刘强东从来没有供货商说被京东商城压榨Liu Qiangdong neversaid the supplier was squeezed Jingdong mall
Recently, Jingdong mall on the line a lot of new categories,into the hotel booking business, on-line e-book channel, butalso try to sell cars, 300 smart sold in 89 minutes.
After we decided the whole category strategy in the past, webegan to expand constantly. First, we entered the dailynecessities, then the books, audio andvideo. As longas Suning,Gome, WAL-MART, some things we have to go, the future ofJingdong to tens of millions, and now only 2 million. Recentlyentered some virtual products, including travel products.Whole category strategy
It can be said that the Jingdong does not exist within theselection problem.
Now, the scope of Jingdong has gone beyond the department store,how we choose the category, rapid expansion, how to managesupply system, which are with the Jingdong mall' s overallstrategy and information management system is closely related.Our strategy is to let the market choose rather than Jingdongto choose. What categories sell well, what category is not good,we do not really care, we have to do is to put all categoriesas soon as possible on-line.
Of course, not every category on the line can sell a lot, andsome products can not sell on-line much. This product is
delivered directly to the supplier by way of docking. We onlydo maintenance.
Our main work is through our datamining and information systemsanalysis, consumer clicks, browsing and collection, toidentify consumer preference products, to focus onstrengthening the supply chain.
After this, the supply of products through the market and thebusiness department to choose their own, a new category ofon-line sales, after about a week to 15 days, the informationsystem will give a very detailed analysis report, and thendecide what to do with this category. We have a classificationof eachcategory, fromA toF, the first 20%sales are classifiedas A category, the second 20% is the B category, and so on.A category is responsible by a special person, a buyer isprobably only responsible for several suppliers, suppliershave any demand, there will be someone to provide services, Bcategory, everyone may be responsible for dozens of brands.There are about more than 200 suppliers in the C category. Ecategory F category, a person may be responsible for thousandsof suppliers. To be honest, the buyer' s communication andservice to the supplier may not be very good. But also becausethese categories of consumer demand is too small, we do not needto invest a lot of manpower and energy to maintain.
Order management
This virtual online travel products, with the Jingdong beforethe products are different, more service class, we want to
create a fashion Jingdong life platform, and is not a simpleshopping platform, on top of this, there will be natural tourismservice.
We choose the category, the main consideration is the userexperience, rather than make no money. The goal is to satisfythe needs of consumers' work and life on the Jingdong platform.That' s our goal. Most of our users are office white-collarworkers, with 80%of users, most of whom are target groups forbusiness travel. This year, our travel products target salesof at least 2 billion.
Online travel industry with Jingdong mall previously expandedphysical category is different, we just access the platform,the back-end services are many more professional businesses tomeet consumers. As to how to make low prices, there will becompetition between them.
Compared with Ctrip and other online travel platforms, ourbiggest advantage lies in the user experience. Ctrip usersmostly call to book tickets, Jingdong users rarely call,through the order to pay the completion of the booking process.These two user habits are related to the company' s DNAdevelopment. Ctrip development at the beginning, a large numberof people at theairport, the stationand the pier to distributebusiness cards, consumers with business cards can only call,for a long time Ctripusers are also accustomed to call bookingair tickets.
The advantage of order management is that it is almostimpossible for Jingdong to enter the tourism industry, nor does
it need to organize a large customer service team to pick upthe phone,
The remaining service costs are the traffic, the server, andthe bandwidth.
Booking tickets and hotels seems to be a service, but Jingdongmakes the service a product, and its operating costs are verylow. Ctrip' s service costs accounted for about sixty or seventyof the total, we do not even 10%. The cost savings allow us toprovide consumers with cheaper tickets and cheaper hotels, andthis year our travel products target sales of at least 2billion.
Supplier relations
Not long ago, a Jingdong store agreement with the suppliers tobe exposed, that we require the supplier shall ensure that theJingdong store gross profit of $20%, and the total gross profitof not less than 1 million yuan, which extends from the Jingdongmall squeeze judgment.
In fact, never say the supplier by Jingdong mall press, a fewdays ago the news is not the supplier to stand up and say,Chinese Internet Co is to do the most incisive black PR wanteda way to attack others.
Suppliers can not attack us, if not satisfied, not to cooperatewith us on it. Chooseus, or that he is profitable, see the valueof Jingdong platform.
Although the first request, 20%gross margin seems to be a lot,but also depends on what the product is. The product of theexposure supplier is an average of more than 80 yuan of smallhousehold electrical appliances, most of the products are morethan a dozen dollars of razors, or 25 yuan water heater. 20%of the gross profit is only a dozen dollars of profits, and inorder to earnmore than a dozen dollars, Jingdong is responsiblefor warehousing, distribution, payment to after-sales everylink, so count, Jingdong may still lose money. Jingdong mallis still losing money today, that' s why.
In fact, Jingdong for all categories of products are classified,not all require 20%of gross profit. For example, for a $5000laptop, gross profit is probably around 5%. These things arenaturally regulated by the market, not how much I want.All Jingdong suppliers use information systems to manage andreduce human interference. We are talking more about the ruleswith suppliers, such as different categories, such as thesuppliers mentioned earlier, I need to charge 20%, or we losetoo much. Because of small household appliances gross profitis very high, they also earned 30%out of 20%, but they are notwhat to do, the net profit of 30%. And the Jingdong for this20%, need a lot of cost.
Generally, afterwe have signed the contract with the supplier,we will manage it entirely through the information system.Suppliers do not have much communication with us. When the goodsare not available, the information system will issue areplenishment request, according to our information system toreplenish the order.
If it was 4 years ago, it would be difficult for suppliers tocooperate with us, because the company was too small to sellat that time. Plus the time that we have low prices, disruptthe industry Jingdong, like the flat, everyone shouting.Overwhelming reports that we disrupted the market price systemcaused many suppliers to worry.
But no one has said recently, we have proved that the Jingdongdid not disturb the price system, but a new system and very lowcost, qualified and reasonable to offer lower prices forconsumers. Now we are through model differentiation, manymodels are specifically for the Jingdong, we do not affect otherpeople at a low price, and the relationship with suppliers isentering a positive cycle.
The Jingdong has neither the capacity nor the resources tomonopolize the market. Under the conditions of the marketeconomy, there is no question of who is bullying, and supplierswho have worked with Jingdong have made a lot of money.Introducing professional managers
With the increase in category, Jingdong scale is also growingrapidly. In order to adapt to the rapid growth of business, wewill add new executives every year. 3 years ago, the companyhad only one vice president, and this year there were more thana dozen vice presidents.
The adjustment of the organizational structure is to meet theneeds of our business development,
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