Appendix Key to the Exercises andthe Skill Drillings
Unit 1
I. Put the following file
Chinese into English询盘 支付paymentenquire / enquiry报盘 结账settle theoffer account
报价quote / quotation 佘额balance
订单order 客户customer /
传真facsimile (fax) client
电子邮件E-mail 国民经济national
电子商务E-commerce economy
互联网the Web / Internet 市场经济 market
交货期time of delivery economy
II. Fill in the following blanks with the given words intheir proper forms
1. market 2. economy 3. trade 4. economy
5. marketable
6. trade 7. marketing 8. trading 9. economy
III.Read the following introduction to general businesslettersC略)
IV.Make corrections in the format of the following businessletter
INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD. Rm 808, Kyo-Won-Kong-Jea35-2 Yeoido Young Dung Po Seoul
South Korea
Tel : 822-
782-4641 Fax:
16 June 2004
Dr Brenda Yeoh
ATT Computers Corp. Pte Ltd.
88 Kitchener Road,#02-15
Jalan Besar Plaza
Singapore 208512
Dear Dr. Brenda Yeoh,
Subject: Integrated Circuit Boards
We have just received your order for 400 integrated circuitboards ( item No. KR10779 ) . Unfortunately, these circuitboards are no longer produced as they have been replaced byour model KR2000, which is cheaper, more reliable and moreefficient than the circuit boards that you ordered. With thisin mind, we imagine that you will be happy to change yourorder, but I should be grateful if you could contact me totell me what you wish us to do about your order.
The prices of the KR2000 and peripheral equipment are asfollows:
KR2000 fintegrate'd circuit boards: @ US $23,200
KT200X Toolkit @ US $15,500
KC200X connectors: (2 per pack) @ US $ 10,000
I am also enclosing next year' s brochure andprice list for your convenience. Yours faithfully,for INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD.
Kim Jungsup
Sales Representative
KJ: rh
Enclosures 2cc: Kim Sang-Chul
Moon Young-Seung V. Addressthe following envelope in
China North STAMPIndustries Corp
12 Guanganmen
Nanjie Beijing,
100053 China
Mr. Williams SmithAUTOS Company 20Broadway New York,NY 10027 U.S.A.Skill Drilling
China National Light Industrial Products
Import & Export Corp.
Shanghai Branch 128 Huchiu
Road, Shanghai, China Tel :
(021) 64468726
Fax: 64468787
(Date)Jameson & Sons
Ltd. 34 Madison
S qu ar e
Melbourne E. C.
2. Australia
Tel : (0536)
70525345 Fax:
356467132 Dear
Re: Bicycles
Thank you for your letter of Jan. 25 enquiring for ourbicycles.
As requested, we enclose a price list and a copy of ourcatalog for your consideration. All prices are quoted FOB精选文档
Shanghai, subject to our final confirmation. Generally>delivery can be made in two months from receipt of an order.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
(signature )
Encl. As stated.
Unit 2
place ( area, district)供你参考经f营ortyoouhrasnprdeelcfeer/ecntcoeendq/euaflroyrinyo/urinformation以…为目的with a vietwottora
与此同时in the meantime / at the与s…am做e生teim意en/tomedaonwbhuisliene
II. Multiple choice
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 7. c 8. d 9. a
10. b 11. d 12. c
III.Fill in the following blanks with the given words in theirproper forms
1. dealing 2. transacting 3. deals 4. Business
5. deal
6. business 7. transact 8. Businesses 9.transactions / deals 10. business
IV.Put the following English into Chinese
10. 经纳尔逊先生介绍我们得知你们是中国食品的潜在买主。我们经营这类商品已有多年。
V. Put the following sentences into English
1.We owe your name and address to ABC Company.
2.As soon as we receive your specific enquiry, we will send youthe catalogue and samples.
3.Their chief line is the export of electronic computers.
4.Our silk has long been a best seller at your end.
5.This product is being marketed in all European countries.
6.Your letter of May 10 has been transferred to us for attentionfrom our Head Office in Beijing.
7.We have handled this line for more than 20 years. ( We havebeen in this line for more than 20 years. )
8.We can supply shoes in a wide range of styles and sizes.
9.The trade between us is based on the principle of equality.
10.Most countries in the world have engaged in internationaltrade.
11.We can offer you some oil if you need.
12.There are two forms of international transaction. One is totrade in goods> the other is in service.
