无法显示隐藏文件夹的解决方法Unable to display solution forhidden folderhkey_local_machine \软件\微软\的Windows \ currentversion \资源\
选项不出现在对话框中难免引起怀疑。要是让修改不起作用则往往可迷惑住他人。在每一个具体选项对应的主键下都有一个名称为” checkedvalue二进制键值将其键值修改为” “0”时他人对任何选项的修改都不会生效注意如果主键对应的是复选框选项则该主键下还可找到” uncheckedvalue键值请检查其值是否为”
“0” 、 “0”如不是先改为。
例如先在”高级设置”中取消对”显示所有文件”选项的复选然后将为分支下”的键值改为checkedvalue” “0” 则不管在对话框中如何设置在资源管理器都不会显示隐藏文件从而让你的文件隐藏得更可靠。当然只要将”的键值改回为checkedvalue” “1” 对对应选项的修改又可立即生效了。
最近机器中了Win32。木马程序。 pswqq。 H病毒变种H用金山清除后发现隐藏文件不能显示了虽然点了文件夹选项里的显示隐藏文件但确定后还是显示不了再看文件夹选项又变回老样子了要怎么修改注册表
进入注册表展开[ hkey_local_machine \软件\微软\的Windows \currentversion \探索
菜单\高级\文件夹\隐藏\为将右窗的双字节项值checkedvalue ]1重起即可改为。
或是打开”记事本” 复制如下内容
[ hkey_local_machine \软件\微软\的Windows \ currentversion \资源\高级\文件夹\隐藏\为] “checkedvalue” = DWORD值 0000000
保存为秀” 。 reg” 注意保存类型选”所有文件” 双击运行此文件就可以重新设置了。
看看你的注册表里checkedvalue的类型是不是DWORD。如果不是把这项删掉 点为新建DWORD值名称为原来的checkedvalue数据为1
很多人都使用这样一种简单的办法来保护和隐藏自己的重要文件在”高级设置”窗口中选定”隐藏文件”中的”不显示隐藏的文件或系统文件” 然后在资源管理器中将重要文件或文件夹的属性设为”系统或隐藏文件” 从而令文件从他人的眼皮底下消失了。这对初级用户是非常奏效的方法但稍有一些基础的用户这却是不堪一击的--只要选定”显示所有文件” 一切便暴露无遗了不过聪明人自有办法他们会借助”侠客系统修改器”之类的软件让”文件夹选项”菜单从系统中消失
Let you not start unless you find another software that enablesthe recovery, or you' ll know it only gandengyan.
Sesame does not open the door
In fact, there are more ways for us to carry out a test run"regedit" to start the registry editor, open the
KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, for the sake ofsafety, please the branch is derived, and then delete theSHOWALL branch, to open the advanced settings window, you couldnot find the "show all files and the folder" option, others want
to modify the nature there is no way to start!
A friendwho has a good understanding of the registry will soonbe able to understand the mystery: all the settings in thefolder options are saved in the \Advanced\ (ditto) branch ofthe registry. The folder options dialog box is in your handsas long as you do a little bit of work in the registry!HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Sof tware\Microsof t\windows\CurrentVers ion\explorer\A
Dvanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL, delete the Checkedvalue keys,right click the new Dword, named "Checkedvalue", and thenmodify its value is 1, so you can choose "show all hidden filesand file display system".
The case of Windows 98, Folder 8 under the primary key primarykey corresponding to the "advanced settings"window"files andfolders" under 8 options, 3 key Visual under the corresponding"3 options under visual settings". Exactly which optioncorresponds to the key value of the key name and the primarykey corresponding to the primary key, as long as you look atthe right side of the registry editor window, Text.
For example, the key value of the "Text" corresponding to theSHOWALL primary key is "show all files", indicating the SHOWALLprimary key corresponds to the "show all files" option in theadvanced settings window. So when we delete the SHOWALL branch,we can't find the option anymore, even if it' s called "sesameopen the door".
