2010葡萄酒营销年(16)服务营销应先从企业内部做起-中国葡萄酒信息网2010, wine marketing year (16) , service marketingshould start from within the enterprise - China wineinformation network
Date: 2010-5-21 9: 16:28 source: Chinese wine informationnetwork Author: reporter: Liu Hui
Editor' s note: for the service marketing of domestic Winespeaking, there are many particularity: the particularity ofthe drinking habits, cultural particularity, service mode, ifwe do not start from the subtle, can not change the way ofthinking from the service, then the service marketing Winereally can bring the so-called market a surprise for us? Thisis particularly worthy of our thinking.
For the wine industry, one of the most widely heard words afterentering 2010 is "service marketing"". In recent years, whenthe battle for wine market has been exhausted, businessmen havebegun to sit still and rethink the new direction of wine marketcompetition and seek new breakthroughs. Thus, overlooking theentire industry, it was pointed out that the concept of"servicemarketing", but also for the future development of wine,pointed out a new road of competition.
First of all, to clarify a concept, that is what is calledservice marketing? Service marketing is a series of activitiesadopted by enterprises in the process of marketing to fullymeetthe needs of consumers and to fully meet the needs of consumers.Compared with the traditional marketing methods, servicemarketing is a marketing concept, is a kind of management of
people' s art, and the traditional marketing is just a means ofmarketing, marketing is a specific product. But the ultimategoal of service marketing is to cultivate loyal consumer groups,and establish a long-term and stable market relationship withthem.
The promotion of wine culture starts from the inside ofenterprises
As we all know, wine has a hundred years of cultural origin.In European countries, wine is like Chinese tea. It is ahabitual way of life. In China, for most people, Wine is a kindof "things", Wine culture is just a kind of exotic culture".Although merchants racked their brains for a variety ofdissemination and promotion, sales can not be compared withdomestic liquor and beer. That is to say, wine does not reallyenter the public life, in most people' s eyes, wine is not anecessity, but a occasionally used goods only. Anyway, to usehundreds of years to settle down the cultural essence of allof a sudden into a new consumer groups, and soon to be digestedand absorbed, it can be difficult, that is to say Wine cultureby "imitation and indoctrination" way to promote a time isdifficult to activate consumer demand. So, as a wine enterprise,in order to make wine really into the public life, should westart from the inside of ourselves, start from the culturalinteraction between enterprises and employees?
Service marketing starts with serving its employees
In fact, many domestic wine enterprises have also done a lotto do their service marketing work, but also ignore some factors,
many enterprises in Wine promotion, first Wine will bepositioned as a product, and then put it as a product to sellto customers, employees dailywork is to findthe idea sarcasticpromotion method and the path: how can in a short period of timewill inventory into profits? This may be considered the mostproblems, and then faced with the survival of the enterpriseneeds of funds and market competition pressure, when facingcustomers, unknowingly with the idea of quick success andinstant benefit. Just imagine, when a customer in the absenceof psychological preparation, in the face of highlyenthusiastic but highly targeted service, experience is theservice brought about by pleasure, or the pressure behind thepurchase?Since then, the servicemarketing is relatively rigid,not humane, delicate and inclusive, it is difficult to reallyenter the customer' s life. In the final analysis, servicemarketing is a kind of "teach more than words", it is a subtleprocess. As an enterprise, if we can not let wine become a partof employees' enjoyment and enjoy life, we can not excavate thecommonness of consumers from employees, but only one-sidedpursuit of market profits,
Then the employee' s so-called service and marketing is just apromotion.
Employees are the first batch of "loyal wine lovers" trainedby enterprises"
For most of the domestic enterprises, work and life are twoconcepts, it is years of habit of thinking, which makes manyemployees to work 8 hours a day, returned to "the masses"ranks,and different work, this situation is not exceptional for
domestic enterprises Wine. In a sense, we have been studyingEuropean wine culture, but have not learned their passion andpassion for wine, nor have they understood the particularityof wine as a daily consumer. Within eight hours of servicemarketing and the traditional marketing is actually not muchdifference, the most is to sell the way wrapped in a layer of"sugar", although there are occasions, services, the Winecounter also has a superb collection of beautiful things,elegant wine tasting club and professional sommelier, but nosubstantive breakthrough. Many wine enterprises employeeschoose Wine industry just to make a living, not to experiencetheir own value and interactive fun between Wine, no insightinto the life of service marketing, to work as a task evenpressure. That is to say, in the face of Wine service marketingwork, is not really into, so enterprises should considerwhether the problem is too rigid, system and way of working istoo mechanical, or enterprise culture and Wine itself be quitedifferent. Imagine, an employee who doesn' t experience winetastes, how can he cultivate a loyal group of wine consumers?Service marketing is the trend, self-discipline is the keyHere, and perhaps someone will ask, such a concept seems to betoo idealistic. Yes, but the purpose of our universal wineculture is to make wine real to our daily dining table, whichrequires leadership and influence first. In April this year,Chengdu' s rum, a product family liquor Chain Co. Ltd. PresidentJin Wei in an interview with reporters, said: "China economichas changed from product economy to industrial economy andfinancial combine era, from simple to sell products to the erato create service brand and create value for the value of the
times. Model determines winning or losing, which requiresenterprises to change ideas, keep up with the times, so thatmore people can experience wine service chain model. "Many winemerchants have also taken the opportunity to join the famousfamily service chain. In fact, many domestic wine enterpriseshave long been aware of the necessity and importance of servicemarketing, but only when they began to locate, how many yearsof thinking habits formed.
Some people ask, "how can companies trainpeople who really lovewine?" If you follow the above thinking, how can employeesnaturally and calmly carry out the work of service marketing?Wewish to change the angle of thinking about the problem, firstof all, enterprises need a group of love Wine employees, whichis the foundation; next, how is the enterprise for the employeesof service marketing, the service marketing mainly refers tothe training of the staff working enthusiasm and loyalty, howwill Wine cultural knowledge and the staff of the daily behaviorof fusion and penetration but, not echo what the books say andthe so-called classroom style training seminars, more than asimple teaching skills. Only through the details of the dailyguidance and penetration, gradually change their way of lifeand work, work and life will be a natural fusion, such as dailygatherings, internal tasting, including travel usually, thesecan be Wine knowledge in the classroom, this kind of casual andcasual sex by osmosis into natural process the staff of thedaily life, people will unconsciously influence people around,this effect may be more than the service marketing specialeffect, because it is not utilitarian, but also more easy tobe accepted by the public. For an enterprise, the so-called"brand" is actually spread out by customers, not by enterprises.
This effect may be very difficult in the short run and needslong-term adherence to enterprises,
The enterprise can screen out the mighty wave crashing on asandy shore really fit for the service marketing staff, led thestaff in enterprises, employees to drive around, gradually toradiation, if each Wine enterprise can be so, perhaps it' sservice marketing is really not so slim.
Of course, service marketing is not limited to these, this isonly a start, in general, service marketing is a mental activity,the need to rely on emotional management to obtain consumerloyalty. The Chinese Wine huge market potential, we have thesame with western countries as long as the wine culture, if wecan do Wine enterprise service marketing in respect of localdrinking culture, that we will be able to launch Chinese hascharacteristics of high quality service.
Copyright China wine information net, please indicate thesource and author
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