发 欧氏船舶验船师/审核员 巴拿马船旗船东和管理公司
To: OMCS Ship Surveyors/Auditors,Panama Ship Owners and Managers
Oi l Record Book Guidel ines
MG-2-13-3 Rev. 12/10
The maritime Administration of panama provides guidel ine on the proper maintenance andkeeping of an official Oi l Record Bookas required by MARPOLAnnex I .This Guidel ine should alsobe used by OMCS Surveyors/auditors when conducting statutory verification surveys/audits.通则GEN ERAL:
Oi l Record Books(MI-332)kept on Panama vessels should conform with and supplyal l ofthe information recommended in this Guidel ine and in Annex I of MARPOL.
Oi l Record Book Instructions may be found at this l ink:http://www.register-iri .com/forms/upload/ORB_Instructions.doc.
任何150总吨及以上的油轮和400总吨及以上的其他船舶应使用油类记录簿第I部分来记录有关机舱的作业。另外 150总吨及以上的油轮还应使用油类记录簿第I I部分来记录货油和压载作业。
An Oi l Record Book Part I shal l be carried on board every oi l tanker of 150 gross tons andabove and every other ship of 400 gross tons and above to record relevant machinery spaceoperations. In addition,Oi l Tankers of 150 gross tons and above shal l also carry an Oi l RecordBook Part I I to record cargo and bal last operations.
1 .在开始实际记载作业之前首先应完成油类记录簿的封面页。填写封面页相关信息并检查
第I I部分货油/压载的作业油轮
Before beginning to make actual entries to record operations, the cover of the Oi lRecord Book should be completed.Fi l l in the relevant information on the front cover of the Oi lRecord Book and check:
对于第I部分无须填写计划审查页并建议在这一页延对角画一条直线。对于第I I部分应完整填写以精确显示货油舱、污油水舱以及泵舱的布置。还应将这些舱室及其容积记载在提供的表格中。
For Part I books, the Plan View page need not be completed and preferably,a single l ineshould be drawn diagonal ly across the page.For Part I I books, this page should be completed toaccurately indicate the arrangement of cargo and slops tanks,as wel l as the pump room.Each ofthese tanks and respective capacityshould be included in the table provided.
The Oi l Record Bookshal l be maintained in the Engl ish language.Al l operations describedin the instructions must be clearly and accurately recorded.Entries should be made by theindividual primari ly responsible for the operation directly upon completion of the operation.At theearl iest opportunity,each entry should then be reviewed for completeness by the Chief Engineer,Chief Mate or other person clearly identified in the ship’s Safety Management System,such as theship’s Environmental Officer.Each completed operation shal l be signed for and dated by the officeror officers in charge.Each completed page of the Oi l Record Book must then be reviewed andcountersigned by the Master.
3.说明页中包括一个项目清单。适用时应按照MARPOL73/78附则I和MEPC.1 17(52)决议要求将这些项目记录在油类记录簿中。这些项目按其作业类型分为几组每组用一个字母代码予以标记。
The instruction pages contain a comprehensive l ist of items which are,when appropriate, to berecorded in the Oi l Record Book in accordance with Regulation 20 of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78and Resolution MEPC.1 17(52).The items have been grouped into operational sections,each ofwhich is denoted by a letter code.
When making entries in the Oi l Record Book, the date,operational letter code and itemnumber shal l be inserted in the appropriate columns and the required particulars shal l be recordedchronological ly in the blank spaces.Care must be taken to ensure that the narrative record entryaccurately identifies the exact operation which has been carried out.Supporting relevantinformation such as quantity, time,position, reference to receipts for disposal ,etc.must beincluded,as appropriate.Any receipts which are referenced should be attached to the Oi l RecordBook or readi ly avai lable for review.
5. IMO通函MEPC.1/Circ.736是对油类记录簿第I部分-机器处所作业所有船舶制定的导则。通过向船员提供如何在油类记录簿中记录不同作业的举例和建议该通函促使MARPOL附则I的要求得到满足并确保PSC程序的执行更加统一。 巴拿马主管机关完全认同该导则并建议船东和管理公司向巴拿马旗船舶的船长和高级船员分发该通函便于本指南与该通函结合使用。
The IMO circular MEPC.1/Circ.736 contains guidance for recording of operations in the Oi lRecord Book Part I–machinery space operations(al l ships).This circular is intended to faci l itatecompl iance with the requirements of MARPOL Annex I by providing advice and examples to crewson how to record the various operations in the Oi l Record Book,and to ensure a more uniform portState control procedure.The Administration ful ly endorses the guidance,and recommends
shipowners and operators disseminate the IMO circular to Masters and officers of Panamasflagged vesselsfor use in conjunction with this Marine Guidel ine.
