服务器使用以下服务器和客户端结构, 编写一个储存考试结果的共享

储存服务器  时间:2021-05-03  阅读:()

使用以下服务器和客户端结构 编写一个储存考试结果的共享服务器。 服务器有所有给出科目的学生的考试结果。每个学生有单独I D 学生号和mark(分数 。 服务器需要可以让老师登录然后输入每个学生的分数。服务器管理所有的老师的登录名和密码和学生ID。

服务器需要允许多个老师同时登录。importjava. io.*;*importjava.net. ;class…Server {final static int portSqrt=1234; //any number>1024publ icstatic void main(String[]args) {

Screen.message("Server running . . .");try{

ServerSocket servesock=new ServerSocket(portSqrt);

//for service requests on port portSqrtwhi le(true) {

//wait for a service request on port portSqrt

Socket socket=servesock.accept();

//start thread to service request

(new Thread(new ThreadName(socket))).start();


}catch(IOException e) {}


}importjava. io.*;*importjava.net. ;class. .Cl ient {private final static i nt port=1234;publ icstatic void main(String[]args) {try{

Socket socket;socke=t=new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(),portSqrt);

…in new…(socket.getInputStream());

…out=new…(socket.getOutp utStream());

//use out to send data

//use in to get reply

//process replysocket.close();

}catch(IOException e) {System.out.pri ntln(e);}




Using the client server architecture developed in the lecture course,write a server thatprovides access to a shared collection of examination results. The server holds theresults for all students in a given course.Each student has an id number and a mark.When a student logs on they enter their id number and the server returns the mark forthe examination. It should be possible for a lecturer to log on and enter marks forstudents.The server maintains a list of lecturers and their passwords and also a list ofstudent id numbers. It is important to remember that multiple lecturers may enterresults at the same time.



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