Dedicateddedicated student是什么意思

Dedicated  时间:2020-11-17  阅读:()

dedicated to可以表示致力于吗?to后边接动词不定式吗?

就是献身于、致力于某事的意思,但是其中包含的含义并不是普通的、随便有那么几天做这件事,而是将大量时间、精力或其他方面的牺牲投入进去。 后加名词或者动名词(doing),不加不定式。 例句:He dedicated his life to fighting corruption.


这两个词都含“奉献”、“献身”的意思。 ● dedicate 正式用词,指某人对高尚的事业坚定的决心和信念,并为其奉献一切,乃至生命。devote 普通用词,指决心把全部身心、精力、时间等献给某一目标、人或事业,并不十分强调对理想的奉献,而更多地强调出于热心,爱好而奉献。 两者只是意义侧重不同,常可替换。常用结构是:dedicate /devote…… to…… 。to 为介词,常接sth. 或doing sth.。 1)She dedicated /devoted all her life to the welfare of women and children. 她把一生都献给了妇女和儿童福利的事业。 2)He started to study ecology and decided to devote /dedicated his whole life to the science. 他开始研究生态学,并决心把整个生命奉献给这门科学。 3)He has devoted /dedicated himself to teaching since he graduated from the college in 1962. 一九六二年他大学毕业后一直献身于教育工作。 4)I want to see all of us dedicate ourselves to the principles for which we fought. 我希望看到所有的都人献身于我们为之奋斗的原则中去。 5)She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to her art. 她欣然辞去了兼职工作,全身心地投入到她的艺术中去。 dedicate还可以用于表示把某物献给某人以表示爱戴或纪念。 1)I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude to my uncle. 我将这套册子献给我叔叔谨表示对他的深爱积和感激。 2)The film is dedicated to those who gave their lives for the cause of liberation. 这部电影献给那些为解放事业献出了生命的人们。 3)She dedicated her first album to Woody Allen. 她把自己的第一张专辑献给了伍迪·艾伦。 ● 这两个词的被动结构还可以用于表示“专用于”,dedicated多用于指组织、机构、报刊杂志等专用于;devoted多用于指物品专用于。 1)The magazing is dedicated to science as all its articles deal with scientific matters. 这本杂志是有关科学的专门杂志,所有文章都讲述科学问题。 2)Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is anization dedicated to assisting development in the world’s poor countries. 海外志愿服务是一个致力于援助世界上最贫困的国家的组织。 3)They have developed 160 000 hectares of plantations devoted to oil palm, tea, cocoa and banana. 他们开发了16万公顷的种植园,专门种植致油棕榈、茶、可可和香蕉。 4)Evening courses for adultys range from classes devoted to basic skills to classes for graduate univsersity degrees. 为成人开设的夜校课程范围从基本技能课程直到大学研究生学位课程。 ● devote 还可以用于表示“把“时间、精力、金钱等)花在……上面”,其结构是:devote ……to(doing)sth.,相当于spend 的用法,但spend的结构是: spend …… on sh. 或spend …… (in) doing sh. 。 1)He devoted much of his time and effort to the improvement of the device. He devoted much of his time and effort to improving the device. 他把他的大部分时间和精力花在的改进装置上。 2)He spends much of his time and effort on the improvement of the device. He spendsmuch of his time and effort (in) improving the device. 他把他的大部分时间和精力花在的改进装置上。 3)Web publication of course notes allows teachers to spend less class time (in) lecturing and to devote more time to discussion. 网络出版的课程笔记可使教师花较少时间用于授课而把更多时间用于讨论。 4)The constitution requires the government to devote one-fifth of its spending to education. 宪法要求政府把开支的五分之一投放到教育。

dedicated 用法与devoted有什么不同 后可加动名词吗

dedicated 努力工作的, 专注的, 投入的 = working hard at sth because it is important to you, mitted 的同义词; 从英语释义看指的是人的工作态度 They are dedicated to their work. 从英语释义看指的是人的devoted 挚爱的, 忠诚的 = having great love for sb/sth and being loyal to them 从英语释义看指的是人的内在品质 They are devoted to their children/work. be dedicated to / devoted to doing sth 都正确, 只不过意思有区别。

dedicated to you 什么意思意思

dedicated to you 献给你 《Dedicated To You》是妖瑶创作的网络小说,发表于晋江文学网。 Tonight is dedicated to you! 今晚为你献身!

dedicated student是什么意思

dedicated student 执着的学生 双语例句 1. I was a dedicated student, and I had my heartset on going to USM. 我是个执着的学生, 一心想上南密西西比州大学. 2. Student volunteers are cheerleaders and lapcounters for the dedicated runners plete lap around the track. 学生志愿者则为这些认真跑完一圈又一圈跑道的选手担任拉拉队与圈数计数员. 3. We have a Student modation Officer who is dedicated to help you make your initial booking. 我们拥有学生宿舍管理员,可以帮助你预定宿舍. dedicated 英 [?ded?ke?t?d] 美 [?d?d??ket?d] adj.专注的,投入的; 献身的; 专用的 v.奉献(dedicate的过去式和过去分词 有奉献精神的;专注;专用的;专注的 派生词:dedicatedly

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