
映像  时间:2021-06-20  阅读:()



This month marks Linode’s eighteenth year as a company. Much has changed since the day we started. We’ve seen amazing new technologies emerge, as well as huge growth and adoption of the Internet and of our company along with it. We’ve witnessed cloud computing become the de facto way business gets done. And, from the very earliest days, Linode has played at least some role in making it possible.

Over the last year, people and businesses around the world have relied on the cloud and Linode to adapt to a world that looks nothing like the one they’ve known. Whether it was for hosting personal projects, keeping their business running, or staying connected to friends and family, the cloud made their lives a little easier.

We accomplished much over the past year that makes me proud of the team serving you and our industry:

  • We committed $100,000 a year to helping socially-conscious, not-for-profit organizations that promote positive social change in the world.
  • We released Custom Images to general availability, making it easier for customers to create, store, and deploy one image across machines.
  • We added two free security solutions in Cloud Firewall and Private VLANs to help all customers control traffic to and/or between their Linodes.
  • We expanded support for developer tools, introducing official Linode Terraform Provider and Linode Ansible modules.
  • We made it easier to authenticate into Linode with support for Google and GitHub.
  • Our Support team won five Stevie Awards, including the coveted People’s Choice award.

Those accomplishments are a direct result of your feedback — valuable input that helps us deliver new products and features and a better cloud experience. We’re also excited for what we have coming up:

  • Expanding payment options to support Google Pay
  • Releasing autoscaling control plane resources in Linode Kubernetes Engine
  • Providing support for Cloud Init and a Metadata Service
  • Introducing our Bare Metal beta offering
  • Upgrading all Block Storage clusters from spinning drives to NVMe
  • Incorporating account management tools designed for Linode partners and providers
  • Leveling up our network and fleet to ensure all products are available globally in every data center
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