stealthy帮忙写英语小短文 急 以“the qualities of a good neighbor”为题

stealthy  时间:2020-12-19  阅读:()


RCS是3维方向的,没有准确的模型,材料和结构是不可能知道的,这也就是为什么经过计算以后还是要做出全比例模型放到台子上去用雷达照。即便就是有也不会是几个数字而已。说法有很多,空军的说法是: The U.S. Air Force, in it’s effort to get money to build more F-22s, has revealed just how “stealthy” the F-22 is. It’s RCS (Radar Cross Section) is the equivalent, for a radar, to a metal marble. The less stealthy (and much cheaper) F-35, is equal to a metal golf ball. The F-35 stealthiness is a bit better than the B-2 bomber, which, in turn, was twice as good as that on the even older F-117. 当然了,方向根本没说,只能说是从某些关键角度了,比如正面。像雷达的波段,处理器也会造成一定的差别。不过这比起麻雀,鹰,还是虫子什么的说法,换成了金属的完美球体。这个就准确多了,因为铁球的几何横截面基本可以当作是RCS。 AW&ST根据这个分析指出: The F-22s overperformance includes a radar cross section that is “better” than was contracted for, pany says. That classified requirement has been calculated at a -40 dBsm, about the size of a steel marble. By contrast, the F-35 is thought to be a -30 dBsm, the size of a golf ball. -40dB也就是0.0001m?等级了,当然可大可小,最像是正面的,毕竟要是后面也是这个就不现实了。除了接近正90度的下侧和正后方以外F-22在其他方向上也基本没有什么明显可见的弱点。但是通常来说侧面,上部肯定都要比较大一些。另外就是控制面的操作很可能让F-22的RCS产生变化,而且一般来说是往不好的那一面,所以使用推力偏向完成操纵更显得尤为重要。一些常规来说极端困难的方面,比如雷达和电子战的接收天线,采用的技术还没有定论。 这也就是我这等闲人的YY了,真正知道的人也不是被保护起来就是被宰了。


该款游戏是Mr Jack系列的全新独立游戏,一位玩家扮演Mr Jack,另一位则扮演一名侦探。但在新的游戏中,煤气灯以及下水道均采用了可以移动的标记物来进行指示了。 游戏移至到美国曼哈顿,Mr Jack如何运用周边的水域来逃脱变得尤为重要。 游戏角色都具备了新的能力,同时也有存在一名警察的眼线,以协助获得更多的具有价值的信息。


technique技术 如: technique developing 技术开发 switching technique 交换技术 stealthy technique 隐身技术 piloting technique 飞行驾驶技术


鬼 [名] ghost; spirit; apparition; used to form a term of abuse for ignoble character; [形] evasive; stealthy; terrible; bad; [例句]这孩子真鬼。 This boy is very clever.

帮忙写英语小短文 急 以“the qualities of a good neighbor”为题

We live in a populous society. So neighbors are the people who live near us have an important influence on our life. Good neighbors can make our life fortable and happier. In terms of this phenomenon, it is rather essential to put forward the following question: “What are the qualities of a good neighbor? “ As for my answer to this question, I think good neighbors should have the following qualities.

First of all, honest is an important quality that good neighbors should hold. Honest neighbors may directly say what they want to, and haven’t any sham. Therefore, you can hear some really words that may be good for your life. It is very happy to do something with an honest people because an honest people can often be trusted.

Secondly, to respect other people’s private is another important quality. As neighbors, they may know many about your family. If neighbors would like to tell others about you and your family, that’s too bad. Some private that is told others may impact on your family, even your reputation. Good neighbors, so, must respect your private.

Thirdly, helpful is also an important quality. When you have some trouble, good neighbors should try their best to help you. We often encounter something unpredictable, at that time, if someone helps you, you must be grateful for him or her. A friend told me a really story about him: One day, a thief broke into his house, at that time he was just in his office. His neighbor found a stealthy and strange man went to the house, and then quickly called the police, at the same time called him too. When my friend hurried to his home, the thief was seized by the police. My friend is thankful for his neighbor. So, I think good neighbors should be helpful.


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