cellularBioactive Components of Cordyceps taii and Their Immune Functions in Mice

disable_functions  时间:2021-03-22  阅读:()

Bioactive Components of Cordyceps taii and Their Immune

Functions in Mice

Abstract:The polysaccharide,adenosine and mannitol components of Cordycepstaii collected from the wild were determined, and the effects of aqueous C. taiiextracts on immune functions in mice were investigated using carbon clearance anddelayed type hypersensitivity testing(DTH),and by determining thymic and splenicindices. Polysaccharide, adenosine and mannitol levels in C. taii were 36.20 mg/g,

0.27 mg/g and 80.20 mg/g, respectively.Aqueous C. taii extracts partially alleviatedthe suppressive effects on the thymic and splenic indices caused bycyclophosphamide, and increased nonspecific immunity and cellular immunefunctions.Toxicity tests revealed that the LD50 for aqueous C. taii extract on oraladministration was69.42 g/kg.

Key words:Cordyceps taii;polysaccharide;adenosine;mannitol;carbonclearance;cellular immune function

Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. is a rare medicinal fungus in China withnumerous special pharmacological effects favoured by consumers. However, C.sinensis yields are decreasing year by year and the price of this limited resource isnow very high due to over gathering.However, other species within the genusCordyceps have often been reported to have similar chemical composition andpharmacological effects1 and might, there fore, serve as efficient sub stitutes for C.sinensis.One such alternative species is C. taii Liang et Liu which was firstlydiscovered and reported in Guizhou Province in 1991 2 and has subsequently beenfound in Anhui, Henan, Hunan and Guangdong Provinces. Comparison of thechemical composition of C. sinensis and C. taii showed that both species had similaramino ac id,vitamin and microe lement components3 .The microelement and aminoacid composition ofC. taii mycelia have also been reported 4,5 ,and extracts ofC.taii mycelia have antiseptic 6 , immunoregulatory 6~9 and tumor cell growthinhibiting functions 10 . In order to provide a basis for utilizing C. taii as analternative forC. sinensis, we have compared the levels of various bioactivecomponents in these two species,and studied the effect of aqueous C. taii extracts onnon specific immune functions, thymic and splenic indices,and cellular immunity inmic e.

1 Materials and Methods

1.1 Materials

C. taii was supplied by Guangdong Jin Cordyceps Biological Development Co.Ltd,and C. s inens is wa s purchas ed from Guangzhou Tongrentang Drugstore.


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