路径KingCMS_ tags Daquan(KingCMS_标签大全)

kingcms  时间:2021-03-19  阅读:()

KingCMS_ tags Daquan KingCMS_标签大全

KingCMS Tags

Default.htm article page external template

Tag name Description

{king:keyword/} keyword

{king:description/} site description

{king:title/} title

{king:logo/} website LOGO

{king:usernav/} user login information (login-registration){king:menu/} menu

{king:guide/} Guide (current location)

{king:inside/} invokes the internal template

{king:bottommenu/} bottom menu

{king:bottominfo/} bottom information

{king:cms/} KingCMS Copyright (proposed to retain)

{king:counter/} website statistics

{king:contact/} contact information

{king:search/} joins search

Article[page]/default.htm article page internal templateTag name Description

{king:title size= "30" /} article

{king:sitename/} site name

{king:from/} provenance

{king:author/} author

{king:date mode= yy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss (mode /} time attributeyear month day hour minute second, YY-MM-DD)

{king:content/} article content

{king:pagelist/} paging navigation

{king:input/} entry person

{king:comment/} comment address

{king:path/} article path

The label in the circular body of the related article isparenthesis"

{king:article type=, "realte", "number=", "10"}

<! -- this section is circular to show a list of articles, thenumber of calls from the number value decision -- >

Article ID: (king:id/)

Title: (king:title size= "20" /)

Date: (king:date, mode=, "yy/MM/dd" /)

Authors: (king:author /)

Source: (k ing:from/)

Article link address: (king:path/)

Upload picture calls: (king:image, width=, 200, height=, 150)Column name: (ki ng:menuname/)

Column address: (king:menupath/)

<! -- loop end -- >


Latest articles

{king:article type=, "new", "number=", "10"}



Article[list]/default.htm column list page

Tag name Description

{king:rss/} RSS

{king:rsspath/} RSS address

{king:menuid/} column ID

{king:article, type=, list, number=, 30, zebra=, 5, order=,DESC, }

<! -- this section is circular to show a list of articles, thenumber of the page displayed by the number value -- >Article ID: (king:id/)

Title: (king:title size= "20" /)

Date: (king:date, mode=, "yy/MM/dd" /)

Authors: (king:author /)

Source: (k ing:from/)

Input: (ki ng: input/)

Article link address: (king:path/)

Upload picture calls: (king:image, width=, 200, height=, 150)Column name: (ki ng:menuname/)

Column address: (king:menupath/)

Zebra crossing: (king:zebra/)

<! -- loop end -- >


Zebra for Zebra parameters, in addition to the total number ofzebra achieve 'black and white' effect.

Order=desc (reverse) | ASC (positive) .

/ / picture examples

{king:pagelist/}<! - Page tab - >

<ul class= "pic" >

{king:article type=, "list", "number=", "30", "order=","desc", }

<! --this part (king:image width="110"height="80"/aspjpeg)

support time: TN automatically creates a thumbnail directoryand thumbnail -- >


< a href = “ 王路径/ ” > <img src= “ 王 图像宽度= “110” height= “80” / ” alt=” 王标题

/ ”width= “110” height= “80” /> </a>

<span> < a href = “ 王路径/ ” > 王标题大小= “20” /</a> </跨度>

< /李>



< >

王 pagelist / } {



模板路径 {王}把search.asp页面/

绝对路径 /页/把search.asp


模板路径 {王页/ } reg.asp

绝对路径 /页/ reg.asp


模板路径 {王} login.asp页面/

绝对路径 /页/ login.asp

会员退出 / login.asp行动=注销


模板路径 {王页/ } user.asp

绝对路径 /页/ user.asp


模板路径 {王页/ } addlink.asp

绝对路径 /页/ addlink.asp


模板路径 { }国王研究所/网站/ index.htm绝对路径 /网站/ index.htm


模板路径 {王研究所/ }提交给sitemaps.xml [谷歌]绝对路径 / sitemaps.xml


模板路径 {王研究所/ } fornms / index.html绝对路径 / fornms / index.html



栏目总数 王 countmenu /

主题贴总数 王 counttopic /

回帖总数 王 countboard /

文章总数 王 countartic le /

用户总数 王 countuser /

连接总数 王 count l i nk /

来源网站数 王 countrefer /

评论总数 王 countcomment /

精华贴总数 王 countbesttopic /

IP访问量总数 王 countip /

光伏访问量总数 王 countpv /

起始统计日期 王起始/

今日添加文章数 王 articletoday /

今日IP 王 todayip /

今日光伏 王 todaypv /

昨日IP 王 yestip /

昨日光伏 王 yestpv /

本月IP 王 monthip /

本月光伏 王 monthpv /

上月IP 王 ultimoip /

上月光伏 王 ultimopv /

新加入会员 < a href = “ 王 newuserpath / ” > 王新手/</a>






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