婚礼歪歪语音网络婚礼主持人词及配音文件包-婚礼可用词(Crooked voice network wedding host words and voice files package - wedding available words)

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歪歪语音网络婚礼主持人词及配音文件包-婚礼可用词Crookedvoice network wedding host words and voice files package -wedding available words

Every rose is in the name of love. In the years when roses areinbloom, it will bloom into a beautiful paradise in the heartsof those who love each other!

Dear friends, love in the spring bloom, results in the fall inlove, love is sacred, love is pure, today we are the intimatelover they after baptism, will be staged one of the mostsplendid chapter in love here.

Distinguished ladies, gentlemen, elders, guests, everyone(Music: romantic wedding) !

Welcome to * * * hotel, which is filled with happiness andromantic wedding scene, to feel the wonderful feeling of human,human love, friends, guests, some people say that love is a kindof magical power, the life will be happy, some people say, loveis akindof spirit the amount obtainedwill let the years flash,and we say, love is a happy release, because we have no longerafraid of years of wind and frost and rain, today in the deepand vast sea of love, a boat has raised the Golden Sail in themagnificent and colorful life journey a small, warm family isabout to be born, accompanied with water, autumn scenery,moonlight, they had traveled together through the wind, walkon through the rain, the flowers bloom, through the clouds.1 new players

Ask the bride and groom to be on the stage:

How much of an ideal setting for a couple in love,

How many wedding dreams?,

Today, you finally join hands to enter the sacredmarriage hall.First of all, we will use the four seasons as water to open yourjourney of love,

Through the spring, summer, autumn and winter

Through the years, reincarnation,

How many love, how many love?,

Today is a time for you to witness this romantic moment.2 the water of four seasons

Spring: (green) groom, please hold your left hand tightly withthe bride' s right hand, and put your other hand on your chest.The first water youwill inject immediately is thewater of hopefrom Mohe County, the northernmost part of China. It is thesymbol of spring in Heilongjiang! In your future life this isa start is a starting point, from a new starting point to yourlife andwork canbe full of vigour, Spring is inthe air. Pleaseinfuse the springwater of hope into the transmigration of years._

Xia: (red) please raise the water of passion from Heilongjiang,China' s most eastern Suifenhe. It is the symbol of summer! Thered wine, into the time of rebirth, he will wish you love sweetred,

Rachel: (yellow) please two new four eyes relative, said autumnis the season of maturity, you gain the love from today, youwill have your own love home, life in the future there may besome small collision and friction, so that you may understandeach other, the mature with each other inclusive, face thefuture life with tolerance.

Groom, can you love your bride and forgive her when you are introuble?

Bride, can you cherish your bridegroom and care for him and helphim when he is lost?

In front of you is the mature water from Zhanjiang, China' ssouthernmost province of Hainan. It is the symbol of autumn!Let it take your oath into the transmigration of time.Winter: (colorless) the last one is taken from the natural snowwater on the Pamirs Plateau in the west of China, symbolizingthe sanctity of winter, andbringing it into the cycle of time.I think this season is the most holy of all seasons of the year.It brings us dreams, fairy tales, the world, the prince, andso on. Embrace your princess with your big arms.

3 halo of love

The four seasons of the water has been blending together, wewere surprised to see the seasons water brought out a strangeblue, the blue eyes as deep as the sea, like the vast blue sky,there are two before you put it in the spirit of love pleasethis blue sea, let us trust love demon, return to nature formagic the two love ring opening. Two new players, please weardiamond rings for each other. This diamond ring has beenentrusted with the responsibility, love, love, understandingand tolerance of cupid. We see that the fish are still happyto enjoy colorful aura, because the time of rebirth with 24sparkling crystal, it is a symbol of our Chinese 24 solar term,his light contains everything in your universe and best wishes.I wish you awater miscible, deep inside, never abandon, foreverin love!

I declare the following: two new wedding ceremony at theceremony into the bridal chamber!

