摘要 B2C电子商务中物流配送是企业与客户之间联系的桥梁关乎着企业的形象、利润及发展。随着电子商务的发展市场竞争的加剧消费者出现分散性和广域性物流配送在电子商务企业开展与运作中的地位越来越重要物流的配送模式及服务水平逐渐成为制约B2C企业进一步发展的瓶颈。选择适合自己的物流配送模式能有效的降低企业成本提升服务水平增强企业的竞争力。本文以京东商城为例综合分析其物流配送模式的结构和采用的两种物流配送模式的优缺点对京东商城的物流配送提出改进措施。
关键词 B2C电子商务 京东商城 物流配送模式
Abstract:B2C e-commerce, logistics distribution is the bridge between the enterprise and the customer, relates to the image of the enterprise, profit and development.With the development of electronic commerce, the competition of the market, consumers appear dispersion and wide area, to carry out the logistics distribution in e-commerce and enterprise operation is becoming more and more important in the distribution pattern and service level of logistics has become a bottleneck restricting the further development of B2C enterprises.Choose their own logistics distribution model, can effectively reduce the cost of enterprises,improve service levels, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. In this paper, Jingdong mall as an example,a comprehensive analysis of the structure of its logistics and distribution mode and the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of logistics and distribution model, to improve the logistics and distribution ofJingdong mall measures.
Key words:B2C e-commerce Jingdong mall logistics distribution model
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