Want to better understa nd Google's acquisiti。n strategy?Keep up to date by following our tracker and analysis.Webinar:Get a data-driven view into the acquisition,investment,andresearch strate ofunits across the Goo le lex.
The Google Acquisiti。n
Company Da阳 Ga吨raphy Cat咽ry SelectInvestors
S1 11ii1i:llllls2日ii 创21尼017 Taiwan Consumer electronics NIA
AIM亘监E 8/1612017 Europe So仕wa陪Al Haxus Ventures
SenosisHea阳、 8/1312017 UnitedStates Heal伽care NIA
Halli Labs 7月212017 nIdia So仕ware/Al NIA
。wlchemv Labs 5/1012017 Texas So仕wa『e/GamingAooB『idoe 31912017 Canada DevTools/Cloud Platform NIA
K国剑皇 31812017 California国且由 1 1 1812017 California DevTools/CloudPlatform NIA
Owiklabs 1 1121 12016 Massa由usetts DevTools/CloudPlatfo盯啊 NIA
hel“tInv e
Company Date Geography category S stors
UndecidableLabs 1111412016 California S四rchf mme『回 NIA
Ey_eftuen四 10/24/2016 California Media&En悔「tainment IntelCapital,JazzVenture Partne 『冒国Im血1 10/1 112016 California Adve 『tising 500 Sta民ups,DeNA,Scien四Media坦国i 9/19/2016UrbanEnaines 9/15/2016 California In恼metSo骨ware&Se 『vices坦国且 9/812016 California DevTools/CloudPlatformAcco 「table 8/18/2016 Cal ifi口mia Mobi leQ血坠旦 8旭/2016 Cal ifornia DevTools/Cloud Platform DoubleMPartne『宫ResolutevcLaunch阳t 7/27/2016 Cal ifornia Mobi le NIA
国E 7/1212016 Califi口mia Enterprise Tools/Productivity SGVC,WicklowCapital
缸且也 7/812016 California Media&En怡「阳inment何Moodstocks 7/6/2016 France DevTools/CloudPlatform NIA
Webc臼S 自2312016 California Telecommunications NIA
Svneravse 旬到2016 Canada Ente『priseTools/Productivity NIA
自皇 21 18/2016 Singapore Ente『priseTools/Productivity
惶惶: !R 12015 California DevTools/CloudPlatform NIA
日且lib矗 11即2015 NewYork Media andEnter恒m『nent SlowVentu嗣
Digisfera 10/18/2015 Portugal Maps/Automobiles NIA
国监b皿 10/13/2015 Cal ifi口mia」 ibe Mobi le 9/3012015 Cal ifornia Telecommunications VodafoneVentures,MTIGroupQx&监E 9/2212015 NewYork Mediaand Entertain 『nent BoxGroup,FoundersFund,FounderCollective
Aα:el P a『tners
白血坠 7尼1尼015 Cal ifornia DevTools/Cloud Platform
Plug and Play Ventures,Camp One VenturesE血鱼岛 5129/2015 Cal ifomie DevTools/Cloud Platform VDeanttauCreosllective, Greylock Pa由隐隐K hosla
卫皿S缸l 5/4/2015 Cal ifornia Enterp『se Tools/Productivityh
Thrive Auid 4/16尼015 l『eland MediaandEnte『tainment NIASkillman&l: : :laW植 4/1612015 Califi口mia Media and Entertainment NIAh
RedHotLabs 2124/2015 California AdvertisinJVLVentures 212312015 NewYork Payments AT&T,Verizon,DeutscheTelekomQ血撞皇 2/8/2015 California Social/Photos NIA
Launch国dTovs 214尼015 Calfornia MediaandEntertain『nent Y Combinator,TEECAngel Fund
Vidmaker 12/1即2014 Wisconsin MediaandEnte 『tainment T臼hstars
RelativaWave 1 1/19/2014 Califi口mia DevTools/CloudPlatform NIA
10/25/2014 Colorado SmartHomeE盟国盟 10/21/2014 California DevTools/CloudPlatform匈皿 10/1/2014 California Mobile NIAlnout Factorv 9/1 112014 California Social/Photos Battery Ventures
L血.La监 9月0/2014 California Health咀阳 RockHealth
8126/2014 Massachusetts DevTools/CloudPlatform NIA
G自ckoD田ion 8/2212014 Calfi口mia Wearabl嗣 NIA
坦坦盟 8/16/2014 California Social/Photos KhoslaVentures,Morado Venture Pa『tners国血'1r 8/7/2014 Massa由usetts Media andEnter恒In 『nentfm且 8/6/2014 California Ente巾rise Tools/ProductivitydrawEle 『nents 7/23/2014 Finland Mobile NIA
缸皿孟坦旦旦E自 8125/2014 California DevTools/CloudPlatformBwiw2 自24/2014 California S四rch PlugandPlayVentures