It is a beauty, Hongmei spit into the knot, and permanentharmonic node couple. Today is the day of the Christian year.Waves in the spring, full of vitality, the most favorableauspices of the day, we meet the wedding banquet, gatheredtogether to celebrate two new joint wedding ceremony. For awhile, the movement will be the wedding ring sounds,

The heart of a lover will collide with the most splendid sparkof man here, and a new couple will lead both hands into thesacred palace. At this time, a banquet hall The house is fullof guests. Xinpenglaoyou, laughter, friendship with all theguests, immersed in the beautiful and hope for joy. Today, theceremony comes from the leadership of the unit, and a new pair

of colleagues, students, fellow citizens, and friends andfamily. Distinguished guests, you are ambassadors offriendship and auspiciousness. Your presence and you bring theauspicious sign to today' s ceremony, to add luster, also makethe wedding scene is today. In today' s big day, you sent warmth,sent friendship, sent good luck, sent the best blessing. Here,I represent a couple of both parents and relatives of everyoneto visit a warm and heartfelt thanks to 1 at the same time, toexpress my heartfelt thanks to provide enthusiastic servicesto today' s wedding ceremony to support and to make arrangementsfor you master, Mr. and miss the wedding ceremony today, aphotographer, photography master, master driver and otherfriends! Now, the sonata guns, a pair of new admission!Distinguished guests, dear friends, mutual, forever, with thefestive firecrackers and wonderful music, a couple of handsinto the wedding hall. The bridegroom is at work, and the brideis at work. The two of themafter aperiod of acquaintance, love,the dream has finally come true, it really is married, the twoheart, only in a hope, finally look forward to the mostbeautiful scene in this life.

Ten years in the same boat repair, repair centuries to sleep.Life is a flower of which love is the honey of the flower, whenlove fruits fall off when ripe through legal means for both menand women, married when everyone in the life the most touchingscene begins. From then on, a new family was born. The vast seaof human beings, there are two independent households, morethan a mutual aid group. Here, we congratulate the two twohundred years old my heart was handsome, one of the spring andAutumn period, we sincerely wish the two new silk knot andaccompany forever to said of a couple. Let' s congratulate them

on the happiness of the two of them with warm applause! Whenthe sky is four, the spring is the first, and the world is thefirst. Happiness in this sacred and exciting moment, the brideand groomwill not forget the bear bitter hardships raise theirparents, will not forget the leaders at all levels and friendsfor their care and training, the couple held a ceremony toworship. Abow, like al Gao: anewhome, don' t forget the parents;then bow, upbringing, life return; three bow, wish themhappiness as immense as the Eastern Sea health and longevity.Now, all visitors to the three bow bow, thank you for your careand help the leadership and training, to give their family withdeep concern of friends andrelatives, work life to help friendspay tribute. Bow again, thanks to all my friends came tocongratulate, always put the beautiful scene and the profoundfriendship retention and his memory; three bow, wish you allthe leaders and guests good health and smooth work, familyhappiness, good luck in everything, all wishes come true, loveis sweet. Following husband and wife to worship.

The significance of the couple' s worship lies in the formalestablishment of such a solemn couple status from the love stageto the quantitative change to a couple' s process of qualitativechange. First of all, the establishment of equality between thetwo sides, in the family stage, did not lead the lead, alldecisions are generated by the husband and wife together todiscuss the discussion of a study. If the marriage who made amistake, please put your wedding feast today video, savor thehost' s marriage together all the guests had silently blessing,dig their own ideological roots, I think everything will beresolved. A couple listen, take a bow, this worship, remember,more than Taoyuan three sworn brothers together, never abandon

the worship; bow again, remember, after marriage a happy lifeon efforts; three bow, the bow, not forget, your loved ones inhigh fashion, you don't fight. Ladies and gentlemen, friends,men are boats, women are sails, and families are harbours.Marriage is the end of love long-distance running, and it isthe starting point of walking along the long road. Premaritallove is often full of romance and fantasy, and deeper feelingsneed to be cultivated after marriage. Marriage is no joke,marriage is happy, happy is the emotion, emotion is long, allthis can only be achieved on both sides of duty in. A coupleof keep in mind that the universe of 1,000,000,000 universesboundless, since you decided, hand inhand, we must cherish thisgreat love, let your feet tread, to the marriage to ship it todo everything possible to pull together in times of trouble,the other side of the good life. Caring for leaders, deep lovefor friends, beautiful flowers,

