前例Sites fail age verification check 网站没有年龄确认查询系统-英语新闻-社会生活-

年龄查询  时间:2021-02-21  阅读:()

Sites fai l ageverification check网站没有


更多英语新闻-社会生活-请点击这里获得Children's charities are backing a plan to make web retailers ensureyoung people cannot buy age-restricted goods.


Checks on who is buying a knife need to be more rigorous, saycampaigners

A private members bill going through the House of Lords is calling forit to be mandatory 命令的强制性的 for web retailers to adopt age

verification systems.

The bill on age-checking has the backing of charities who say it is tooeasy for children to buy alcohol,knives and violent video games online.

A check on twelve sites found that thorough checks were not beingdone.

Few sites asked buyers to prove their age,found a study

No tests

The Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification)Billhas been proposed by Baroness Massey and calls for "robust" checkingsystems to be used by any site selling age-restricted goods.

These systems should go further than just making customers tick a box,it said.

The age-checking systems would have to be used if one of 20 separateproducts were sold including knives, alcohol, tobacco, age-restrictedvideo games and DVDs, solvents 溶剂 and spray paints 喷漆 .

Trading standards officers from Greenwich Council carried out tests ona number of websites to check their age verification processes.

In a supervised test,a 16-year-old bought pre-paid credit cards and thenwent online to see if he could buy age-restricted goods with it.The creditcard was registered with the minor's 未成年人副修科目 real date ofbirth and address.

The teenager managed to buy knives, drink, and 18-rated DVDs andgames from 12 separate online retailers.

Oddbins,one of the sites visited, said it was aware of the tests and thatit welcomed the second reading of Baroness Massey's bill.

"We do take this matter seriously and are investigating procedures thatmay assist us in ensuring that sales of alcohol are to over 18s only,"addeda spokesperson.

Debenhams,which sold knives to the teenager, said it had a"very clearpolicy"on the issue of selling knives online.

"Customers who visit Debenhams'website pages where knives are forsale are made aware that these are age-restricted products and shouldtherefore only purchase them if they are over 18," it said in a statement.

"Debenhams would never knowingly sell knives to anyone under theage of 18 years old," it added.

Only three of the retailers asked for the teenager to confirm his age atthe time of purchase.He got round these by lying about his age.The othersites simply said that buying the goods was a declaration that he was theright age to buy them.

"Although a small sample, our findings from this operation seem toshow the danger to which young people can be exposed on the internet,"said councillor 议员评议员 Maureen O'Mara,Greenwich Council'scabinet member for neighbourhood services, in a statement.

Greenwich Council has written to all the web firms involved in the test.

"Retailers' increasingly successful efforts to control the sale of age

restricted products over the counter on the High Street are being seriouslyundermined by their failure to take similarly effective steps to limit salesof exactly the same items on the internet," said Zoe Hilton, a policyadvisor for the NSPCC speaking on behalf of the Children's CharitiesCoalition on Internet Safety.

The Coalition,which includes Barnardo's, the National Children'sBureau and Action for Children, said a precedent 先例前例 onage-verification systems had already been set with gambling sites.

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