xp系统安装iis不成功解决方法http 500 内部服务器错误问题XPsystem installation IIS failed to resolve HTTP 500 Internal
Server Error issues
XP system installation, IIS unsuccessful solution, computerknowledge, 2010-01-20, 20:28: 12, reading 311, comment 0: big,small, medium and small
Today, I failed to install IIS on my XP system. I checked iton the Internet. The MS DTC log was mistakenly deleted.As shown, component services > Computer > my computer >COM+application cannot be opened
My computer, there is a red logo, which was not beforeIn the event viewer to see "application specific permissionsettings to the COM server application (CLSID
{A7CC2FDB-EED7-4FDA-880E-C762570CC005}) local activation ofthe privileges granted to a user MICROSOF-C0F0E9\ghdo SID(S-1-5-21-1004336348-796845957-725345543-1004) . You canmodify this security authority using the component servicesmanagement tool. "
"Error code 8004E00F-COM+ cannot be associated with theMicrosoft distributed transaction coordinator"
Run MSDTC -resetlog
At this point, if you don' t have the IIS Out-Of-Process PooledApplications application in the "COM+ application", click onthe application
Start Menu > run->cmd to open the command prompt window inputCD%windir%/system32/inetsrv switch to system32
The inetsrv directory enters rundll32, wamreg.dll, andCreateIISPackage: note that you must type CreateIISPackageexactly
Divide case by case, type Regsvr32 asptxn.dll, close and reopencomponent service, and solve the problem
At this point, some will pop up the window below:
We just need to open the Internet Explorer - tool - Internetoption-Security-Custom Level-user authentication-insteadof automatically using
Previous username and password login
The problem is solved.
The test IIS succeeded!
This problem is more troublesome, is the three user passworddifferent part of the problem! I reinstall it and fix it! Thereis such a way online;
On the IIS5 HTTP500 internal error, almost all methods aremodeled to solve some stereotyped heroes of the road, thearticle N years ago wrote to innovation, combined with theactual operation, in response to the call of Chairman Mao hadthe following article:
IIS5 HTTP500 internal error reason analysis and solution -control chapter
IIS5 HTTP 500 internal server error is one of the frequentlyencountered errors, and its primary error is that the ASPprogram cannot browse, but the HTML static web pages are notaffected
I. wrong expression
This error occurs when there are three aspects: one is the IEin the most direct, most people cannot read performance; twois safe in the log, IWAM_Machine account login failed; the threeis the system log in, IIS Out-Of-Process Pooled Applicationsapplication for starting account error not to start. Theresulting ASP page browsing error. Here only briefly introduceIE' s performance
The following error occurs when you browse the ASP page thatused to run properly:
The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the web page you are visiting, so itcannot be displayed.
Please try the following:
Open the http://127.0.0. 1 home page and find links to theinformation you need.
Click the refresh button, or try again later.
HTTP 500 - internal server error
Internet information service
[note, the following shows you need to remove the Internetoption - > Advanced - > display friendly HTTP error messagesto see]
Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading anapplication during the processing of your request. Please referto the event log for more detail information. Please contactthe server administrator for assistance.
Before a detailed analysis of the causes of HTTP500' s internalerrors, the IWAM account is briefly introduced: the IWAMaccount is a built-in account automatically created by thesystem when the IIS5 is installed,
Internet information services that are used primarily to startapplications outside of processes. IWAM account name will bebased on each computer in the name of NETBIOS is different fromthe general format is IWAM_MACHINE, the prefix "IWAM", "_connecting line"with the computer name NETBIOS. My computer' sNETBIOS name is 2000, so the name of my IWAM account on mycomputer is IWAM_2000, which is very similar to the name of theI IS anonymous account ISUR_MACHINE.
After the establishment of Active Directory IWAM account, IISmetabase database and COM+application of three party in commonuse, the account password is three were saved, synchronizationand by the operating system is responsible for the preservationof the three party IWAM password. Logically, the operatingsystem responsible for the work we can rest assured, do not
worry about mistakes, but I do not know what is BUG or otherreasons, the synchronization of IWAM account password systemsometimes fails, the three party IWAM account password is notunified. When the password system IIS or COM+ applicationsusing IWAM IIS Out-Of-Process error, start Pooled Applications,the system will because of the wrong password and refused therequest, to IIS Out-Of-Process Pooled Applications failed tostart, can not be transferred to the IIS5 application, HTTP 500internal error is generated.
There are a number of IIS 500 internal error reasons, but themain reason is the IWAM_MACHINE account in Active Directory (orSAM) , does not match the metabase database and COM+ IIScomponent in the password is caused by synchronization. The keyproblem is to make the three party password step up.
Specific operations: the operation is divided into three steps,all need to log in as administrator to provide sufficientoperating privileges.
1. change the password for the IWAM_MACHINE account in the localaccount manager (i. e. , start the IIS process account)
2. use the new password to reset the IIS Metabase database (ieedit the user account for anonymous access)
3. sync COM+ application account password
(1) change the password for the IWAM_MACHINE account
1, select the "start" - > "program" - > "management tools" - >"computer management" - > "local users and groups" - > "user"is selected on the right side of the "IWAM_MACHINE select"password "here we set test
(two) reset the IIS Metabase database with the new password (ieedit the user account for anonymous access)
Select the default Web site attributes "- >Directory Securitytab - > edit the anonymous access and authentication control,select the anonymous access in the pop-up box, click the Editbutton->username browse, select IWAM_MACHINE, enter the testpassword box, select the allow IIS to control the password,determine. If pop-up dialog box: non local user account doesnot support password synchronization. Are you sure you want tocontinue? "OK. ". Make sure all the dialog boxes are closed.-----------------------------------------------------------
(three) the password for the IWAM_MACHINE used by thesynchronous com+ application
Using the component service MMC snap in
(1) to start the component services management unit: select"start" - "run", "MMC", start the management console, open the"add / remove snap in dialog box, the component servicesmanagement unit added.
(2) f ind the component services "- >" computer ", "my computer"->" com+application"->"out-of-process pooled applications", right click on the" out-of-process pooled applications "->"attribute".
(3) switch to the identification tab of the out-of-processpooled applications property dialog box. Select this user,browse, and select the user name "IWAM_MACHINE"". These are alldefaults. In the following "password" and "confirm password"text box, enter the correct password "test" and make sure toquit.
(4) if the system prompts the application to be created by morethan one external product. Are you sure you want to be supportedby these products?" OK when you can.
(5) if we set some other web' s application protection in IISas "high" (independent) , then the iwam account password usedby the com+ application in this web will also need to besynchronized.
Well, so far, the IWAM account has been successfullysynchronized with the Active Directory, the IIS metabasedatabase, and the COM+application three, and your ASP programcan run again!
IIS5 HTTP500 internal error reason analysis and solution -script chapter
There are a number of IIS 500 internal error reasons, but themain reason is the IWAM_MACHINE account in Active Directory (orSAM) , does not match the metabase database and COM+ IIScomponent in the password is caused by synchronization. The keyproblem is to make the three party password step up.
Concrete operation:
The operation is done in three steps. You need to log in to thecomputer as an administrator to provide sufficient operatingprivileges.
1. change the password for the IWAM_MACHINE account in the localaccount manager (i. e. , start the IIS process account)
2. use the new password to reset the IIS Metabase database (ie
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