加速全面加速adsl宽带速度(Overall acceleration of ADSL broadband speed)

宽带加速  时间:2021-03-14  阅读:()

全面加速adsl宽带速度Overall acceleration of ADSL broadbandspeed

Broadband dial-up Internet has become like a homely food asusual, originally expected that this dial-up Internet speedthan ordinary telephone dial-up Internet speed faster, but infact we sometimes feel that broadband dial-up speed has notchanged significantly, even more than ordinary telephonedial-up Internet speed is slower, which is why? In fact, thereare many factors influencing the speed of broadband dial-upInternet, we must eliminate all possible factors one by one,can have normal broadband dial-up Internet speed.

Focusing on heat dissipation to improve the performance of ADSLOnce the ADSL broadband "Cats"work a long time, its interiorwill produce a lot of heat, the heat is emitted if not timely,then the ADSL broadband "electronic components will cat"internal working under high temperature conditions, in thisstate the transmission performance and stability performancewill be greatly decreased in this way, the Internet speed slowphenomenon is easy to occur.

Many users in broadband dial-up, often do not pay attention tothe details of the ADSL heat sink, often broadband "Cats" arenot placed in the surrounding ventilation but also at the cornerof wall, and hubs, such as router equipment at the same timeoverlapped words, a variety of equipment at the same time thiswork produces heat stable performance of the ADSL is more ofa disadvantage; the Internet is often just a period of time,the Internet speed is very fast, can not long time, network

touch ADSL broadband "Cats", most will feel it is very hot, itwill be closed for a period of time after the Internet, theInternet will speed up immediately.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the broadband dial-up speedis swift, ventilation work is a very important process must doADSL broadband"Cats", is best to place it in awell ventilatedenvironment can be around, permitting it in constanttemperature working environment.

Focus on protocols to make sure the network card is undividedattention

In order to give full play to the role of network, many usersoften NIC binding too much internet protocol, so that the cardcan take more work "responsibility"; however, if thecommunication protocol is too much bound in the card body, thecard once received the data transmitted, often need to spendmore time to choose the appropriate communication protocol totransmit data, so we can clearly feel the Internet Internetspeed slow.

In fact, manyusers of the cardwill generallybe used to connectthe LAN and the Internet, so that the card body first to bindmore than two kinds of protocol, so every time in the datatransmission card takes at least twice as much time to selectthe communication protocol, and finally we feel the Internetwill naturally speed is not normal.

In order to improve internet speed dial, we can according to

the different purposes of network connection, are respectivelyconnected with a different card, and for each a card only binda necessary communication protocol, ensure that the card canwork so you can avoid undivided attention, selection ofcommunication protocol link, so as to effectively improve theInternet the speed of the.

In general, directly connected with the ADSL broadband "Cats"equipment card, as long as we give it to bind a PPPOE protocolcan be, another piece of card is connected with LAN switchesor hubs, usually only need to bind to a TCP/IP protocol can,to ensure that each piece of card to perform their respectiveduties and work collaboration. Focusing on the line to improvethe transmission performance

Broadband dial-up is through the telephone line to transmitdata, if the transmission quality of the line is not very high,then dial the speed of the Internet will naturally be affected.Because the ADSL dial technology used now often has the networkspeed automatic adjustment function, once the dial-up line isdisturbed by unexpected factors,

The dialing technique can dynamically adjust the transmissionspeed of the Internet according to the interference program ofthe line quality.

In order to avoid the line quality problems, affect the Internettransmission performance, we should strictly follow thestandard line construction in the arrangement of the telephoneline, do not arbitrarily separated from the line forked branchin some keyparts of the linewith the plastic sleeve toprotect

the line by line wear; especially in the joint, to ensurereliable connection, stability and, with protective shellprotection line joints by oxidation or erosion.

Focus on the interface, avoid connecting detours

The "interface" mentioned here refers to the connection exitused in Internet communication. By default, the IE browser isusually used as ordinary dial-up Internet connection and export,we used broadband virtual dial-up software used by Enterhet300is not an ordinary type dial, but LAN type dial;

So, when we dial success and use IE to browse information, IEbrowser will often find ordinary dial-up connection interface,once can not find the words IE will automatically search forthe existence of LAN proxy server, only after the search tobroadband dial-up interface, it is obvious that such a dial-upInternet speed nature will be very slow. In order to avoid theconnection in the selection of many detours, we may wish to reopen the Internet connection wizard, and then pop in the wizardinterface selection "to connect to the network throughbroadband, and will automatically search the proxy server toselect the state canceled it, specific operation steps:First run IE browser program, and in the browse window menu barclick the "tools"/"Internet options" in the subsequent pop-upoptions settings window, click on the connections tab, andclick the Add button in the corresponding tab, and then enteras shown in Figure 1 of the Internet connection wizard window,select the window "connected to the network via broadbandproject, click the wizard prompts parameter setting can be a

good dial-up.

Then in the "connection" tab page, click"Settings"button, andthen pop in the settings window, will automatically check statesettings, use automatic configuration script "and" LAN proxyserver "recovery options all cancel, and finally click" OK"button to the.

It is worth reminding you that if we are using other Internetbrowsing software, also need the original default dial-upconnection to connect to Internet through the LAN, I believeit will make the Internet speed significantly changed!Focus on installation, reduce detail interference

Here refers to "Install", including card installation anddial-up software installation, because the hardware andsoftware installation if such operations are not ready, do notsay will affect the dial-up speed, serious or even unable toconnect to the Internet network. In the network card installed,we try to use a good brand, quality hard card equipment, duringthe installation process to ensure reliable contact with themotherboard card gold finger slot, and fixed with a screw toprevent the card, the card is cable plug from the socket afterfrequent slide out; if we use the poor quality of the card, thecard itself work not only the stability can not be guaranteed,but inferior in large capacity data under the impact of the cardis prone to scrap phenomenon.

To install the network card driver, it is best to use the methodof "from the disk, the original card driver installed, which

often can ensure a stable working state in the network. In theuse of dial-up software, the main thing is not illegal to shutdown the dial-up program, otherwise the next use of softwarerunning may be wrong.

Tips: if we are through LAN access to Internet network, inaddition to pay attention to the installation of network cardequipment, but also should pay attention to the installationof some network connection equipment grounding matters,After all, the signal through the network transmission linesare relatively weak, if the installation of equipment groundingproperly, then the network signal in the transmission processis particularly vulnerable to external interference, resultingin the Internet transmission speed is slow, the worst case canlead to paralysis of the entire network phenomenon occurred.Focus on the task, beware of the system powerless

No matter what grade of the computer to the Internet, if yourun too many tasks in the system, the system has no enoughresources to deal with dial-up request, so the Internet speedcan also be influenced by nature. So, in order to prevent thecomputer system for processing internet connection request ispowerless, we'd better not run more than two applications atthe same time in the process of the Internet, to ensure thatthe system can get dial-up request processing.

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