对齐css样式大全(CSS style Daquan)

css样式大全  时间:2021-01-04  阅读:()

css样式大全CSS style Daquan

Font properties: (font)

Size {font-size: X-LARGE; } (extra large) XX-Small ; (minimum)general Chinese can not be used, as long as the value can be,units: PX, PD

Style {font-style: oblique; } (partial italic) Italic; (italic)normal; (normal)

Line height {line-height: normal; } (normal) units: PX, PD, EM The thickness of {font-weight: bold; lighter; } (BOLD) (Figure normal) ; (normal)

Variant {font-variant: small-caps; } (small capitalization)normal; (normal)

Case {text-transform: capitalize; } (initial uppercase)uppercase; (uppercase) lowercase; (lower case) none; (no)Modify {text-decoration: underline; } (underline) overline;(line up) line-through; (delete line) blink; (blinking)Commonly used fonts: (font-family)

"Courier, New", Cour ier, monospace, Times, New, Roman, T imes,serif, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana

Background properties: (background)

Color {background-color: #FFFFFF; }

Picture {background-image: URL () }

Repeat {background-repeat: no-repeat; }

Scroll {background-attachment: fixed; } (fixed) scroll;(scroll)

Position {background-position: left; } (horizontal) top (vertical) ;

{background:#000 URL (. . ) -repeat fixed left top; } /*--this code often appears in reading, to study seriously.

Block attribute: (Block) /* this property first met, to a lot of research.

Word spacing {letter-spacing: normal ; } / * the numerical properties appear to be useful, more practice.

Align {text-align: justify; } (both ends aligned) left; (left aligned) right; (right aligned) center; (centered)

Indent {text-indent: value PX; }

Vertically aligned {vertical-align: baseline; } (baseline) sub;(subscript) super; (subscript) top; text-top; middle; bottom;text-bottom;

Word spacing word-spacing: , normal ; numerical value

Space white-space: pre; (reserved) nowrap; (no line feed){display:block; } (block) inline (embedded) ; list-item; run-in;(list) (addit ional) compact (compact) ; marker; table;inline-table (marker) ; table-raw-group; table-header-group;table-footer-group; table-raw; table-column-group;table-column; table-cell; table-caption; (table title)/*display attribute understanding is very fuzzy * /

Box properties: (Box)

Width: ; height: ; float: ; clear:both; padding: ;margin: ; order:right, left, left

Border properties: (Border)

Border-style: dotted; (dot line) dashed; (dotted line) solid;double; (double line) groove; (slot line) ridge; (ridged) inset;(SAG) outs et;

边框宽度 边框宽度

边框颜色 #

简写方法边境宽度的风格色彩 / * * /简写

列表属性 列表样式

类型列表样式类型盘 圆点圈 圆圈广场 方块小数数字下罗马 小罗码数字大写罗马数字较低的α 上α


图像列表样式图像 URL . . 

定位属性 位置


能见度继承可见光 隐藏

溢出可见 隐藏滚动汽车

剪辑矩形12px汽车 12px 自动 裁切CSS属性代码大全


颜色 # 999999 / * * /文字颜色

字体家庭宋体 sans-serif文字字体/ * * /字体大小 9pt / * * /文字大小

字体风格 itelic / * * /文字斜体

字体变形小帽子 / * * /小字体

字母间距 1分 / * * /字间距离

行高 200%设置行高/ * * /

字体重量大胆 / * * /文字粗体垂直对齐子 / * * /下标字

垂直对齐超级 / * * /上标字

文字装饰线通过 / * * /加删除线文字装饰划线 / * * /加顶线

文字装饰下划线加下划线/ * * /文字装饰无 / * * /删除链接下划线文本转换利用首字大写 / * * /文本转换大写 / * * /英文大写文本转换小写 / * * /英文小写文本对齐右 / * * /文字右对齐文本对齐左 / * * /文字左对齐文本对齐 中心文字居中对齐/ * * /文本对齐对齐 / * * /文字分散对齐垂直对齐属性

垂直对齐顶 / * * /垂直向上对齐

垂直对齐底部 / * * /垂直向下对齐

垂直对齐 中部 / * * /垂直居中对齐

垂直对齐文字/ * * /文字垂直向上对齐顶

垂直对齐文字/ * * /文字垂直向下对齐底

二、 CSS边框空白

填料 10px / * * /上边框留空白

填充右 10px / * * /右边框留空白

座垫 10px / * * /下边框留空白

填充左 10px /*左边框留空白

三、 CSS符号属性

目录样式类型无 / * * /不编号

目录样式类型十进制 / * * /阿拉伯数字

目录样式类型低/ * * /小写罗马数字罗马

目录样式类型大写罗马数字 / * * /大写罗马数字


Lowercase letters English / * * /

List-style-type:upper-alpha; /**/English uppercase letters List-style-type:disc; / * * / solid circular symbols

List-style-type:circle; / * * / hollow circular symbols List-style-type:square; / * * / solid square symbol

List-style-image:url (/dot.gif) ; / * * / picture symbols List-style-position: outside; / * * / outdent

List-style-position:inside; / * * / indent

Four and CSS background styles:

Background-color:#F5E2EC; / * * / background color

Background:transparent; / * * / background Perspective Background-image: URL (/image/bg.gif) ; / * * / background picture

Background-attachment: fixed; / * * / f ixed watermark background

Background-repeat: repeat; / * * / - "default repeat array

Background-repeat: no-repeat; / * * / permutation without repetition

Background-repeat: repeat-x; / * * / arranged on the X axis repeat

Background-repeat: repeat-y; / * * / arranged on the Y axis repeat

Specify the background location

Background-position 90%: 90%; /* position background picture X and Y axis

Background-position: top; / * * / to align

Background-posit ion: buttom; / * * / down alignment

Background-position: left; / * * / left justified

Background-position: right; / * * / right justif ied

Background-position: Center; / * * / justifycenter

Five, CSS connection properties:

A / * * / all hyperlinks

A:link / * * / hyperlink text format

A:visited / * visited link text format.

A:active / * press the link format.

A:hover / * * / mouse to link

Mouse cursor style:

Link finger CURSOR: hand

Ten font cursor:crosshair

Arrow down, cursor:s-resize

Cross arrow cursor:move

The arrow is right cursor:move

Add a question mark, cursor:help

Arrow left, cursor:w-resize

Arrow up, cursor:n-resize

The arrow is right up, cursor:ne-resize The arrow is left up, cursor:nw-resize Text type cursor:text I

Arrow oblique, right lower cursor:se-resize



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