404错误到底能否通过301重定向解决404, the error in the endcan be resolved by 301 redirects
404, the error in the end can be resolved by 301 redirects?I readanarticle on"use 301 redirect 404 error into thewebsitechain" article about how to redirect the way through 301, willget the error from the external URL into accessible URL, so asto transfer the weight of articles.
Today in A5 saw a "talk about using 301 redirect, 404 pagestransferred to their own chain of harm", refuted my previousarticle in the view. I feel very good, SEO industry should havethe spirit of questioning and independent thinking ability.Read the article, the author found that misunderstood me. So,write another article to clarify the point of view, and tointroduce the role of 301 redirection.
First of all, I make clear that the two in the "use of 301redirects, 404 errors into the web site outside the chain" inthe article:
The article is about the 404 error URL, through the 301 redirectback to the original URL. This needs to be explained. I didn'tmention any 301 to the front page or any other page in thearticle
The examples in this article are about URL, errors, spelling,linking, adding errors, and even intentionally creating wrongURL behavior from the outside (B site) into your own web site
(A web site) . Not the 404 mistake that A itself appearsThe original text has been there, and friends who have doubtscan read it carefully. Now let me back up my friend' s point ofv i ew:
Refute the first paragraph
The original author, the 404 error resolution points to thechain in the site and the external cause, this sentence but the404 error no ground for blame, and it is also because of theirown website program, since there is no way to escape, such asin the A5 page can also appear a lot so alive that suffix the404 page, directlybehind the accession to the 1.html, 2.html,can, That' s all. , but if someone deliberately plan with the formof the chain link to this page, that is to bring the link,website That' s all. , top produced a 404 page, and there willbe no other.
A 404 error on the site is not necessarily a problem with thesite' s internal program. Spiders, via an external web site (asan example of the B web site) , a wrong URL crawling to theirweb site (taking the A web site for example) will also causea 404 error, i.e. , the wrong URL results in the wrong page.Spiders don't care if you link URL to the inside or outside ofa web site, and you' ll log a 404 error as long as there' s "nopage" in the process of crawling along URL.
This is somethingwe can clearly see in the GoogleAdministratorTool' s "run status" - "crawl error" - "not found". 404 errors
are divided into items: "in sitemap" (internal cause) and"links to the web page of your web site" (external causes) two.As the name suggests, the "link to your web page domain" is theURL that links from the B web site to the A web site.Refute the second paragraph
And the meaning of the original author is how to grasp the weighton the one hand, to this weight of the chain directly back, andnot let go, here, I also have my own point of view, this is thechain itself "http://www.xxxxx. com/rich-snippets.htmlGFQ",the chain link is over 404 pages, if you put these pages 301off, this situation and website appeared in a large number of404 pages, and then directly to the 404 page 301 to a page isthe same; if your site has 404 pages, so in order to preventthe loss of weight, it will all these pages to the home page301? This is not completely consistent with the search enginethe requirements, if you want to know about it, just use BaiduSearch "404 page 301 to page can understand more harm".First of all, there is a clear distinction between the "act ofself" or "external behavior". Take link construction, theinside and outside the chain in the weight of the effect isdifferent. This is clear to everyone. The core idea is that thechain is the webmaster can not control, and the chain is thewebmaster can set up. Although in the search engine developmentprocess, appear"canbe master control of the chain" this factor(that is, the general construction of the chain) . But whetheror not the controllable controllable, there is a premise thatthe idea is clear, who would not be able to release the correct
URL in someone else' s website, but to send the wrong URL,causing the user can not access your own website or "on hiswebsite, the page does not exist".
Secondly, for 301 to the original page, or 301 to the home page.I don't want to say more about it. Everyone can understand whatI mean. What I want to say here is how the search enginesidentify some of the sources of the source text:
Where does the search engine first see the content?
