提纲(资料)On the Functions of Etiquette in Commercial Negotiation 商务英语毕业论文

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On the Functions of Etiquette in CommercialNegotiation

1、 课题(论文)提纲

二、 内容摘要

3、 参考文献

On the Functions of Etiquette in Commercial


Abstract: Business etiquette is reflected in the businessof mutual respect and a code of conduct. The core ofbusiness is a standard of behavior. It is used to bind usin all aspects of daily business activities. Its role is to


reflect the mutual respect among people. It is thecommercial activities of the person's appearance andbehavior of the universal demand meter. Negotiation is adifficult bargaining process. From a Public Relationperspective, it has to reach an agreement, but alsocoordinate the relations and avoid enemies. To this, wemust have profound knowledge and a high degree ofnegotiating skills and resourcefulness, but also should beaccompanied by thoughtful courtesy.

Keywords: Business Negotiation; etiquette; enterprise;success; image; function


Business Negotiation is not only a science, but also anart 。 An excellent negotiator, requires not only proficientin professional knowledge, master sociology, psychology,l inguistics and other areas of knowledge, also requiresknowledge of etiquette knowledge and proficiency in thenegotiations in order to cope with ease. Shopping is l ike abattlefield, in a market economy conditions, among allwalks of l ife among enterprises for their own economicinterests compete for profit-inch, not to give way. But themall , after all not a battlefield, this competition is notreally a knife out guns, l ife and death of the flame,shopping centers on the contest is carried out in gentlemanner. Even if the two sides disputed, at loggerheads, allwords and deeds must also be polite. Irrespective ofwhether successful or not, pay attention to etiquette is


very important. Etiquette in business plays an importantrole in the negotiations. Such as etiquette can create agood atmosphere and narrow the gap, etiquette can build agood image and promote a successful transaction, it canalso deepen understanding and promote friendship.

1.Creating good atmosphere and narrowing the gap

An enterprise, if we can warm and thoughtful , generoushospitality gracefully customers, l ike the other peoplethink, and to help each other solve problems, resolvedoubts, respect for each other, would make customers feelyou are sincere, and willing to deal with you. In a relaxedand harmonious atmosphere in the negotiations, it willnaturally reduce the distance between the two sides is easyto find a mutually acceptable to each other can benefitfromthe combination of points .

1 .1 Creating good atmosphere

Both sides meet each other on first . Introduction andself-introduction should decent and generous to abide byrules of etiquette. Introduction to graceful , afterintroductions should shake hands with each other Kindregards. If you have business card, you should take theinitiative and handed him a slight nod to show the mild-mannered demeanor, but also the l ink for future co-operation with ease. In case of self-introduction, youshould spit the word clear, raise the voice appropriately,eyes are looking at each other, to show respect for eachother, we must guard against looking around when self-introduction, because this will make people feel apathy,and fails to courtesy. If the other party is foreign, you


have to depending on national culture, and etiquette of thedifferent decisions introduction and handshake approach.Please pay attention to conversation manners. Discusspersonnel 's conversation should be easy, manners should begentle and generous, modest and polite, measured properly,and can not be restrained panic. Greetings after meeting ,something into the title before being advised to talk aboutsome easy non-operational nature of the neutral topic, suchas the travel experience, season and weather, sportsperformance, their hobby or past experience working and soon, but at the beginning of the greeting should not be toolong, so as not to dilute the negotiating atmosphere

1 .1 .1 Relaxed and harmonious environment

A good atmosphere for negotiations, first of alldepends on the relaxed and harmonious environment. If usethe pleasant of voices to introduce with each other orself-introduction, to talk about a number of topics ofmutual interest, so that we created in the first initialimpression of harmony, and then to business.

1 .1 .2 Soft words

In business negotiations, speak with a soft warmtone  volume medium, slowly, face an air of natural andsmilingly, all of these will make people feel relaxed.Business negotiations gentle words make each other feelhappy and feel that you are friendly to him, so that isgood to create a favorable environment for thenegotiations.

1 .1 .3 Easing the atmosphere


When the problem was, you can use "likely" to recognizethe problems in certain areas, mainly in order not todirectly oppose each other, to soften the atmosphere. Talkstoo long, or are at high tide, or the two sides deadlocked,often make people feel tired, depressed or highly strained.At this point you can say a few words of witty humor, sohard, indifferent negotiations easier and pleasant.

