萄酒信息网2010 wine marketing year (5) small and mediumimport wine enterprises operating in China - China wineinformation network
2010 wine marketing year (5) small and medium import wineenterprises operating in China
Date: 2010-3-26 10:08:58 source: Chinese wine informationnetwork Author: Lin Han
In two Chinese import Wine into an important change in the worldaround, before 2004, it is difficult for foreign enterprisesto enter the mainland market through direct Chinesedistribution, in Chinese after entering the Wine market hasentered a stage of rapid development. Imported wines enter theChinese market through importers, and then appear at banquets,clubs and even company banquets.
The dealers on the market is very large, if there is nodistribution system exists, the enterprise needs to completeall sales and marketing activities, the dealer makes theemergence of such a transfer function, therefore, imports ofwine and China domestic distributors to work, including three,is a business; two is information; three is in promotion. Thatis to say, imported wine is not only the product to thedistributor, but to the depth and dealers to communicate thecontent of communication involves Wine aspects, such as sales,pricing plan, promotion plan and so on, only in this way, theimport of wine to achieve greater development in the Chinesemarket.
Focus on the two or three tier cities
Most of the imported wine to look into the first-tier cities,so their stronghold, branch is located in Beijing, Shanghai,Guangzhou and other big city like these, Suzhou and other secondtier market is not imported wine figure. It should be stressedthat the imported wine market by ? to meet the market situationof Chinese camp, and not just the foreign experience to Chinesemarket, after all, Chinese market is still an immature market,so the import of wine should look at the longer term.In the choice of wine products, is it better for largeenterprises and small enterprises to choose wine products?Myview is that everyone should take a more open view of thisproblem, as long as the product quality is good and welcomedby consumers, they can enter China' s internal market throughmarket choice. Chinese market is a mature market for importedwine business, if you want to succeed in China market this bigcake, you need to make further efforts in Wine marketdevelopment, sales, market share, especially the two or threeline of the market China. Don't focus on the big city, and willpay more attention to the two or three line of the market, withthe China urbanization strategy to promote, the two or threeline of the market Chinese consumption potential will befurther developed and utilized, for wine importers and dealers,this is undoubtedly the best resources.
Business is the focus of super sales channels
For China imported wine dealers, hotels and bars are mainly
imported wine sales channels, with the gradual development ofChinese Wine and mature market, the future focus on importedwine sales channel should be in the super. Now China' s superbusiness can sell 65%of wine each year, and in the 65%of themarket share, most of China' s domestic brands, the future isexpected to exceed the proportion of sales will be furtherimproved. In addition, China domestic wine prices in about 10yuan to 150 yuan, imported wine in the price of 35 yuan to 170yuan, the price gap is still very large, if from the world' smajor producers Wine Wine sold 90 dollars in China market, Iestimate the import market should be greater. Therefore, theimport of wine dealers and dealers, the super wine saleschannels in the position should be more attention.
China' s wine market is developing at a fast pace, and thepromotion and marketing activities of the imported wine makerswill speed up the development of Chinese wines. Promotions andmarketing activities are diverse, but advertising isabsolutely not to be ignored, this is the foreign market by¬,test, but also by the status of China' s wine market decisions.Be sure to advertise for imported wines, especially TVcommercials, which allow more intuitive sensory stimuli toallow consumers to understand the wine, thereby fosteringpotential wine customers. In addition to advertising, goodpackaging is also an essential element, which caters to someof the special needs of consumers, such as wine as gifts tofriends andrelatives, so there is no good packaging is not good.Wine activities can also promote the sales of the products, doactivities at the same time, you can see a lot of customers,they may be potential customers in the future, this is the
experience of selling the charm, so that one can understand theneeds of the market, on the other hand can develop morepotential customers, experiential marketing is a marketingmode of the current popular. In addition, no one can finish thewhole business market, so the import of wine and not only todealers to cooperate, mutual cooperation between the import ofwine, so as to maintain Chinese Wine market stability, andjointly promote the development of the market Wine China.Lin Han (Aladin Laroussi) Ling Sheng wine trading company(Beijing) , deputy general manager
Copyright China wine information net, please refer to theauthor
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