A lot of the same content of domain name trust
Where does the link point the most (in the original chain)?Does the copy linkback to the original source (copyright link)?Because of the presence of second signals, many of our originalauthors have published or been reprinted content on otherwebsites, unable to get a good ranking. Many authors complainabout it. But we can use the 1, 3, and 4 signals to correct thiserror.
Baidu in this respect is not very good, but Google can quicklyand accurately identify the original source. This benefits fromthe above 3. The "copy is link back to the original source ofthis factor, I also use 301 redirect in" 404 mistakes into oneof thepurposes of this siteoutside thechain"in this article,there is a goal we can see is the transfer of weight.Finally, the error URL, which a user cannot access, is
reasonably redirected to the correct URL by 301. It also helpsthe user experience. We also saw this sentence in the GoogleAdministrator Tool' s "scratch error".
Googlebot cannot grab the URL because the page it points to doesnot exist. In general, 404 does not affect your site' s rankingin search results, but you can use it to improve userexperience.
The 404 way to solve the error is through the robots.txt screenor through the 301 redirect. I don't think shielding can improvethe user experience. Robots. txt can only improve spiderexperience. Because the user clicked on the wrong URL, theaccess was still a nonexistent page and saw 404 errors.Refute the third paragraph
Direct copy of the original saying, "if you return a code otherthan 404 or 410 for a nonexistent web page (or redirect a userto a home page and other pages instead of 404) , you might havea problem. ". First, it tells the search engine to find theactual web site through the url. As a result, the search enginemight grab the URL and index its content. Because the Googlebotdoes not exist touse a lot of time ", maynot be able to quicklyfind your URL or frequently visit these URLs, can frequentlyvisit these URLs, thus affecting the capture amount on yourwebsite (in addition, you must also do not want their ownwebsites often appear in the [file] did not find the searchquery) . " This is the 404 page of the original words, if you donot continue in accordance with the requirements of error pageJump, the same page, the emergence of a large number of possible
scenarios is your website on the same title, the samedescription, the same content, and so on, then it is differentbetween the URL and the same content of the story, as for thefuture what is this?You can go to Baidu, its own Google to findthat.
Since the friends who are refuted have mentioned the Googleadministrator' s guide, don't forget to extract anotherparagraph:
In general, 404 errors do not affect your site' s ranking inGoogle, so you can safely ignore these errors. This error isusually due to the following reasons: spelling errors,conf iguration errors (e.g. link by a content management systemautomatically generated) or Google to strengthen therecognition and grasping Javascript embedded content link inthe efforts.
To see the source of the invalid link, click the relevant url.In the error dialog box, click the link from the following pagelabel. If relevant links come from your site, please fix ordelete these links. If these links come from external sites,you canuse these data to improve your website' s user experience.For example, if someone is trying to link to your site and losethe wrong URL, there will be a legal URL that is spelledincorrectly. You can redirect the URL 301 incorrectly to thecorrect URL and get the expected traffic through that linkinstead of returning a 404 error. You can also make sure youhelp them find what they want when you direct the user to the404 page, instead of just showing "404 not found. "". However,we only recommend that you take the above measures when the
error link can generate higher traffic.
Unfortunately, the friend saw only one, but did not see theother. When we do SEO, the off icial data is very important. Manydetails are hidden in it. It takes a lot of time to read andunderstand carefully.
In fact, a lot of settings and descriptions in Googleadministrator tools make sense. Just some of us, SEO, don' t wantto understand. Just like the internal and external causesproduced by 404, there is also a reason for separating it from"grasping errors". Instead of doing nothing, just do it.Conclusion: as SEO, we need to absorb a lot of knowledge,At the same time, develop their own ideas and ways to analyzeproblems. But you need to make sure that your knowledge isadvanced, not stale. Otherwise, your own ideas can easily bemisled, resulting in bad results.
The debate about ideas is also a very important part of SEO' swork. No one can be sure that his understanding is correct, wecan only take some official information revealed and his owndata analysis to draw conclusions to prove the correctness oftheir ideas and theory.
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