VI.Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message
1. informing 2. market 3. in 4. sample
6. quality 7. prices 8. from 9. items 10. specificVII. Read the following short passages or letters and thentranslate them into Chinese
一国货物及服务与另一国货物及服务进行交换这就是国际贸易。这种贸易除了有形的即商品的进出口外还有无形的即国际间服务交流 。希腊、挪威这类国家拥有大量的商船船队 可以提供交通运输服务这就是一种无形贸易。对某些国家来说无形贸易与其他一些国家的原材料出口或商品贸易一样重要。在这种情况下每个国家都可以赚取外汇以购进本国的必需品。
世界上没有哪个国家能生产它所需要的所有产品。于是世界各国就加入国际劳务分工 以提高生产及再生产效率。有时一个国家可以以易货贸易的方式获得外国货物及服务。易货贸易就是不用货币而以一种货物交换另一种货物的方式做生意。单凭易货贸易是不能满足一国的进口需要的但作为国际贸易的一种形式 它对发展中国家仍有吸引力。 因为这些国家外汇短缺 匮乏的外汇收入远不足以满足它们对外贸易的支付。
在国际贸易中服务贸易仅占很小比重。 由其特性所致服务贸易远不如货物贸易那么容易 因为服务贸易只能在提供服务的地方为
承蒙Aut o s公司总裁纳尔逊先生介绍我们得知贵公司是中国农业机械的潜在买主。 由于此产品属于我方经营范畴我们将很高兴尽早与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。
VIII. Translate the following letter into English
Dear Sirs,
We have received your enquiry of July 5 for Electric Motor.
As the goods fall within the business scope of China NationalImport & Export Corporation, we have passed on your enquiry tothem for attention. Please contact them directly for yourrequirements. We would like to take this opportunity tointroduce ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation*handling the export business of Chinese Arts & Crafts and wehave built up extensive connections with many important dealersin various districts.
Enclosed you will find our latest catalogue and pricelist. Wehope to enter into business relations with you.
Your sfaithfully,Skill Drilling
Dear Sirs,
Your firm has been recommended to us by Messrs. Freemen & Co.Ltd. with whom we have done business for many years.
We specialize in the export of Chinese cotton piece goods,which have enjoyed great popularity in world market. We enclosea copy of our catalog for your reference and hope that you wouldcontact us if any item is interesting to you.
As to our financial standing* you could approach the Bank of
China» New York for any information.
We are looking forward to your early reply.
Yours truly.Unit 3
representative/agent现成市场ready market
工艺workmanship 立即处理prompt attention手工作hand-made 市场需求口味 the taste ofthe market
支付条款payment terms 用现款支付 to pay) incash
兹答复in replyC to) 稳定需求steady demand
与. •■有联系to be connected with (商品)在出售中to be underoffer / to be on sale
向…订购to place an order with sb. for sth. 给…报盘to makesb. an offer for sth.
II. Multiple choice
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. d
10. c 11. b 12. c
III.Fill in the following blanks with the given words in theirproper forms
1. bid 2. offer 3. enquiry 4. offered 5. bid
6. offer 7. enquires 8. offer 9. enquired 10. offerIV.Put the following sentences into Chinese
1.我们从John King先生处得知你方有意供应男式皮鞋。
2.请传真发来优惠报盘 同时指明包装、规格、可供数量及最早交货期。
4.你方1月10日询盘巳交我处理 因我们正好出口你方所询商品。
10. 我们想要购买男式皮手套请报最优惠价格为荷。
V. Put the following sentences into English
1.Could you please tell us the main items you export?
2.Would you please quote your lowest price GIF London» Britain
3.We shall be very glad to place our order with you if yourquotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable.
4.We are pleased to note from your letter of May 5 that you areinterested in our sewing machines.
5.Kindly let us know the prices and quantities of the bestrefined sugar you are able to deliver to us.
6.We would appreciate very much your sending us the latestsamples with their best price.
前几天还在和做外贸业务的网友聊着有哪些欧洲机房的云服务器、VPS商家值得选择的。其中介绍他选择的还是我们熟悉的Vultr VPS服务商,拥有比较多达到17个数据中心,这不今天在登录VULTR商家的时候看到消息又新增一个新的机房。这算是第18个数据中心,也是欧洲VPS主机,地区是瑞典斯德哥尔摩。如果我们有需要欧洲机房的朋友现在就可以看到开通的机房中有可以选择瑞典机房。目前欧洲已经有五个机房可以选择,...