D『'ODCS 『n 自20/2014 California SmartHomem且剑皿 6120尼014 Canada Aidve 『tising Relay Ventures
Sk31boxmI aging 6/10/2014 California Maps/Automobiles国到蛊 5/19/2014 NewYork Mobileh
hhttps 刷刷wcbinsights com阳帽a时咱oogle-a明uisitions 3/12h
QuestVisual 5/1612014 California Mobile NIA
纽l2W 日7/2014 California Comme 『国 NIA
RangesRan 5/212014 Uni也ed Kingdom Comme『re 。ctopus Ventures
Ti饱nAerosoace 41 14尼014 New Mexico Telecommuni臼1tions NIA
组血血 2/21尼014 Uni也ed Kingdom Cybersecurity NIA
Sl icklooin 21 17尼014 sI rael Cybersecurity NIA
NestLabs 21 12/2014 Cal ifornia SmartHome
lmoermi国应旦旦 115尼014 Switzerland Mobile NIA
BostonDnami臼 1211312013 Massa由usetts Robo由cs Dep自由nentofDe恰nse
FleXVCore 10/22尼013 France Mobile NIA
Ell !出E 101312013 California Wearabl臼! : : !fil监ry 9/1912013 California other NIA
坠缸Z皇 6/1 1 12013 California Maps/AutomobilesMa阳niPow晦「 5122/2013 Cali旬mia Ene唱Y Googlea『'9
回回i 412312013 Washington SociaVPhotos SVAngel,Ba阳『yVentures,CrunchFundB血皿s 4117/2013 Pennsylvania Mobile Knight Foundation
DNNresearch 3/1312013 Canada SociaVPh。tos NIA
H豆坠m皿 111/2013 California Robotics NIA
Autofuss 11 1尼013 Califi口mia Advertising NIA
Bot&Dolly 111/2013 California Robotics NIAh
hhttps 刷刷wcbinsights com阳帽a时咱oogle-a明uisitions 4112h
Redwood Roboti岱 1/1尼013 California Robo白白 NIA
Me阳Robotics 1/1尼013 California Robo由cs NIA
SCHAFT 1/1尼013 Japan Robo回cs NIA
WIMMLabs 12/1/2012 California Wearabl铺 NIA
Bu膏erBox 11/3012012 Canada Comme『回l 『1centive Taraetina 11/28/2012 Massa由usetts Adve 『tising ALnaugnelest、Capital,MassVentures,Northeast
Nik So伽vare 9117/2012 California SociaVPhotos NIA
VirusTo恒l 9/9尼012 l『eland Cybersecurity NIA
Fromm自何 8/1312012 NewJersey MediaandEnter恼in『nent NIA
皿 7尼1/2012 France Ente巾rise Tools/Productivity KimaVentures
盟国Eim 7/17/2012 California Adve 『tisingCubanCouncil 7/17/2012 California Advertising NIA
Quickoff阳 6/5尼012 Texas Enterprise Tools/ProductivityM旦旦国 6尼/2012 California SociaVPhotos
MotorolaMobilitv 旬7/2012 Illinois Mobile NIA
D!:且呈 412/2012 New York PaymentsMilk 3/16/2012 California s。ciaVPhotos
Flowina Media 2/13/2012 Massa由usetts Enterprise Tools/Productivity NIA
CleverSen国 12/14/201 1 California S回 Signat1』 resCapital
RightsFlow 12/9/2011 NewYork MediaandEnter恒in『nent ig『inateVentures
Ks:国D gQ 111101201 1 Cal ifornia SociaVPhotos KPCB
A山盟 111101201 1 Cal ifornia MediaandEnter恒inment Clearstone Venture PartnersSocialGraoole 10/1 112011 Cal ifornia SociaVPhotos NIA
Dai lvDeal 9/19/2011 Germany Comme 『回 StefanGlaenze 「
函副al 9/9/2011 NewYork MediaandEnter恒in 『nent KPCB,GeneralAtlantic
Zave Networ阳 913/201 1 Kansas Comme 『回 Razo『backCapital ,StarkInvestmentsSoarkbuv 8/812011 Washington Commerce BenaroyaCapi恼I,FounderCo-oph
弘速云怎么样?弘速云是创建于2021年的品牌,运营该品牌的公司HOSU LIMITED(中文名称弘速科技有限公司)公司成立于2021年国内公司注册于2019年。HOSU LIMITED主要从事出售香港vps、美国VPS、香港独立服务器、香港站群服务器等,目前在售VPS线路有CN2+BGP、CN2 GIA,该公司旗下产品均采用KVM虚拟化架构。可联系商家代安装iso系统,目前推出全场vps新开7折,...
云步云怎么样?云步云是创建于2021年的品牌,主要从事出售香港vps、美国VPS、日本VPS、香港独立服务器、香港站群服务器等,机房有香港、美国、日本东京等机房,目前在售VPS线路有CN2+BGP、CN2 GIA,香港的线路也是CN2直连大陆,该公司旗下产品均采用KVM虚拟化架构。目前,云步云提供香港安畅、沙田、大浦、葵湾、将军澳、新世界等CN2机房云服务器,2核2G5M仅72.5元/月起。点击进...
香港ctg云服务器香港ctg云服务器官网链接 点击进入妮妮云官网优惠活动 香港CTG云服务器地区CPU内存硬盘带宽IP价格购买地址香港1核1G20G3M5个19元/月点击购买香港2核2G30G5M10个40元/月点击购买香港2核2G40G5M20个450元/月点击购买香港4核4G50G6M30个80元/月点击购买香...