But deep clouds set me wondering where
To make it impossible for others to modify a folder option inthe advanced settings, we can implement it in two ways:1, let the options disappear"
As mentioned above, the option is not displayed as long as theprimary key branch of the option is deleted. For example, todelete theHideFileExt branch, you can close the extension thathides the known file type. The option does not appear. If youdo not backup, it will be troublesome to restore the branchafter you delete it. In fact, there is an easier way to turnoff options: find the key under the key "binary key Type",double-click to modify its key, turn off this option plus anynumber can be in its original key. For example, when the keyvalue of "Type" under the SHOWALL primary key is changed fromthe original "radio" to "radio2", the corresponding "show allfiles" option is not displayed. When you want to restore thedisplay later, you just need to change the "radio2" to "radio".
2. Make the modification invalid"
The option does not appear in the dialogbox, causing suspicion.If the change does not work, it can often confuse others. Ineach specific options corresponding to the primary key, has aname for "CheckedValue" will be the key to modify the binarykey, is "0", others on any of the options changes will not takeeffect (Note: if the primary key is the corresponding check boxoptions, the key is to find the "UncheckedValue" please checkthe key, if the value is "0", if not, then changed into "0") .
For example, first in the advanced settings, cancel the checkfor "show all files" options, and then change the key value of"CheckedValue" to "0" under the SHOWALL branch, regardless ofhow it is set in the dialog box,
None of the hidden files are displayed in the explorer, whichmakes your files more reliable. Of course, as long as the"CheckedValue" key is changed back to "1", the correspondingoptions can be modified immediately effective.
After this setting, for users who do not understand the registry,in order to check your hidden files, it can be described as"clouds do not know where. ". If your computer is frequented,if you don' t want other people to change folder options, youmight as well have a try
Have you ever encountered hidden files that cannot be openedinWindows XP?Here are some tips on how to solve this problem.First, use some registry repair software for repair
Two. Copy the following contents to Notepad, save the registryinformation file for reg, and then double-click import.Note: make sure to back up the registry key before you modifyit.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE\SOFTWARE\Mi cro soft\Windows\CurrentVer s i
(don't line this place) Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL]
"RegPath" =
"Text" = "@shell32.dll", "-30500""
"Type" = "radio""
"CheckedValue" =dword:00000001
Three. This method and the above principle is the same, openthe registry to find
Note: make sure to back up the registry key before you modifyit.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE\SOFTWARE\Mi cro soft\Windows\CurrentVer s ion\Explorer\
(this place doesn't need to line up. )
Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] , change the value of
CheckedValue to 1.
Four. Your related registry key, etc. , have been modified:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE\SOFTWARE\Mi cro soft\Windows\CurrentVer s ion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder
(this place not newline) \Hidden\SHOWALL], virus to yourSHOWALL key under the "Type" key was changed to "radio2" (andpossiblyother) , so the"show all files" option is not displayed.To restore the display, simply change the "radio2" to "radio"._________________________________________________________
When you select the "show hidden file" option, you find thata file on the U disk flashes out and disappears again, and whenyou open the folder option again, it' s still the option of notshowing hidden files. Just click on the C, and found that D driveicon will also open a window!
Sum up:
I, condition description:
1, unable to display hidden files;
2, click on the C and D drive icon will also open a window;3, with WinRAR view, found C, D and other root directory underautorun. inf and tel.xls.exe two disgusting files;
There is a 4 loss, task manager in the application process ofthe column of kill;
5, there is a boot startup SocksA. exe.
II, solutions:
Using some special killing tools and batch processing filesunder DOS are not good, so I have to DIY. Note that you do notdouble-click the hard disk partition during the entire process,and you need to open the right mouse button when you open it.Shut down the virus process
You don't know in the task manager application such as killsearch process, right click - > to find a similar process,SVOHOST.exe (also may be a svchost.exe) process, right click- > end process tree.
Two, show hidden system files
Start > Run > >regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Sof tware\Microsof t\windows\CurrentVers ion\explorer\Advanced\
Delete the CheckedValue key, right-click the new >Dwordvalue > >, name CheckedValue, and then change the key to 1, soyou can select "show all hidden files" and "display systemfiles"".
Three, remove virus
On the partition disk click the right mouse button> open, seeeach disk with directory, there are autorun. inf and
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