lableThisADSL2 Router -  时间:2021-04-25  阅读:()


Quick Installation Guide

Ethernet Cable Phone Cable Power Supply QIG CD(EasySetupsoftware/Manual)

This CD-ROM is onlycompatiblewith the fol lowing Operating systems:

Windows Vista Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows ME Windows 98SENon-Windows users to refer to the manual on CD:\fscommand\manual pdf (where CD is the driveletter of your CD-ROM drive )

Before proceeding with the instal lation of the WLANADSL2+Router,your high-speed Broadbandservice has to be avai lable at your home If this is not the case,you wi l l have towait unti l

Telecom/ISP has activated your service

You mustsubscribe to an Internetservice provider's Broadband service If you are in doubt as towhether your Broadband service has been activated,please contact your internet service providerDo not proceed w ith the instal lation of WLANADSL2+Router before you have received a confirmationemai l or letter fromyour Internet Service Provider,confirming that your Broadband service is avai lableThis letter wi l l give you the username and passwordfor your Broadband connection Without them,you wi l l not be able to configure your WLANADSL2+Router correctly

Before proceeding with the instal lation please ensure:That any instal led firewal l and anti-virusprotection software be disabled during instal lation That any other open appl ications be closed duringinstal lation

Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive The CDshould auto-start If it does not start,cl ickon Start ->Run and type in CD:\Autorun exe(where CD is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive)There are Fiveoptions:Hardware Instal lation, Easy Setup,Advanced Configuration, User Manual and Exit

This Hardware Instal lation wi l l show you how to connect your WLAN ADSL2+Router, please fol lowsteps to complete the Hardware Instal lation

This Easy Setup is a User-friendly programfor configuring basic functions It also has a diagnosefunction to assistwith fault location The Easy Setup is typical ly used to help you setup your ownADSLaccount Please fol low the instructions to setup your ownADSL account

ThisAdvanced Configuration is to configure your WLANADSL2+Router in detai l , please refer to themanual in detai l

This is a detai led manual describing al l the features and various configurations avai lable on theWLANADSL2+Router

Step 1. Adesktop computer, laptop or Pocket PC must have a WiFi card(8021 1b/g)alreadyinstal led Fol low the instructions on how to connect to a WiFi access point as indicated in the usermanual of the instal led WiFi card

Step 2.Set the Wifi card as fol lows:

-SSIDto RTL867x-ADSL(Not required on cards supporting Automatic SSID)


No te:

Be sure your networkcard is set to obtain IP address and DNS automatical ly(The bui lt-in DHCPinside the WLANADSL2+Router wi l l assign an IP) For the best results,WLANADSL2+Routershould be placed:

Near the center of the area in which the PCs wi l l operate In an elevated location such as a high shelffor better coverage

Awayfromother sources of interference,such as,microwaves,and 24 GHz cordless phonesAwayfrom large metal surfaces If using multiple access points, it is better not to use adjacent radiofrequency Channels to reduce interference Example: use Channels 1,3,5, 7,… or 2,4,6,…Thetime it takes to establ ish a wireless connection can vary depending on both your Security settingsand location of the WLANADSL2+Router placement






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