Analysis of Hedges and Their Pragmatic Functions in
N ew s
1.Introduction Fuzziness is the nature of language and hedging is a crucial partof fuzzy language.G.Lakoff 1972 first studies the fuzzy words in the field oflinguistics and his focus is on the logical properties of hedges in their ability“to makethings fuzzier or less fuzzy”.He also suggests that hedges are words whose job is tomake things fuzzier or les s fuzzy quoted from He Zi-ran 2003 141.Now manyscholars start to inquire into the application of hedges in all kinds of genres but theresearch findings of hedges in English news are not quite persuasive from pragmatics.Therefore the writer explores the pragmatic functions of hedges in the onlinematerials from BBC and New York Times by contextual analysis of the hedges to sumup their pragmatic functions and to make the readers understand the hedged sentence.From the above mentioned it can be concluded that hedging referring to thosewords and expressions making things fuzzier or less fuzzy is a linguistic device toencode the speaker’ s degree of commitment to the truth condition.
2.Pragmatic Classification of Hedges Prince divides hedges into two types fromthe pragmatic view approximators and shields.Approximators can be furtherclassified into adaptors and rounders while shields cover plausibility shields andattribution shields as their own subordinate members Dong Chan
2006 .Approximators affect the truth conditions o f the propositions associated withthem but not the speaker’s commitment He Zi-ran 2003 142 .This type ofhedges also can change or even cancel the original meaning.One is adaptors whichcan change the degree of truth condition of the statement including sort ofsomewhat commonly etc.The other type o f approximators is rounders whichgive a certain range to a propos ition.There are rounders such as around roughlyetc. .Shields do not affect the truth conditions of the propositions.With plausibilityshields speaker/writer makes his direct estimation or shows his hesitation towardsthe event such as I think probably as far as I can etc.Attribution shields areused to express the attitude of guess or doubt that is stated by a third person thoughthe writer also agrees with the same idea such as presumably someone says that.
3.Characteristics of News Truthfulness and accuracy are the key elements innews and are essential for the information conveying.These require the pressman toreport the facts accurately and objectively. Then news information also needs
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