap <领袖> FD SE文件格式= DOS <cr>

“<领导者>福 nmap SE文件格式= UNIX <cr>

“使用Ctrl + [我| N | P | CC ]列出|下|以前|跳计数结果“地图> < C-X L <ESC> CL <cr>

“地图> < C-X N <ESC> CN <cr>

“地图> < C-X P <ESC> CP <cr>

“地图> < C-X C <ESC> CC <cr>

“让toHtml产生有语法的HTML CSS

“语法/ 2html Vim、可以用运行时语法/ 2html.vim 让html_use_css = 1


比如不要选项卡等autocmd filetype Python集合TabStop = 4 = 4 expandtab shiftwidth


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