Intoxicating wine, smiling faces, a blessing, are in a pair ofnew people to express a common voice, like-minded, forming apair of happy partners, shoulder to shoulder, forward, gave twofiery hearts. We sincerely wish lovers, we sincerely wish thegood life of peace, we are calling the springtime of loveresides, we sincerely pray for a better tomorrow. Well, now theafternoon sun, the time has come to the wedding banquet, pleaseall the guests end light toast, toast for a couple of marriage!Here' s to the health of all the leaders and friends! To our happyand happy tomorrow! Drink wedding feast

"Wedding comedy"

Distinguished guests! Dear friends and relatives! Leaders!

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Send Chungui rain, snow to the Spring Festival, in the brightspring days of the season; Xiangche welcome lady wine dinnerguests. At this exciting moment! Mr. ****Ms. tie the knot! ! !You can come to congratulate for relatives and friends! Onbehalf of the host, Mr. * * * *, I extend my warmest welcomeand heartfelt thanks to you all ! !

The first call for the minister, witnesses, introducer. . . .Seated. Next, let' s welcome the bride and groom as the sacredwedding hall! (performing a wedding march)

Look at a couple of side by side, walk into the wedding scene,let us warm applause to congratulate them for a happy marriage!Look, the groom is handsome, handsome, dignif ied and energetic.The elegant, noble and dignified!

I heard that the young man had (learned martial arts, is a crossjump the Yellow River vertical jump, tall as foot, big pole onsleep too narrow, walking in Taishan also said the dwarf. Itis invisible, the wind through the front. Don't walk on thetreetops flutter, the ash heaps do not smoke, do not fall intothe tofu stacking it there is no see) ask the bridegroom brideis gentle and graceful bearing, like a water lotus, magnificentpeony, the monk saw to flee to the Jade Emperor saw himself,this is all langcainvmao qinjin, Pearl wall hi. Let us againwith warm applause to congratulate them a happy marriage! ! Next,I'd like to introduce you to all the guests:

The first is the master of the * * * * * * * *.

Let me introduce myself. I'm the host of XX wedding center. . . .It is the year of the Christian calendar. On this auspiciousoccasion I declare Mr. * * and * * miss the wedding ceremonyofficially began! Mingpao, music!

Firecrackers, music, the hotel is full of laughter, one by one,sitting, this is not the general assembly. Theweddingwas firstread the certificate please don't violate, witnesses who readthe marriage certificate! Because we have a customs area,during the wedding the couple should grab the marriagecertificate said who was the first one who first asked the groomyou want when you want to ask the bride so please Bridesmaidtwo people together toward the station respectively to theopposite of the bride and groomwere 123 pre start active waterthe tree has a root married parents must worship money, pleasea couple for the people!

With growing children tending to wish you happiness and longbowmore than twenty rearing children always honor you, two bow,thirty fame dust and soil, and do not forget the father andmother of the family is three * ** bow flowers today to marry

*meet before aunt called today changed to call Mom please thebride with everybody the surface of the affectionate wheneveryone with your mother-in-law mom! I heard the sound of themore money the more mom is a eight thousand eight hundred andeight mom back to mother wearing a little red flower. Filialdaughter-in-law all boast that mother money is one hundred andone yuan, what meaning mean daughter-in-law is very good is thecream of the crop, mom also call dad, change lens stay, hereis the bride cry louder changed to Dad, the louder the sound




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