6.然而 由于船舶形态的多样性、代码和项目定义的模糊性在具体情况下如何使用合适的代码可能有不同理解。但按照这些说明在油类记录簿中忠实填写包括代码、项目号和准确作业的记录清晰的描述出材料及已进行的相关作业 并提供需要的相关信息便达到了制定公约油类记录簿填写要求的初衷。选择使用第三方容易理解的代码应予认可这样做不应被视为对要求的违背、违反或是应受到惩罚的行为。
Notwithstanding, the Administration recognizes that varied vessel configurations andvagueness of code and item definitions may lead to different interpretations as to the appropriatecode to be used in a particular circumstance.However,a good faith entry made in the Oi l RecordBook, in accordance with these instructions and including a code letter, item number and accuratenarrative record of operations which clearly identifies the material and the associated operationwhich has been carried out,with al l relevant required information provided,satisfies the intent ofthe Convention’s Oi l Record Book entry requirements.That the choice of code to be used issusceptible to third party interpretation is recognized but should not be considered a contraventionor grounds for adverse or punitive enforcement actions.
The Oi l Record Book contains many references to oi l quantity.The l imited accuracy of tankmeasurement devices, temperature variations,and cl ingage wi l l affect the accuracy of thesereadings.The entries in the Oi l Record Book should be considered accordingly.
Corrections may,and should be made, to the Oi l Record Bookwhen appropriate and in anovert manner.The corrections must be made in a manner that describes the circumstancesleading to the need for the corrective entry and clearly describes the previous entry being corrected.In the event that it is discovered that there has been a fai lure to make a required entry, it should bemade immediately in the next avai lable l ine of the current Oi l Record Book.This entryshouldaccurately reflect the operation with regard to date,code, item,and narrative,as wel l as adescription as to whythe entry is being made at later date.No attempt should ever be made toerase or modify previous entries in a mannerother than described above.Neithershould Oi lRecord Books be re-written,even to make them more legible.Such actions may be viewed asattempts to mislead or cover-up inappropriate actions.
Al l di l igence must be carried out in assuring the accuracy and completeness of entriesin the Oi l Record Book.Entries made in the Oi l Record Book,as wel l as other required recordkeeping documents constitute testimony by those making the entries and those responsible forendorsing and keeping the logbooks.As a result,Oi l Record Books that do not accurately reflectconditions on the vessel or operations are often seen as false testimonyor evidence of wrongdoingby authorities carrying out obl igations under the MARPOL Convention,as wel l as coastal
requirements.Masters are wel l advised to exercise strict oversight and control over themaintenance and safekeeping of the Oi l Record Book.
Owners and their Legal Advisors,Masters and Officers are reminded that, in additionto statutory requirements concerning maintenance of an Oi l Record Book, this record is a valuablemeans of providing proof that the ship has compl ied with anti-pol lution regulations.
1 1 .油类记录簿应随时准备提交海事检查官或所在水域港口国检查官检查。使用完成的油类记录簿必须保留3年 自最后一次记录完成起算。只有在特殊情况下例如港口或沿岸国当局依照法律并陈明必要性时才能将船上正在使用的或使用完成的油类记录簿带走。作为替代船上必须保存经核准的油类记录簿副本并留存该当局说明取走原因的收据。这种情况下还须立刻通报主管机关IRI 。
The Oi l Record Book must be avai lable at al l times for examination by Nautical Inspectorsor Inspectors of any port State when within the jurisdiction of that State.Completed Oi l RecordBooks must be preserved for three(3)years from the date of the last entry.Otherwise,only inexceptional circumstances,such as when a port or coastal State Authority can articulate a legalbasis and reasons why it is necessary,may the current or completed Oi l Record Books beremoved from the vessel .They must be replaced by certified copies and a receipt from theremoving authority should be left on board stating the reason for the removal . In such cases, theAdministration must be notified immediately.
12.当船舶管理发生变化时油类记录簿通常被前任管理公司从船上拿走并保存在某处。每本记录簿将于最后一个条目的填写日期开始保存不少于三年并在需要时供IRI或其他主管当局检查。另外最后使用中的油类记录簿的经核准的副本必须保存在船上供新的船舶管理公司参考其中包含的条目记录应不少于6个月时期。可以接受船长开具的证明信证明船上记录簿的副本是原件真实而准确的替代。 自新的船舶管理日开始应在船上使用新的油类记录簿其中的第一个条目记载使用新记录簿的原因为船舶管理方面的变动。
When the management of a ship changes,Oi l Record Books are often removed from theship to a place of safekeeping by the former managers.Each book is to be kept for a period of notless than three(3)years from the date of last entry and must remain avai lable for inspection by theAdministration or another competent authority,as required.Additional ly,a certified copy of the lastOi l Record Book in use must be left on board for the benefit of the new managers,with entriescovering a period of not less than six(6)months.Certification bythe Master, that the copy onboardis a true and accurate representation of the original , is acceptable.A new Oi l Record Book,from thedate of new management,shal l then be place on board and started with an entry indicating thereason for the new Oi l Record Book as change of ship management.
The circular becomes effective immediately upon issuing date.
OMCS Survey Branches are requested to forward the present circular to the Panamaship Owners and Managers.
MI Marine Guidel ine2-13-3/Oi l Record BookGuidel ines
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