命令宽带连接正常却无法上网 打不开网页 上不去qq(Broadband connection is normal, but can not open the web can not open the web does not go QQ)

qq上网  时间:2021-03-25  阅读:()

宽带连接正常却无法上网打不开网页上不去qq Broadbandconnection is normal, but can not open the web can not openthe web does not go QQ

Broadband connection is normal, but can not open the web cannot open the web does not go QQ

My broadband connection can be connected but does not go onnetwork ah this is why look at the local connection packetsreceivedonlyrarelyuse the Jinshan networkwatch speed is alsovery slow "open QQ also not to go for a master to worry whattrick?

First, the problem of network settings

This kind of reason appears more in the need to manually specifythe IP, gateway, DNS server networking mode, and the use ofproxy server access to the internet. Check the network settingsof the computer carefully.

Two, the problem of DNS server

When IE cannot browse the web, the first attempt to use the IPaddress to access, if you have access, then it should be DNSproblems, the problem may be caused by DNS for DNS error whennetworking or DNS server itself, then you can specify the DNSService Manual (address is the address of the DNS server, youprovide the local ISP can also be used in other places cannormally use the DNS server address. ) In the attributes of thenetwork, (the address of the DNS server control panel -networkand dial up connections - local connection - right property -

TCP/IP protocol attribute using the following) . Different ISPhas different DNS addresses. Sometimes it' s a router or NICproblem that can't be connected to ISP' s DNS service. In thiscase, the router can be shut down for a while, or reset therouter.

Another possibility is that the local DNS cache is having aproblem. In order to improve the website access speed, thesystem will automatically have access and access to the IPaddress of the site into the local DNS cache, once again visitthis site, is no longer directly through the DNS server fromthe local cache toremove the DNS IP site visit. So, if the localDNS cache has a problem, the site will not be accessible.Ipconfig/flushdns can be executed in run to rebuild the localDNS cache.

Three, IE browser itself problems

When the IE browser itself fails, it will naturally affectbrowsing; or IE malicious modification damage will lead tounable to browse the web. Then you can try to use "MountHuangshan IE repair experts to repair (suggestions into safemode to repair) , or re IE (such as IE encountered problemsunable to reload, can refer to: a solution to reinstall the IE)Four, the problem of network firewall

If the network firewall is set properly, if the security levelis too high, accidentally put the IE into the block access listof firewall policy error, try to check the policy to reduce ordirectly off the firewall security level to see if it returned

to normal.

Five, network protocol and network card driver problemsIE can not browse, may be network protocol (especially TCP/IPprotocol) or network card driver damage caused, you can try tore NIC driver and network protocol.

Six, HOSTS file problems

HOSTS files are modified, also lead to browsing is not normal,the solution is of course clear the contents of the HOSTS file.Seven, the system file problems

When the file system associatedwith IE is replaced or damaged,will affect the normal use of IE, then use the SFC command torepair, WIN98 system can execute SFC in the "run", and thenperform a scan; WIN2000/XP/2003 is in the "run" SFC /scannowattempt to repair.

When only IE and QQ can not browse the web, is often due towinsock.dll, wsock32.dll or wsock.vxd (VXD only exists in theWIN9X system) and other documents of damage or loss caused byWinsock, is an important part of the TCP/IP protocol, TCP/IPprotocol to reload. But XP began to integrate the TCP/IPprotocol, so it can not uninstall as simple as 98, and can resetthe TCP/IP protocol with the Netsh command, so that it canrecover to the state of the initial installation of theoperating system. Specific operations are as follows:

Click "start", enter the "CMD" command in the operation dialogbox, and then pop up the command prompt window,

接着输入“netsh int ip reset C \ resetlog .txt”命令后会回车即可其中” resetlog .txt”文件是用来记录命令执行结果的日志文件该参数选项必须指定这里指定的日志文件的完整路径是“C\ resetlog . txt” 。执行此命令后的结果与删除并重新安装TCP/IP协议的效果相同。

小提示 netsh命令是一个基于命令行的脚本编写工具你可以使用此命令配置和监视Windows系统此外它还提供了交互式网络外壳程序接口 netsh命令的使用格式请参看帮助文件在令提示符窗口中输入“netsh / “即可。

第二个解决方法是修复以上文件 Win9x使用证监会重新提取以上文件 Win2000/XP / 2003使用sf c/scannow命令修复文件 当用s fc/scannow无法修复时可试试网上发布的专门针对这个问题的修复工具winsockfix可以在网上搜索下载。


这倒不是经常见但有时的确跟实时监控有关因为现在杀毒软件的实时监控都添加了对网页内容的监控。举一个实例 KV 2005就会在个别的机子上会导致IE无法浏览网页不少朋友遇到过其具体表现是只要打开网页监控一开机上网大约20来分钟后 即就会无法浏览网页了这时如果把KV 2005的网页监控关掉就一切恢复正常经过彻底地重装KV 2005也无法解决。虽然并不是安装KV 2005的每台机子都会出现这种问题毕竟每台机子的系统有差异安装的程序也不一样。但如果出现IE无法浏览网页时也要注意检查一下杀毒软件。




这种情况往往表现在打开IE时在IE界面的左下框里提示正在打开网页但老半天没响应。在任务管理器里查看进程 进入方法把鼠标放在任务栏上按右键-任务管理器-进程看看CPU的占用率如何如果是100%可以肯定是感染了病毒这时你想运行其他程序简直就是受罪。这就要查查是哪个进程贪婪地占用了CPU资源。找到后最好把名称记录下来然后点击结束如果不能结束则要启动到安全模式下把该东东删除还要进入注册表里 方法开始-运行输入注册表在注册表对话框里 点编辑-查找输入那个程序名找到后点鼠标右键删除然后再进行几次的搜索往往能彻底删除干净。



还有一种现象也需特别留意就是能打开网站的首页但不能打开二级链接如果是这样处理的方法是重新注册如下的DLL文件在开始-运行里输入regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll

Regsvr32 shell32. dll 注意这个命令先不用输

regsvr32 OLEAUT32.DLLregsvr32 actxprxy.dll中regsvr32 mshtml.dllregsvr32 urlmon.dllmsjava.dll regsvr32regsvr32 browseui.dll


The second command can not be lost, after the completion ofthese commands to restart the windows, if found invalid, andthen re-enter the input of the second command this time.

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