
名词解释  时间:2021-02-22  阅读:()


0 introduction

Lexicology is a branch of linguistics,which is both a theoretical andpractical course.

There are generally two approaches tothe study of words, namely ____ and


synchronic, diachronic

C1 Basic Concepts of Word andVocabularyword

A word is a minimal free form of alanguage that has a given sound andmeaning and syntactic function.

What is the relationship between soundand meaning

There is no logical relationshipbetweensound and meaning as the symbolicconnectionbetween them is arbitrary andconventional. Eg. Dog means gou inChinese. On the other hand, the samesound rait can mean right, rite, andwrite, though denoting different things,them have the same sound.

Why do more and more differences occurbetween sound and form?

Why is English sound an imperfectrepresentation of the spoken form?English alphabet does not have aseparate letter to represent eachsound in the language.

Pronunciation has changed morerapidly than spelling over the years.Borrowing of foreign language.

Some of the differences were createdby the early scribes.

Printingfreezes the spellingof wordswhile sound continues to change asusual.


Vocabulary refers to the total number ofthe words in a language, all the wordsused in aparticularhistorical period,and all the words of a given dialect andso on.

By__, words canbe classified into___.by use frequency, basic word stock andnonbasic vocabulary;by notion, content words and functionalwords;by origin, native words and borrowedwords.the basic word stock

The basic word stock is the foundationof the vocabulary accumulated overcenturies and forms the common core ofthe language.

What is the character of basic wordstock?

All national character. The basic wordstock denote the most common thingsand phenomena of the world around us.Stability, they are likely to remainrelatively unchanged.

Productivity, they are mostly rootwords, means they can form new wordswith other roots and affixes.

Polysemy, they often possess more thanone meaning.

Collocability, many of them have manyset expressions, proverbial sayingsand so on. Eg, heart, a heart of gold,learn by heart.


Terminology is technical terms used inparticular disciplines and academicareas as in music, symphony.jargon

Jargon is the specialized vocabulariesby which members of particular arts,sciences, trades and professionscommunicate among themselves as inbusiness, bottom line for unavoidableresult.slang

Slang is the sub-standard language,which seems to stand between thestandard general words includinginformal ones available to everyone andin-group words like jargon and argot, eg.Dough and bread means money.


Argot is the jargon of criminals. Onlythe sub-cultural groups use it, andoutsiders can hardly understand it, eg,Persuader means dagger.dialectal words

Dialectal words is words used only byspeakers of the dialect inquestion, eg.Beauty in Australia means excellent.archaisms

Archaisms are words or forms that wereonce incommonusebutarenowrestrictedonly to specialized or limited use. Eg,brethren means brother.neologisms

Neologisms are newly-created words orexpressions, or words that have taken onnew meanings. Eg, internet.

可编辑functional words

Functional words, also called emptywords, form words, do not have notionsof their own. Their chief function is toexpress the relation between words orbetween sentences. Prepositions,conjunctions belong to it. Eg, on, to.What are the features of native words?


They are in basic word stock.

They are neutral in style.

They are frequent in use.borrowings

We can classified the borrowed wordsinto four classes according to ____.the degree of assimilation and manner ofborrowing.

The four classes of borrowings are____.denizens, aliens, translation-loans,semantic-loans.denizens

Denizens is words borrowed early and noware well assimilated into Englishlanguage. Eg. Pork.aliens

Aliens are borrowings which haveretained their original pronunciationand spelling. Eg, decor.translation-loans

Translation-loans is words andexpressions formed from the existingmaterial in the English language butmodeled on the patterns taken fromanother language. Eg. Mother tongue fromLatin.


Semantic-loans is words not borrow withreference to the form, but borrow theirmeanings. Eg, the modern meaning ofdream borrowed from Norse.

C2 The Development of the EnglishVocabulary

Three main period in English historyOld English, Anglo-Saxon; Middle

English, 1150-1500; Modern English.If we say that Old Englishwas a languageof full endings, Middle English was oneof leveled endings.

It can be concluded that English hasevolved from a synthetic language (OldEnglish) to the present analyticlanguage.


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