1 .2 Narrowing the gap

Appearance is discuss personnel 's advertising, youshould pay attention to be stiff and smooth and cleanclothes, dignified and elegant, and looked full , in thisway to give a good first impression.

Go to discuss the topic naturally. Question is that bothsides enter negotiations are expected. The most appropriateway is a relaxed, natural tone, easy to talk about the twosides reached a consensus on the topic. Such as "Let 'sdiscuss the procedure should first be finalized today, whatdo you think about it?" This questioning reflects bothrespect each other, and the sincerity of willing to discussthe issue on equal attitude, but also most l ikely to beeach other's positive response and help to create aconsistent atmosphere. Such statements should be dignifiedlanguage, tone and pace should be moderate, not onlyindicate your intentions and demands but also causing otherpeople without resentment and anxiety. When each other'sstatements, should l isten seriously and pay attention torecording and analysis . You should know that Listencarefully not only to each other's respect but also yourown respect . At the same time, this can create a mood to


each other, willing to continue to talk about atmosphere.

1 .2.1 The importance of the first impression innegotiation

The beginning of the negotiations, the negotiatingparties of the first impression is very important contact,and conversation as much as possible to create a friendly,relaxed atmosphere of good negotiation. Self-introductionto the natural generosity, non-exposed arrogance wasintended.Was introduced to the people should rise about asmile hands, you can politely authentic: "Nice to meetyou" , "Nice to meet you," and so on. Ask each other to bepolite, such as "ask your name" and so on. If you havebusiness cards, should to take delivery with both hands.After introduction, you can choose a topic of mutualinterest to talk. Ashort greeting can communicate feelingsand create a mild climate.

1 .2.2 The importance of the posture movement

Negotiating stance at the beginning of graspingmovements also play a major role in atmosphere of the talksshould be watching each other's eyes, the eyes should stayin each other's eyes, a triangular area between theforehead square, so to make 0+the other feel concerned thatyou are serious and sincere. Better than the washed downonto the palm of the hand, gestures natural , not swattinggesture, so as to avoid frivolous feeling. Avoid cross-armsat the chest, so it is extremely arrogant and rude.

1 .2.3 To find out each other is important

At the beginning of negotiations on the important taskis to find out each other's bottoml ine, it is necessary to


seriously l isten to each other's conversation, carefulobservation of each other's behavior expression, andprovide appropriate responses, it not only to understandeach other's intentions, but also to show respect andcourtesy.

2. Building a good image and promoting a successfultransaction

2.1 . Building a good image

In business negotiations, the parties to thetransaction may not know,while the personal image is oftenthe representative of corporate image. There is a commonphenomenon: in business activities, one party often througheach other's appearance one, manners conversation todetermine each other and through the other side to analyzehim (her) represents the credibil ity of the enterprise,thereby affecting its interaction level . Thus, in businessactivities, on both sides of the noble morality, andcourteous manner, profound knowledge and dignifiedcourtesy, would give the other party left a deepimpression, and business sentiment in favor of negotiationsto reduce resistance. Therefore, the appearance anddeportment of business personnel are particularly importantto the demeanor of each a staff of a good image, it is agood image of corporate in the business, and any oneemployee misconduct, would undermine the good image of theentire enterprise.

2.1 .1 Consistent with the nature of negotiations

If it is the formal talks, the negotiators should be


dressed formally, to express the importance of thenegotiations and adequate preparation; if informalnegotiations, the negotiators of the dress should not betoo rigid stiff, you can more easily, giving the feeling ofrelaxed easy-going, so look is more accessible, facilitatethe exchange of common ground.

2.1 .2 Consistent with the negotiating environment

To luxury hotels to negotiate, suits and ties can proveyour identity and tolerance, so that you feel the harmonyof soul and the environment, rather than ashamed of; ingeneral office space negotiations, you can dress and go towork almost normally, do not dress up.

2.1 .3 Don’t wear new clothes

When the negotiations, if you wear new clothes, thisdeliberate and specialized costly dress will make you feeluneasy, cautious, and nervous. And through a few of the newclothes, not only some individuals have been able to adapt,not satisfied with software, and is not a natural feeling,but without losing the gift of instruments.

2.2 Promoting a successful transaction

With the improvement of l iving standards, people arealso getting higher and higher on spiritual pursuits,especially with the development of China's market economyand accession to WTO to participate in internationalcompetition, there are urgent demands that we be able tolearn in its foreign relations with international practice,master business etiquette, and thus more effective tocommunicate with others, to win in the commerce. Businessetiquette in people's social interaction is become more and


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