最全kingcms标签(带实例) Most full KingCMS tags (withexampl es)
The KingCMS tag (with examples) .Txt is a mountain fox, you toldmewhat all, standing in the place nearest to you, look you smileto others, even if the heart is all the pain just to put yourevery act and every move a panoramic view. Dazzling white, letme understand what is pure damage. For you, whether you are anovice or veteran, you carefully read this article wasreproduced in the N KingCMS ASP tag detailed, you may be a greatdiscovery.
Although I spent a lot of time KINGCMS ASP version, but againJingxiaxinlai carefully, this article not only sigh for you.There were a lot of things that we didn't learn at first.The original text comes from: www. s-un. cn
Default labels for the system
{king:sitename/} site name
{king:siteurl/} website address
{king:now/} server current time
{king:cms/} output KingCMS support information, not buyauthorized website, must output this information.
{king:title/} title
{king:keywords/} keyword, you can use {king:keyword/}{king:description/} description
{king:inst/} installation path, if it is the root directoryinstallation, output: /
{king:page/} foreground path, such as: /page/
{king:guide name=the "current position"/} current navigationposition; the name value can replace the website name, the nameof the output specified.
{king:rnd/} 16 bit random number
{king:rnd4/} 4 bit random number
{king:rnd8/} 8 bit random number
{king:sql cmd= "select systemname from kingsystem;" anyposition/} SQL index database call on the data or any of a groupof data. 1) when used to /} closed, only the first output data;
2) when the {king:sql} . . . {/king} , cycle number of output data,specified by the SQL statement in top, more than 1000 of thedata cannot be read every time, for example, see below.Default attributes of the system
The length of the size attribute, which defines the length ofthe output, such as: {king:title size="10"/} , only the outputof the first 10 bytes, which Chinese output 5 words, 10 words
English output.
The left HTML code length attribute, similar to the sizeattribute, is used to qualify HTML code.
Mode type usage: {king:date mode= "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" /}The mode attribute value yyyy, MM represents the year andmonth,and has the following attributes: complete year: yyyy;abbreviated year: YY; complete month: MM; abbreviated month:M; day and time parameter same month.
Code code formatting, such as: {king:title code= "HTMLEncode"/} , which replaces the output value in double quotes. Valueparameter has:
JavaScript or JS can be converted into code that can be calledin JavaScript
Convert xmlencode or XML into XML document compatible codeConvert URLEncode or URL to standard URL link code
Convert HTMLEncode or HTML to available code for HTML tagproperty
The URL keyword link parameters, such as: {king:keywords url="/page/article/search.asp? Query=" /} , when the URL value isto follow the corresponding link.
Width and height contain the tag specific attributes of image
characters, that is, the length and width of the image is set,and the aspjpeg component support is needed. Such as:{king:image width="100"height="80"/} , namely the output cutof the original image after the thumbnail of the address.Example of {king:sql/}
1) when /} closed
{king:sql cmd= "select sum (*) from kingart /} ;"
Returns all the number of articles
2) when {king:sql} . . . {/king} cyclic body
{king:sql cmd= "select top 10 arttitle, artpath, artdate fromkingart order by artId DESC;"}
<p>arttitle correspondence: (king:#0/) </p>
<p>artpath correspondence: (king:#1/) </p>
< p > artdate对应(king, # (2) < / p >
{/ king)
文章系统标签king: (type = "new" (= "10") , article标签开始
king (+ +) < a href = "(king, path)" (king: title size = "24"/ < / a > html循环输出部分
结束标签{/ king)
补充上来的king: + + + + +
作用是输出序号,从1开始,如果你输出10条信息,那么++输出的值就是1 - 10
* nu mb e r循环调用文章的数量,必须为数字
*"斑马线,必须为数字,如zebra="2"当第2、4、8等整除于zebra参数值的时候,输出1,其他输出0 [似乎只能用于列表页, 限在type =" list "的时候有效]
* order排序,默认值为desc,要按id顺序输出, 则设置值为asc(跟以前版本正好相反) 的时候有效限在type = "list";
* listid指定栏目调用,和老版本的union一样,支持多栏目同时调用,用英文逗号分开; listid有两个特定的值sub和current,sub是调用当前栏目下面栏目的文章, current是调用当前栏目下面的文章.
* li stname指定栏目名称调用, 多个栏目名称之间用英文逗号分开一个标签中, 只能用一个listid或listname,两个标签不能同时使用.keywords关键字属性调用和keywords属性里指定的关键字一致的文章*.
循环体内标签artid文章idlistid列表idl istname列表名称listpath列表路径
path文章路径title文章标题f rom来源
简述descriptionkeywords关键字author作者image缩略图路径,支持width和he ight属性
用法举例.king: (section)
< a href = "(king, path)" type = "hot" (king: title size = ""/ < / a >
{/ king)
title文章标题happy 内容f rom来源keywords关键字
简述descriptionauthor作者image缩略图路径,支持width和he ight属性path文章路径
king: < h1 > {} < / h1 >) .
< img src = "{king: image width=" 200 "height =" 150 "/ /" / >type = "sql"用法
这个需要你懂得文章插件的数据结构及sql命令才可以正常使用.king: (type = "sql" (= "the artshow= 0 order by artid desc; }< a href = "(king, path)" (king, title v) < / a >
{/ king)
需要注意的是, 当type="sql"的时候, 必须有sql属性去设置sql代码,不然将调用最初加入的文章.
(king, articlelist listid = "1. 2".
列表id (king, listid)
列表名称(king, listname)
列表地址(king, listpath)
{/ king)
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