屏蔽教你如何利用host文件屏蔽恶意网站(Teach you how to use the host file to block malicious web site)

host文件  时间:2021-02-27  阅读:()

教你如何利用host文件屏蔽恶意网站Teach you how to use thehost file to block malicious web site

The way to get into Host is to startrunning%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, and you canuse Notepad to open the edit. . . The URL that you think is amalicious web site can be shielded. . .

The working principle of the host file: many users know thereis a Hosts file in the Window system (no suffix) , in Windows98 system the file in the Windows directory, in the Windows2000/XP system located in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etcdirectory. The file is actually a plain text file, and can beopened with ordinary text editing software, such as notepad.UsingNotepad to open the hosts file, first saw the descriptionof this document Microsoft.

This document is to work according to the TCP/IP for Windowsstandard, it is the role of mapping including the IP addressand host name of the Host name, is a provision for mapping IPaddress andhost name of the Host name, the requirements of eachsection can include a mapping relation of IP address to put inthe front of each section after writing, space mapping Host namehost name. For this mapping is used to illustrate the "#"withtext segmentation.

Now let' s take a look at how Hosts works in Windows. We knowthat access to the web site, first through the DNS server toresolve the domain name network (http://www. 163. com) to

61.XXX.XXX.XXX IP address, we can access the computer. If eachdomain name request, we wait for DNS server to return IP

information, so the efficiency of access to the network willbe reduced, and Hosts file can improve the efficiency of parsing.According to the Windows system, before the DNS request,Windows system will first check whether the address mapping ofits ownHosts file, if there is acall to the IP address mapping,if not to the known DNS DNS server is proposed. That is to say,the request level of Hosts is higher than that of DNS.Knowing the way Hosts files work, what role does it play inspecific applications?

1. speed up the domain name for frequently visited sites, wecan through the mapping between the domain name and IP in theHosts configuration, so that when we enter the domain name ofthe computer will be able to quickly resolve the IP, withoutrequesting DNS server on the network.

2. convenient local area network users in many units of the LAN,there will be server provided to users. However, the DNS serveris rarely installed in the LAN, and it is very troublesome formany people to access these services to enter the difficult toremember IP address. You can now take these servers to an easilyremembered name, and then build the IP map in Hosts, so we' llenter the name of the server later.

3. screen site now has many sites, not through the user consent,will be a variety of plug-ins installed in your computer, andsome may be Trojan or virus. For these sites, we can use Hoststo map the domain name of the site to the wrong IP or the IPof our own computer, so that we don't have to access it. Forexample, do not want to visit http://www. 163. com, then we write

http://www. 163.com#website shield shield website domain nameanalytic computer analysis to the machine or the wrong IP, toachieve the purpose of the shield.

4. smooth connection system for Lotus server and some databaseserver, when access, if directly enter the IP address that isnot accessible, can only enter the server name to access. Sowe configure the Hosts file so that the input server name canbe successfully connected. Finally, it is pointed out that themapping of the Hosts file configuration is static. If thecomputer on the network changes, please update the IP addressin time, otherwise it will not be accessible. This afternoon,I sort out the HOST file, most of the address is collected inthe forum, now like to download. . .

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Citation Report 2 floor was published at 16:25 2007-11-12360 malicious web shield is a special tool for maliciouswebsites to screen. At the same time, you can also use this toolto quickly modify the host table of this machine, is a veryconvenient and practical gadget.

360 malicious website shield main function: Quick Edit Hosttable; through Host table to shield malicious web site; shareHost table with Internet users, timely shield the latestmalicious web site.

360 security guards launched by the Qihoo, completely freeinternet safety class software support tools and systems, ithas popular killing Trojans, clean up bad plug-ins, managementapplication software, Kabasiji virus, real-time protectionsystem, a number of powerful repair system vulnerabilities,while also providing a comprehensive diagnosis system, immunepopup plugin, cleaning the use of trace and system restorespecific auxiliary functions, and provide a comprehensivereport on the diagnosis system, easy for users to locate theproblems, for each user to provide a full range of securityprotection system.

Download address: http://dl. 360safe. com/HostEditor. exeSignal Corps

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Citation Report 3 floor was published at 18:22 2007-11-22


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Citation Report 4 floor was published at 19:30 2007-11-22

Thank you for the first time before the 5 Building


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Citation Report 5 floor was published at 20:31 2007-11-22I see computer newspaper websites have the file to download,but I download a web page, I am very depressed, who know thishow to download this file?A friend saw to my QQ, RAR file ha,thanks in advance

Zhan gmi ao5920

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Citation Report 6 floor was published at 21:29 2007-11-22top


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Citation Report 7 floor was published at 21:59 2007-11-22S gb52188

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Citation report 8 floor was published at 21:59 2007-11-22Before the 10 building


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Citation report 9 floor was published at 22:01 2007-11-22good


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Citation report 10 floor published at 2007-11-23 03:42Ataoxxx



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