
performselector  时间:2021-06-02  阅读:()


可以在按钮的click事件里面设置 点击后设置enable = yes 然后调用 self performSelector:<#(SEL)#> withObject:<#(id)#> afterDelay:<#(NSTimeInterval)#> 设置1s延迟 里面设置btn。

enable = no


修改该uitableview的索引的背景 1 for (UIView *subview in [tableView subviews]) 2 { 3 if ([subview isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"UITableViewIndex")]) 4 { 5 [subview performSelector:@selector(setBackgroundColor:) withObject:[UIColor colorWithHue:0.0f saturation:0.0f brightness:0.0f alpha:0.30f]]; 6 // [subview setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"indexbg.png"]]]; 7 } 8 if([subview respondsToSelector:@selector(setIndexColor:)]) 9 { 10 [subview performSelector:@selector(setIndexColor:) withObject:[UIColor redColor]]; 11 } 12 if([subview respondsToSelector:@selector(setIndexBackgroundColor:)]) 13 { 14 [subview performSelector:@selector(setIndexBackgroundColor:) withObject:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"indexbg_highlighted.png"]]]; 15 // [subview performSelector:@selector(setIndexBackgroundColor:) withObject:[UIColor colorWithHue:0.0f saturation:0.0f brightness:0.0f alpha:0.16f]]; 16 } 17 }

英语单词:perform implement 和 execute 都有“执行,实行,实施”的意思 其区别和具体用法是?

enforce 指强制性的执行,如执行法律和规章制度等。

1)Policemen and judges will enforce the laws of the city. 警察和法官将执行城市法规。

2)Since the tragic ident, safety regulations have been enforced more strictly in the factory. 自从这个悲惨的事故,这家工厂更加严格地执行安全法规。

3)Some cities are trying to enforce more strictly their anti-noise laws. 有些城市正试图要更严格地执行反噪音法令。

4)pany shall not be required to give notice to enforce strict adherence to all terms of this Agreement. 本公司无须发出通知可严格执行本协议的所有条款。

execute 可指行政命令方面的执行,也可指执行规章制度,计划方案。

1)They will resolutely execute the orders issued by the Supreme Court. 他们会坚决执行最高法院发布的命令。

2)He asked his lawyers to execute his will after he passed away. 他请求他的律师在他去世后执行遗嘱。

3)The president has done very little to execute the program on the basis of which it won the election. 总统很少实行他在赢得选举时所作的纲领。

4)This seems to be the natural way to solve this issue, but it might be hard to execute. 这看来是解决这个问题的自然的方法,但或许很难实施。

implement 指按预订的计划、方案、方针、政策等付诸实现。

1)The government is resolutely implementing its policies to speed up the economy of the country. 政府坚决执行国家经济发展的政策。

2)As a reponsible country, China will implement relevant resolution of the Security Council in earnest. 作为负责任的国家,中方将认真执行安理会有关决议。

3)We will implement / execute pany’s sales plans and achieve sales targets. 我们会贯彻公司的销售计划并完成销售目标。

4)None of these intiatives will be easy to implement, but all are essential. 这些行动方案都并不容易落实,却又都是必须的。

administer 指管理者或管理部门执行实施有关的计划、方案、方针、政策等。

1)Discipline in schools is administered by the teachers and sometimes by senior students. 学校纪律由教师执行,有时也可由高年级的同学执行。

2)Our government has decided to adopt some new policies to administer and supervise the housing market. 我们政府决定已经采取的一些新政策来进行管理和监督的房地产市场。

3)But officials say the problem is that there are not enough testing centers worldwide to administer the new -based version. 但是官方人员说目前的问题是全球没有足够的考试中心来实施新的网上版。

4)The department administers the harmless agricultural prodcuts, green food anic food and implements certification and quality sup0ervision ordingly. 该部门负责实施无公害农产品、绿色食品和有机食品管理工作,同时也对认证和质量进行监督。


你可以参考一下这段代码:Car * myCar2=[[Car alloc]init];SEL carMethod=@selector(setMake:andModel:);[myCar2 performSelector:carMethod withObject:@"11111" withObject:@"2222" afterDelay:10];NSLog(@”myCar shuxing : %@ —%@”,myCar2.make,myCar2.model);



- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { tableSelection = indexPath; tapCount++; switch (tapCount) { case 1: //single tap [self performSelector:@selector(singleTap) withObject: nil afterDelay: .4]; break; case 2: //double tap [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(singleTap) object:nil]; [self performSelector:@selector(doubleTap) withObject: nil]; break; default: break; } } - (void)singleTap { tapCount = 0; } - (void)doubleTap { tapCount = 0; 。

} z转载,仅供参考,祝你愉快,满意请采纳。


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